You Got Told. You Got Toe!

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A/N: Haha. Adam Sandler movies...

"I'm gonna kill him." Kelp announced. "He's dead. Goodbye. Dead as a doornail- maybe I should torture him!"

"Kelp, hun, as much as I LOVE the idea of you torturing someone," Joy began. "It's not happening. Rin and Parrot need to work this out with each other, and we shouldn't get involved until they know what they're going to do." Kelp glared and paced the room.

"Well, we know what they've BEEN doing."  He commented, causing Joy to burst out laughing. "Joy, this isn't exactly a laughing matter."

"But THE WAY YOU SAID IT!" She exclaimed, sighing contently. "Three moons, you're adorable, I love you."

"I'm NOT adorable. I'm VERY ANGRY." Kelp retorted. Joy shook her head fondly.

"Absolutely adorable."

"....I really hate you sometimes."

"Nah, you just hate that you physically cannot be the angry one in this relationship."

"That's not true! I'm the angry one RIGHT NOW!"

"....Are you? Fascinating." Kelp scowled at her.

"Are you seriously mocking me? This is a very serious issue, Joy."

"I don't do serious."

"Well you should."

"But it's boring, and I'm too old to do things that bore me."

"Joy, again, you're not old."

"Our son is married, our daughter's engaged, and we're going to be grandparents in a matter of months, and I doubt Shore and Orange are far behind Rin and Parrot in that category, so we'll probably have multiple grand-dragonets." Kelp plunked down in a chair.

"Three moons. We are old."

"What- NO!" Joy exclaimed. "You can't say we're old!"

"But you just-"

"That was my thing! And now it's your thing! So now I have to stop it completely!"

"Too late. I see it. I'm old." Joy thought for a moment, and tackled Kelp out of his seat, pinning him to the floor. Kelp's eyes widened as Joy leaned over him, inches away from his face.

"I guess I'll just have to make you feel young again." She offered. Kelp nodded frantically, not even caring what Joy might put him through.


Rin stood on a Rainwing platform, trying to prep herself for the conversation she was about to have with Parrot. 

"You can do this." She told herself. "It'll be fine." She was totally lying to herself, but she decided to ignore that fact as Ander approached.

"Salve, my twin." Ander greeted her. 

"I'm gonna stop you right there, Ander, because whatever strange cryptic thing you have to say about my future, or the next three hours in general, I'm REALLY not in the mood to hear it." Rin proclaimed, causing her sister to pause.

"...If you insist." Ander obliged, still thinking and studying her twin's anxious expression. Ander stepped forward hesitantly, and Rin raised an eyebrow as Ander awkwardly hugged her.

"What are you doing?" Rin immediately asked. Ander didn't respond, just hugged her tighter.

"It'll be okay," Ander told her. "You're going to be happy, and your dragonet will have a wonderful life with their loving parents." Rin let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in, and relaxed.

"Thanks Ande." She whispered, hugging her sister.

"Ah," Ander replied. "So this is hug?" 

"Yes, Ander, this is a hug."

"They are strange."


"....Do you feel properly comforted?"


"Then I'm gonna let go now, because it's weird to hug for too long."

"It's also weird to ask someone if they feel properly comforted."

"Noted." Ander insisted, releasing Rin.

"Why the affection?" Rin questioned. 

"Ray suggested I make an effort to physically interact with more dragons." She explained. "Apparently, there's this whole thing called body language? And I apparently constantly say 'Get the hell away' with it without knowing it." 

"....Ray's good for you."

"Of course he is. He's mi amore. He completes my star soul. Now, I may flee, for you must talk with your lobster."

"My what?"

"Your lobster. It's another word for soulmate."

"No it's not."

"....Then Phoebe lied to me." Ander said vaguely, wandering away. Rin rolled her eyes and turned, only to see Parrot approaching her.

"Hey," He said casually. "You said you wanted to tell me something?" Rin hesitated, and she wasn't sure, but it seemed like the general confidence that ran in her family all came out at once as she blurted it out.

"We're having a dragonet." She said bluntly. Parrot's face slowly changed as the news sunk in.

"Oh." He offered, not quite knowing what to say as his eyes went wide. "....Sorry?"

"Not sorry." She replied. "It takes a little while to get used to the idea, but once you do... You end up being fine with it."

"I am fine with it!" He insisted. "I mean, as long as you are- I mean..... I'm sorry, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing or saying right now so I'm just generally trying not to screw this up even though I probably already have." Rin stiffled a laugh.

"You're ridiculous." 

"And you're pregnant. That's life." Parrot declared.

"What. Was. THAT." Rin burst out laughing, as Parrot grimaced, regretting every word he had spoke. 

"...I'm gonna stop talking now." He advised himself. 

"Probably a good idea." Rin agreed. "'re okay? With all of this?" He shrugged.

"Why wouldn't I be? I love you, Rin, and I know we don't have the most normal relationship, and that we don't do things the way most people want, but that doesn't really matter to me. And if we're going to have a dragonet together, then I'm thrilled."

"Thrilled?" Rin repeated. "Really?"

"Of course!....But I want a boy."


"Now watch, it'll be a girl."

"No, I'm pretty sure it's not." Parrot grinned teasingly.

"Well what do you know? You're only the one carrying the kid." He insisted, causing her to burst out laughing once again.

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