Chapter eight: The Dark Build

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A/N: "The following oc belongs to ShiroWhiteWizard. Do me a favor follow him or Destroyer will come and destroy your home. Another shoutout."

Destroyer (Disguised as Akira): "Last time on Let the experiment begin 2: Heroes reunited the dark genius had hired two members to eliminate the pesky gear bros."

Hygami: "Hey Akira why are disrespecting us?"

Destroyer: He reveals himself "I'm Destroyer you moron. God this is why I made the right decision."

Itsuki: "You only wanted to destroy."

Destroyer: "And the two of you were soldiers. Now then what will happen next?"

Starting off at night where in a unknown place where people were creating another build driver but however they heard the sound of someone coming

???: "Huh whose there-" Then the two people were knocked out as the unknown figure was wearing all black and carrying a bag full of bombs and the person that got knocked out was Shinbou Katsuragi

???: In a English voice "What a bunch of idiots." Then he grabs the build driver "Now with this I think I'll take my revenge... Kamen Riders."

The next day

As the unknown man who has black hair, red eyes, fair-tan skin, and a scar on his left eye started to walk away from the lab as he pressed the detonator and then the lab started to explode but not that much. As he looks back and pressed the detonator then a big explosion happened and then he ran


Akira had to deal with Saji

Saji: He groans "My goodness." Akira wasn't giving any attention to it so he groans again and then Akira gave him his attention

Akira: "Saji what is it can't you see I'm trying to do something?"

Saji: "I try telling Sona how I feel about her but just like a train it just got ran over."

Akira: "Normally i'm trying to be nice but... please don't ask me about relationship go ask someone else like... I don't know Ryu, Hygami, or Itsuki because relationship is not in my department."

Saji: He sighs "Sorry. Also what are you doing?"

Akira: "Well i'm making these sclash jellies." He then shows a mini lab and then shows the two unlabeled jellies

Akira: Then he looks at his phone "Oh look at that Dr.Stone is almost on after the news. Speaking of..." Then he pulls out his laptop and goes to the news

News reporter: "And this just in an unknown terrorist blew up a lab fortunately there were no casualties but however there were two witness that were there the night before the explosion happened don't recall what happened. And in other news..."

Saji: "HOLY CRAP!!!"

Akira: "Yep and now then we should probably go and deal with it. And by 'we' I mean you, Kazumi, and the Hokuto trio."

Saji: "EH?! Why me?!"

Akira: "I'm making sclash jellies with some slash drivers. And Dr.Stone is almost on so make like a fly and shoo away before I swat you away."

Saji: "Yeah rig-" And then Akira grabs the fullbottle buster (Remember still fused with part of the excalibur) and then swats it as Saji ran out the room and went to go find them and at the moment he was scared of the sword and the user

Akira: "Alright now then..." Then while making the drivers and the jellies he watches Dr.Stone (A/N: "If i'm being honest I think that Anime would probably be his favorite don't blame me he loves science")


Destroyer: "They are getting in our way."

Killbus: "What are you gonna do about it. How about if I used the white panel..."

Destroyer: "Yeah no. I recall and you have no transformation plus..." Then he looks at the news "This terrorist has guts for doing something."

Back with Saji

As Saji managed to find them which they were on a farm however before he could interact with them an unknown terrorist comes in and then transform into this thing

Then they all transform with Saji and Kazumi in Grease and the Hokuto trio in their smash forms via the lost bottles which then suddenly it attempts to drain their powers but nothing happened (A/N: "I'm still confused why in the movies only Kazumi and the Hokuto Trio are immune from these effects of Phantom crushers which I need answer and no not because of main character bs)

Then they all attack the Phantom Crusher as it attempts to fly away until Saji rider kicks it to the ground and to where it was knocked out

Saji: He sighs "What are they?!"

Kazumi: "That's what we've been trying to figure out. Question why are you here?"

Saji: "Akira. He said something about making jellies and sclash driver. Plus he thought it could be related to the terrorist attack."

Kazumi: "Wow he's going at it. Well then we should get going and find out then."


Akira: "No matter what i'll still find a way to evolve further." Then it was shown that while watching Dr.Stone he took a lunch break...yes don't ask just continue on


???: "Every Riders are a pain." The terrorist was walking around hating that there weren't that much people in fear

Destroyer: "You are correct." Then the terrorist was on guard as he was trying to punch him but Destroyer blocks as he then pins him to the ground as he drops the bottles and the build driver

???: "What the hell?!"

Destroyer: "Shut up. If you try to move i'll kill you."

???: "Tch."

Destroyer: "Now then i'll give you an offer."

???: "And that's?"

Destroyer: "Well you see i'm putting a team where we try to destroy this miserable world. Also nice job on the explosion."

