Chapter sixteen: A Halloween Special (Final part)

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Akira: "The last time on the last chapter when we entered the mansion we were swarmed with a bunch of monsters but what's worst was when Sho managed to disrespect the females and I think he is getting beaten up as the three other Amazons managed to find a secret door behind a bookshelf while Dark Build watches the fight between Sho and the females."


Starting off with the riders were about to enter the secret room which leads to stairs below but before they could even enter in Team Build's love interest came back with a creepy smile on their face and when Kazuya, Tusbasa, and Harmamo were confused why that was when they notice that somehow by a miracle they managed to beat the living hell out of Sho but however he was slowly regenerating the damage he took except for his arm because it was cut off

Hygami: "So I take it that you're all done with beating him up."

Momo: With a creepy smile "Yes of course Hygami dear."

Sona: "I agree because it just felt so satisfying." This then made the men in the group shiver down their spines because the fact that they were able to beat up Sho then they should learn to never even disrespect one of them

Sho: "Ugh..." He barley gets up "I rather take a cut to the throat than them..." He then crawls down

Kazuya: He was shivering so much that it made him remind of himself when he was younger "N-note to self: Don't piss off a devil unless..." Then he spoke in a calm voice "You can kill them yourself."

Tsubasa: "Ok is everyone here getting dark?"

Everybody else: "Yes/No."

Akira: "Ok you can tell us about your detailed gruesome story on Sho but for now we must find that abomination, send it where even hell doesn't want it, and then we can relax for the rest of the day." Everybody nodded and head downstairs

Xenovia: "So what did we missed?"

Itsuki: "Nothing special. Just those three." He points at "Found this secret door which was behind a bookshelf."

Xenovia: "Well that's just weird."

Ryu: "Hey whoever owned this place probably didn't want anyone to know about something they kept."

Itsuki: "Probably a dead corpse."

Xenovia: "That's just dark and horrifying."

Itsuki: "If there is a dead corpse then that won't be shocking."

Akira: "Well corpse or not I hope it better be that million eyed freak-" Then suddenly they hear the sound of a gun

Kamen Rider! Blade!

Akira: "...Well shoot." Then suddenly Blade appeared behind some Kaijins to which the first thing everyone did was to run because the sheer amount actually was more than what an small army combined together as they did...what the author calls them running from door to door to door and that was when the author stopped

A/N: "Oh my god why did I put that in the script?"

Woz: "Well it's creative at least..."

A/N: "Screw it back to what they're doing."

Back with the series

Everyone than stopped running as it was kinda ridiculous to run when they just realized they can all just fight

Akira: "Why didn't we just fight them?!"

Everybody else: "How should we know?!"

Akira: "Screw it lets go." Then everyone pulled out their drivers or devices to transform

Every riders: "HENSHIN/AMAZON/MISTIFY!" Then they transformed as they then went and attack the Kaijins which then left them and Blade to which Takeru went to fight it with Makoto

Takeru: "Guys go on without us." Then they all just ran until they heard another sound from the Diendriver

Kamen Rider! Kabuto!

Kamen Rider! Ibuki!

Kamen Rider! Todoroki!

Kamen Rider! Amazon!

Akira: "God dam it!"

Kazuya: "Well if were gonna continue than i'll take care of that thing." Then he points at Amazon

Harmamo: "Dibs on the red stag beetle."

Tsubasa: "I want to take on that thing." He points at Todoroki

Asumu: "I'll take care of myself."

Akira: "Ok guys you go on and take care of them." Then they ran as the four started to fight as then they heard another sound of the Diendriver

Kamen Rider Ixa!

Kamen Rider Riot Troopers!

Destroyer: "For now we'll take care of them." Then Team Dark Build fought the four riders as then finally they managed to make it to where Chinomanako was finally there as all remains were Team Build, Haruto, and Wataru as they finally managed to find Chinomanako after the many and many of doors and stairs which caused everybody to be exhausted

Chinomanako: "Oh finally you made it congratulations." Everybody was panting due to the amount of running and walking they did

Akira: " catch our breaths." Then they took about two minutes but Chinomanako didn't give them any time and fired at them to which they dodge

Ryu: "OK THAT'S IT YOUR A DEAD MONSTER!!!" Then they all attack but than Chinomanako inserts a card

Attack Ride! Invisible!

Then Chinomanako turned invisible was the others were baffled on where that monster is until that was when it kicks Ryu down and as Haruto went for an attack Chinomanako attacks from a long range

Haruto: "Ok this is just getting out of hand." Then he uses the connect magic ring as he puts it on his right finger as he swap the hand on his driver to right and then scans the connect magic ring

Connect please!

Then he pulls out his sword gun and then attacks as he and Wataru pulls out a Fuestle and insert it onto Kivat

When he did so suddenly a little creature appeared from a window

Tatsulot: "Alright let's get it started." Then Wataru inserts three fuestle

Garulu Saber! Next is Basshaa Magnum! And Dogga Hammer! Henshin!

