Chapter four: Dark Riders

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Akira: "Last time on Let the experiment begin 2: Heroes reunited. I was fighting some yokais and clone smash but that was when Killbus transformed and it was at that moment I was screwed."

Ryu: "Than I came in to save the day but somehow Blood Stalk came out of my body and fought Killbus with us!"

Akira: "In the end we got Hygami and Itsuki's memories and part of my memories as well."

Hygami: "Man I hope we get some screen time."

Itsuki: "I should get more I was a anti-villain in the first book."

Akira: "Calm down both of you. Now then what will happen next?"
Starting off with Itsuki leaving Akira and Ryu's room confused but Akira started creating something which was weird for the others

Ryu: "Umm dude?"

Akira: "It's done..."

Ryu: "What do you mean?"

Akira: "I finish making my new invention!" Then he shows a bottle which was a rabbit bottle which was dark red and black "Lost bottle model 2 or II."

A/N: "First time drawing a bottle. Don't judge my drawing I put effort into it."

Blood Stalk: "Interesting. How did you create a lost bottle that quickly."

Akira: "Don't know it just came to me as I first thought of the rabbit bottle and then I thought of it working alone... working alone." Then he pulls out the Love hopper

Ryu: "Well then your gonna use the gun?"

Akira: "Probably. Also where's Itsuki?"

Ryu: "Huh? I thought he was here for a second."

Hygami: "Yeah where could-" Then that was when they saw his phone left on the bed "Oh he forgot his pho-" Then he looked at his messages which he then turns off the phone "Ok does anyone have any bleach for the eyes?"

Ryu, Akira, Blood Stalk: "No why?"

Hygami: "J-just look at these messages." Then everyone but Blood Stalk looked at the messages which were mostly from Itsuki and Xenovia

Akira: "Ok guys have anyone seen a clip of ted 2?" Everyone shakes their heads as he pulls out a laptop and plays a scene

A/N: "Warning there are some swearing so if you don't want to hear it than don't watch these videos. I'm putting this warning up."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Akira: "Understand? Now then we aren't gonna do that because what happens in this room stays in this room. Understand?" They nodded "Aright. Ok now we went around pg-13 to about mature."

Ryu: "What?"

Akira: "Nothing. Let's just rest up for the day because I am not gonna be recalling on those messages." Blood Stalk went inside Ryu and Hygami went back to his room

The next day

Akira, Ryu, and Hygami were just trying to get their minds off of the messages from Itsuki's phone

Itsuki: "Hey guys I left my phone at you room last night."

Ryu: "Take it here." He hands him his phone back

Itsuki: "Thanks. Are you alright?"

Ryu: "Never better."

Hygami: "Well we-" Then Akira shut him up

Akira: "We were just talking about you and Xenovia and that was all." He chuckles nervously and glares at Hygami to quiet down until he tripped on one of the steps of a stair causing not only for him to fall but also Hygami to fall down and it is a long flight of stairs

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: "Needed an example of how bad it was but don't worry they're fine."

Ryu: "Well that just happ-" Then he also slips and grabbed Itsuki by his shirt and the two also fell together

Akira: "Oww. This is terrible."

Xenovia: She went up to Itsuki "Itsuki are you alright?"

Itsuki: "Yeah I'm fine. I'm used to it." He got up "Man it's a good thing I'm used to falling down high places or that could have been ugly there."

Hygami: "Guys get off me please." Then the three gets up "Oww. Next time I'm taking the trees."

Akira: "Go ahead Tarzan do what makes you feel better." Then he noticed the trees were aligned "Hey Ryu give me a boost towards the trees."

Ryu: "Eh? Sure." Then he gives a boost which then both Akira and Hygami tree hopped

Issei: "What the heck? Is like they're both ninjas."

Ryu: "Nope parkour."

Issei: "Really?"

Ryu: "Yes. Though it does look fun so..." Then he climbs a tree and then follows Hygami and Akira

Itsuki: "...Is it weird that I want to follow them?"

Xenovia: "Somewhat."

Itsuki: "Well then I'm gonna be relying you just in case I fall." Then he placed his arm around her waist as he started walking up the stairs


As they separated Hygami, Itsuki, Akira, and Ryu went somewhere to sit

Akira: "Alright remember Itsuki you know your part?"

Itsuki: "I know just pass by Azazel give him the driver with the bottle as a gift with instructions, and wait until the perfect moment for him to use it."

Akira: "Yep also guys let's try not to get killed by him."

Ryu: "Why?"

Akira: "According to my research. He has a sacred gear as well which is a dragon type."