???: "How did-"

Destroyer: "I work in mysterious ways. Think of me as a new god only less christianity and more destructive."

???: "Grr. Fine."

Destroyer: "Ok then stranger got a name?"

Felix: "My name is Felix Black."

Destroyer: "Great now then here." Then he places the hazard trigger and lets go of Felix

Felix: "Ok thanks." Than he grabs his things "What is my job?"

Destroyer: "Well then first things first. You'll be taking care of some pests that'll get in my way." Then he shows pictures of the Hokuto trio, Saji, and Ravel

Felix: He smiles "If that's the case this will be easy."

Destroyer: "The three will be easy for you but these two are gonna be a bit challenging. The two are devils. Long story short there are such things of the supernatural."

Felix: "Whatever. Devil or Human or whatever they are I'll kill them without mercy."

Destroyer: "Oh and I have a team of my members just in case I'll sent in some grunts." The grunts he was referencing were the Phantom Crushers as they heard their cue and went for the other targets


As team build were outside just walking around the grunts Destroyer brought appears as they transforms

Akira: "Great." Then he, Ryu, and Azazel pulls out their drivers and their respective items to transform


Wake up!


Then they insert it onto the drivers


Cross-Z Dragon!


Then Akira and Ryu twist the crank and Azazel pulls the wrench

Are you ready!

Akira, Ryu, & Azazel: "Henshin!"

Wake up burning! Get Cross-Z-

Mirainimukatte hoppu! Supuringā-

Wareru! Kuwareru! Kudakechiru! Crocodile in Rogue-

Before anything happened their transformation stopped

Akira: "Oh shoot."

Ryu: "Well than Akira you should run."

Akira: "Yeah i'll leave you two to deal with them." Then he ran because he is just human without any powers and knowing he can't out class them it was best for him to run as Azazel and Ryu both fought the three Phantom Crushers


As Saji, Kazumi, and the Hokuto trio were walking back suddenly they were all met with Felix

Felix: He looks at the picture "Looks like I found my target." Then he pulls out his build driver to which Saji and Kazumi were about to pull out their drivers the Hokuto trio pulls out their respective lost bottles

Akaba: "Guys you should leave we got this." Then the Hokuto trio shakes the bottles and inserts them onto their arm as they transform

Felix: "Pathetic." Then he pulls out the hazard trigger and insert it onto the driver

Hazard on!

Than he pulls out two black tank bottles and insert them onto his driver

Tank and Tank!

Than he twist the crank

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Are you ready!

Felix: "Henshin."

Uncontrol Switch! Black Hazard! Yabei!

Then the Hokuto Trio then fights Felix but however Felix was tough enough to get through the three as he's not suffering the side effects from the hazard trigger due to him using two of the same bottles as he was easily able to beat them as he twist the crank

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Ready go hazard finish! Yabei!

Then he created an energy of tank treads which then severely defeated the Hokuto trio causing them to be knocked as Saji and Kazumi ran off which wasn't far as he still needed to take out Saji but however Felix was stopped by Akira he then shoots at him

Felix: "What the hell?! Destroyer I had them!!!"

Akira: "Wow you met him? I'm Akira Kiryu!"

Felix: "Tch dammit!" Then Saji, Kazumi, and the hokuto trio already left "DAMMIT!!! Screw this I have to take care of another target!" Then he left


Akira: "I don't know why but I made these..." Then he shows the two jellies he finished making "Am I not great? Am I not terrific? Am I not...a genius?" Then his hair sticks up

Ryu: "Hey Akira what have- so you've been busy?"

Saji: "Hey its weird that he only went against us?"

Akira: "Yeah it doesn't make sense why didn't they go for the others. But hold on he said there is another target."

Ryu: "Who could it be?" Then everyone kept thinking "Wait hold on how did you managed to make those two drivers and jellies?"

Akira: "Finished it before helping out."

Ryu: "Oh ok then. Hmm................" Then it took them a couple of minutes and were spitballing "Sento? Ryuga?" Then they shakes their head "GAH! THEN WHO!?" Then they all kept thinking until all but Akira came into their minds on one person

Saji: "Ohh. Ohh!"


Destroyer was making a brand new gun as well a new bottle

Destroyer: "Better! BETTER!" He laughs maniacally "Am I not great? Am I not terrific? Am I not...a genius?"

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin 2: Heroes reunited

Felix: "Time to eliminate you."


Akira: "Good grief..."

Destroyer: "Time to conduct the exerpiment on my test subjects."

Akira: "Why do I get that feeling we know each other?

Ravel: "I have no idea why but I'm gonna help just because."

Akira & Ravel: "Henshin."

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