Chapter eleven: A Halloween Special (Part two)

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Akira: "As you all know on the last chapter at the start of Halloween Team build were just trying to become normal but until that was when two Kamen Riders appeared from a portal. Now then you know the past so let's get onto the next part!"


Starting off with Team Build and Takeru and Makoto talking about how this could have happened but they were also discussing on things

Akira: "Well now we know about having ghosts. Makoto are you a ghost?"

Makoto: "No."

Takeru: "Soo...why are you in costumes."

Ryu: "It's Halloween."

Takeru: "Oh."

Akira: "Yep. Also if you're asking in this world its where there are the supernaturals."

Makoto: "What?" Then he nodded to the others which then they showed their wings to Makoto and Takeru to which they were shocked as then a cat appeared

Cat: "Meow."

Momo: "Eh?" Then the cat transforms into this thing

(A/N: "I want to be honest I did not noticed it had a mouth. It looked cute without it and it still is cute")

Momo, Sona, Xenovia, Akeno, Ravel: "Eh?!" They were shocked and a bit scared as they hid behind Akira, Ryu, Hygami, Itsuki, and Ryu

Akira: "Eh? What a cute ghost." Then he started poking it

???: "Stop it!" 

Momo, Sona, Xenovia, Akeno, and Ravel: "So cute!" Then they started looking at it which made the ghost

Takeru: "Oh hey Yurusen."

Yurusen: It then hid behind Takeru "Takeru. They're scary." It started shivering

Takeru: "Hey, hey calm down they won't hurt you."

Akira: He mumbles "Unless you try to attack them." Then Yurusen started shivering even more as it started to fly away passing through the walls

Akeno: "Aww that was sad."

Takeru: "Well don't worry he'll come back."

Akira: "Ok the-" Then suddenly they all heard a loud ding which everybody fell as they thought it could be something dangerous "Alright!" Then he checks the microwave as he finds three sets of bottles "YAY!" Everybody were confused as they tilts their heads

Akeno: "Umm what's so exciting?"

Akira: "New bottles and they're Halloween editions!"

Takeru: "Now then let's go find the source of everything."

Everybody else: "Yeah!" Then they all went to find the source of these portals

As they went around as they do what regular teenagers would do pretty much that was when Akeno and Ryu went separate from the rest as they went to a forest

Ryu: "Wait where are you going?"

Akeno: "Eh? Why not overall we are a couple." Then she pressed her breast on his arm and that was when they saw some ugly creatures

Ryu: "Ok what are they?" Then Ryu pulls out his driver but before he could even do anything a portal opens as a green and blue creature appears as it kills them without any mercy

???/???2: "RAHH!!!!!!" Then that was when it was about to attack Ryu Akeno then summons a charge of lightning as it stops "Wait wait! Please don't hurt me!"

Ryu: "You were about to kill me!" Then he removes its driver to show its human form

Ryu: "Umm who are you?"

Kazuya: "My name is Kazuya- wait a minute where am I?"

Ryu: "Your in Kuoh city."

Kazuya: "LIES!!! This isn't what it looks like wait are there Amazons near here?!"

Akeno & Ryu: "Amazons?"

Kazuya: "And you are trying to kill me." Then he points at Akeno "I remember you, your with that red-haired devil!" Then he summon his boosted gear

Akeno: "Wait a minute don't attack we can just talk it out. But first what's with that?"

Kazuya: "First off that creature that I killed was an Amazon. Think of them as Ghoul only more monstrous creatures."

Ryu: "Ok then."

Kazuya: "Well then I should head out I must kill Sho. Let's go Harmamo."

Harmamo: "Yeah."

Akeno & Ryu: "Sho?"


Akira and Takeru serrated from the group as well

Akira: "So how did you became a ghost?"

Takeru: "It all started on my 18th birthday where I got killed by a Gamma then I was brought back to life by an old-" Then more hideous creature appears and that was when Akira pulls out his driver and Takeru summons his driver but before they could do anything a creature in red attacked and killed the Amazons

???: "They were too easy." Then it reverted back to normal as it shows it was a male

Then the man ate the heart of those creatures which made Akira and Takeru vomit

???: "What I only eat what I hunt."

Akira: "Who are you- wait hold on your name is Sho you're an Amazon known as Amazon Rider Alpha. And if you're here then that means there should be two more of those Amazons."

Sho: "Wow a stalker. I have a ex-girlfriend and i'm not into dudes." Then he walks away "Son! Come here i'll kill you!"

Takeru: "We should probably stop him."

Akira: "I don't know..."


Then Saji and Sona went their way finding the source of their own which would be a great moment for these two but the same thing happened as then another creature appears but it was mechanical 

???: "Die..." Then he kills them without mercy as it reverts to normal

Sona: "Who are you?!" Then she then shot magic blast which in his defense he then summons a mirror to block and reflect the magic blast and was double the fire power "Mirror of Alice...How did you get that?!"

???: "I inherited it from my mother..." Then he started crying

Saji: "Mother?"

???: "I'm so sorry Sona please don't hurt me!" Then he ran away

Sona: "Wait how did-" Unfortunately he already ran


Everybody were back at the warehouse with only one new person

Akira: "So got a name? Or let me guess Kazuya Wilda."

Ravel: "Wait how do you know about him."

Akira: "It's simple. See he's from a parallel world similar to ours but instead of Kamen Riders he's from a dark world where survival is the thing he must do as without it he'll die." Then everybody sympathize

Kazuya: "It's true...i'm from a world where my kind had to survive from 'him'."

Ryu: "Him? Whose him?"

Kazuya: "Sho."

Takeru: "Wait we just saw him and he said he was gonna kill his son."

Kazuya: "Dam him." Then a green light appeared on his left arm

???: "Partner you must calm down don't let your anger get the best of you."

Akeno: "Wait is that?" Then Kazuya summons the red dragon emperor which shocked the devils

Sona: "First Mirror of Alice and now the Red Dragon emperor?"

Kazuya: "Wait what do you mean?"

Saji: "Yeah apparently we encountered someone who used Mirror of Alice. Apparently he says he inherit from his mother but it doesn't makes sense because the only person we knew who uses that sacred gear was...Tsubaki."

Kazuya: "Well in our world that kid is Tsubasa Shinra. He's part devil, Amazon, and human."

Xenovia: "Unbelievable."

Kazuya: "Yeah though I don't know how we got here but I thought things were peaceful but some Amazons were trying to kill me and so I entered in."

Akira: "Well then we should get him."

Kazuya: "Yeah that won't be a good idea."

Hygami: "And why not?"

Kazuya: "He'll try to kill me."

Everybody else: "Ohh."

Akira: Look how about you find somewhere to live i'll get him here and with that I think we can work together to find the source of these portals."

Kazuya: He smiles "I guess there is a light. I told you Harmamo!"

To be continued

Akira: "Now we have the Amazons in our world. Why are portals forming in this world? Who did this? What's their goal? Tune in?"

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