Ryu: "Grea-"

Akira: "Also they both achieved their balance breaker form. Issei his was the worst but Azazel... I don't know. Also Saji's sacred gear is also another dragon."

Ryu: "Ok how many dragons are there?!"

Itsuki: "Shut it muscle head."

Ryu: "NO! It's dragon boy!"

Itsuki: "No." Then Akira gives an explanation for the whole series on why the Yokai attacked them "Well with that we should expect nothing. Oh speak of the devil look over there mound yonder." Then they see Azazel drinking and Rossweisee just arguing about him drinking early "Yo Azazel."

Azazel: "Hey Itsuki how's your body I heard you fell down a flight of stairs."

Itsuki: "Used with it also isn't it a bit early to drink?"

Rossweisee: "Finally someone understands! I kept telling but it's like he doesn't care!"

Azazel: He sighs "Honestly stop being such a stick in the mud you know that attitude of yours one day your boyfriend might break up with you."

Rossweisee: "Oh shut up! You know what screw this!" Then she started to drink and from one shot she was already drunk to where the author couldn't even be bothered to type what she's saying

Itsuki: "Wow she's already drunk from one shot. Oh here's a gift for you only because I'm nice." Then he hands Azazel the box which inside has the Sclash Driver and the crocodile crack bottle

Azazel: "Well then thanks that's mighty generous of you." Then they left and went was about to walk the bridge until when they did so purple smoke appeared and most people were gone and only they were on the other side and the devils and Irina were met with some enemies

Ryu: "Wait I can hear the clash of a- oh my god look out!" Then they notice a bunch of weird monsters and smash clones attacking them and then that was when they pulled out their drivers/guns but Akira stand out as he used his Love hopper as they walked towards the fight

Akira: "Yo."

Issei: "Who are you?! Wait a minute! Why are you here?!"

Akira: "None of your business. Then he pulls out the rabbit lost bottle "Now shall we test on our subjects?" Then he inserts the bottle onto his Love hopper


Akira: "Mistify."

Mist match! Ra-Rabbit...Rabbit... Fire!

Then the others transformed but their design were also altered

Wake up! Cross-Z Dragon! Are you ready?

Ryu: "Henshin!

Wake up burning! Destroy Cross-Z Dragon! Yabei!

Ignore the hazard trigger and the great cross-z dragon

Then it was the gear bros. turn

Gear engine!

Gear Remocon!

Hygami/Itsuki: "Raging Mistify." They press the trigger which then the gears started attacking and then came back to them

Remote control gear!

Engine running gear!

Their design changed as they have red and black colors on the gears

Xenovia: "No way..."

Akira: "Dark Riders... that is what we are. Good grief the Hero factions. From what I recall humans that wants to show they are stronger than any supernatural race ever. Well then count us in because we are also human every one of us but we use science to fulfill our purpose." Then Issei went into his balance breaker form as then they started to fight where Issei goes after Akira but he was even faster than he was as he could dodge it with no worry as he bypass him and shot him in the back

Issei: "Gah!" The ahora were breaking the armor a bit

Akira: "Good grief." Then that was when the leader of the Hero Faction decides to help Akira

Cao Cao: "So fell me are you really human?"

Akira: "One million percent yes."

Cao Cao: "So you don't have a sacred gear?"

Akira: "The Dark Riders don't posses a sacred gear well not all of us but only one is different as one member is more human but is different." Then Blood Stalk appears

Blood Stalk: "Alright time for some training!" Then he went after Kiba as Ryu helps

Akira: "We're just waiting for someone until then think of us as allies."

Cao Cao: "Hmm alright then but I don't trust you yet." Then the two teamed up on Issei as then Azazel appears walking slowly

Azazel: "And this is what I hate the most. Now then time to see what these things can do." Then he puts on the Sclash Driver

Sclash Driver!

Then he twist the cap on the crocodile bottle


Then he inserts it onto his driver


Then he pulls the wrench

Wareru! Kuwareru! Kudakechiru! Crocodile in Rogue! Oraa!

As Akira saw the transformation Azazel regained his memories and Akira gains more memories of himself

Azazel: "Huh? Weird what happened I recall fighting Evolto and then being de-" Then he sees Akira walking towards him "Rabbit? So if it isn't the protege Genius himself: "Akira Kiryu."

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin 2: Heroes reunited

Azazel: "Why are you fighting me?!"

Akira: "GAH!!!!!"

Everyone was shocked

???: "I am the part of him that kept silenced and now I shall take over this pathetic world."

Akira: "No...don't..."

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