Won't You Please Help Me

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Mako let out a noise greatly resembling a squawk as Wren dropped him on a Rainwing platform and kept flying, heading straight for Glory, or Deathbringer, or whatever responsible dragon he ran into first.

"HEY!" Mako called after him. "DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEEE!" It occurred to Wren then that he'd ditched his little cousin on a particularly high platform that had no way to climb down from, and seeing as Mako wasn't good at flying yet, he was basically stranded there. 

And at this moment in time, Wren didn't really care. Besides, if Mako was stuck on the platform, he couldn't run away or get hurt. 

Unless he fell off. 

But Wren liked to think that Mako wasn't THAT stupid, even if Teal would disagree with him. 

But apparently motherly senses were a thing, and abandoning Mako on a high platform was enough for Orange's to kick in, because Wren blinked and next thing he knew, a rage colored Orange was right in front of him.

"AH! ORANGE!" He screeched, startled so bad he nearly dropped from the sky.

"What do you think you're doing?" She questioned.

"Well, I was gonna find help, but I think you'll do."

"Why do you need help?"

"I found Joy." Orange blinked.


"I found Joy," He repeated. 


"She's being kept in the old Nightwing Fortress on the Nightwing Island. Macaw, his father, Crow, and Raven are guarding her."

"How do you know this?"

"Because I was just near the fortress and I heard Crow and Raven talking about it!" 

"Well that's... incredibly lucky, I'll go find Deathbringer," Orange insisted. "And you go get my son off that platform before he falls to his death,"

"Okay," Wren turned.

"Oh, and Wren?"

Yeah?" Orange grabbed him by the throat. 

"You take my son to the Nightwing Island without my permission again, and I'll dismember you in a way that would make Joy proud." Wren paled. "Understood?" He nodded meekly, and Orange released him, flying off to locate Deathbringer.

Within the hour, the Royal Family was once again all gathered in Glory's office, discussing a plan.

"And you're absolutely certain this is where she's being kept?" Kelp asked.

"Positive," Wren nodded.

"And that it's just the four of them guarding?" Deathbringer went on.

"They didn't mention anyone else," Wren admitted. "And I don't know anyone else that might be helping them except maybe Faithbringer, but that seems unlikely."

"No, Faithbringer's not helping them," Rainkeeper shook his head. 

"How do you know?"

"I keep a tab open on her," He offered. "Air's request. She's living in a tree house in one of the more overgrown parts of the Mudwing border. Keeps to herself, and as far away from Macaw and her sons as she can get while still being on our territory. She won't even speak to them, let alone help out with something like this."

"What about Macaw's mother?" Rin asked. Glory shook her head.

"Dead." She offered. "Maybe that's one of the reasons why Macaw and his family are so messed up. Lack of maternal figures." Wren shrugged.

"Doubtful. It didn't seem to affect Raven at all." The others exchanged a glance. "....What?" Wren looked at them, growing uneasy. "What is it?"

"Wren, Raven was still apart of this," Shore said gently. "He's the one who led you to Macaw and got Joy kidnapped in the first place. He's just as guilty as the rest of his family." Wren stared at them, awaiting the punchline to the joke. But it never came.

"...I'm sorry, what?" He demanded. "Raven is innocent in this,"

"You said it yourself, he's guarding Joy, keeping her captive," Rainkeeper went on.

"That's only because his family is forcing him! He doesn't have a choice!"

"You always have a choice," Glory insisted.

"Well he doesn't! The only reason he led me to Macaw in the first place is because he thought his father would kill me if he didn't! He's working with his family out of fear and because he thinks he's protecting me! He hasn't done anything wrong!"


"I'm not going to let you hurt him," Wren declared. "He's an innocent dragon." He glanced around at his family, worried. "Promise me you won't hurt him."

"Wren," Rin started.

"PROMISE me." Glances were exchanged yet again.

"Promise," Deathbringer shrugged. "The rest of his family's going to be red paint by the time I'm through, but him I'll leave alone."

"Fine," Kelp sighed. "We've got bigger fish to fry anyways,"

"We promise," Rin agreed. Wren relaxed slightly.

"Well then it's settled," Glory declared. "We'll strike tonight, when they won't suspect. Deathbringer, Kelp, Orange, Shore, and Rainkeeper will take care of the mission and take a few guards with them, just in case."

"We won't need the guards," Kelp growled. They had enough rage ready that Macaw and his family might as well bind their wings and jump off a mountain just to spare themselves the wrath.

"I know, but think of it this way," Glory offered. "They can hold Macaw down while we cut out his heart."

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