Then Tatsulot then combines to itself with Wataru as then a the new transformation is complete

Then Wataru continues fighting as Haruto moves back a bit

Haruto: "So then." Then he swaps rings for a another ring on his left finger and switch the hand on his driver to the left

Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!

Then Haruto scans the ring onto his driver

Infinity! Please! Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon!

Then a bright magic circle appears below him and then started going up as a dragon appears around him

Haruto: "Come dragon!" Then the dragon forms into AxCalibur and then fights Chinomanako

Akira: "Well then if everyone is going in their final form I guess we should too." Then Akira pulls out the Genius Bottle, Ryu with magma knuckles, Saji with the glacial knuckles, and Itsuki grabs Hygami's engine gear bottle and press the trigger and twist the crank

Great! All yeah! Genius!

Bottle Burn! Cross Magma!

Bottle Kīn! Grease Blizzard!

Gear Engine! Gear Remocon! Funky Match!

Are you ready!

Akira: "Build up!"

Itsuki: "Duo Mistify."

Fever! Perfect!

Gekitou Shinka! Grease Blizzard! Gakigakigakigaki Gakī~n!

Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!

Kanzen Muketsu no Bottle Yarō! Build Genius! Sugei! Monosugei!

Then the three were standing their in the greatest moments as the three fights Chinomanako and this was gonna be easy until that was when he kept summoning multiple secondary riders from phase one

Kamen Rider G4! Ryuga! Orga! Glaive! Kabuki! Caucasus! Arc! Skull!

Everybody else: "...Well shoot." Then they had to deal with 8 riders with only about five riders (Basically it's a 9 v 6) and then that was when Sho appears as he holds another Amazon heart as he eats it and was back up to strength

Sho: "Yo." Then he pulls out his driver and twist the left rod


Sho: "Amazon." Then he transforms

Roaming the wild! Wi-Wi-Wi-the wild!

Then he joins the fight as then everybody were helping each other and that was when the other riders appear as Dark Build appears but Destroyer was in a different form and the Ghost Duo were in their final forms as well as Asumu

Cho Kaigan: Mugen! Keep Going! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Go, Go, Go! Gotta! Ghost!
Shin Kaigan: Sin Specter! Pride, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth! Break Deadly Sin!

Destroyer: "The formula for destruction has been set." Then he grabs a sharp metal pipe and then he throw it to which Skull grabs the metal pipe but Destroyer used the power of magnetisms to repel it back as then Destroyer and Skull starts to fight and then Kaiseis joins in and takes on G4 and Ryuga and then Killbus and Felix against Orga and Glaive "It's time for a different form." Then he removes the Obake Magnet lost fused bottle with another one which was purple and red lost fused bottle


Destroyer: Then he press the trigger "Chaotic Upgrade." Then he was covered in black smoke which then the smoke started to form so much around him

Mist match! Ba-Ba En-Engine...BatEngine... Fire the best match!

Destroyer: "I'll eliminate this abomination." Then he goes and attacks Chinomanako as everyone were going at it which weren't that hard taking out the secondary riders as all left is Chinomanako

Akira: "The formula for victory has been set." Then he, Ryu, Saji, Felix twist the crank as both Itsuki and Destroyer were charging for a rider kick, Ravel pulls the wrench, Makoto and Takeru pulls the lever and pushes the lever, Haruto swapping the hand to the right as he puts on the kick strike ring and scans the onto his driver, Wataru using his fuestle, Kazuya, Harmamo, and Sho twist the left rod, and Tsubasa press the injector on his driver

One side! Flip side! All side! Ready go! Genius finish!

Singe ice! Twin ice! Ready go! Glacial finish!

Ready go! Volcanic attack!

Scrap Burning Finish!

Violent Strike!

Blade loading!

Wake up!

Chōīne, Kick strike! Saikō!

Duo Steam Break! Bat/Engine!

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! Ready go hazard finish! Yabei!

Ready go! Killbus spider finish!

Funky drive! Gear engine!

Funky drive! Gear remocon!

Funky finish! Hellbros!

Shin Dai Kaigan: Sin Specter! Deadly Omega Drive!
Cho Dai Kaigan: Mugen! God Omega Drive!
Riders: "Halloween Rider kick!!!" For most of the riders they performed a rider kick but the only ones who didn't (Kaiseis, Itsuki, Asumu, Tsubasa) they instead just went for either a slash attack or a powerful punch or shot out gears and as a result everyone's power combined were able to destroy the secondary riders and defeated Chinomanako as he then exploded to pieces and as the Diendriver drops on the ground with a case for the cards as Akira picks them up

Akira: "Now we should return them back to their-" Before he could finish his sentence the place was collapsing due to the amount of power they used on Chinomanako "Ok we should leave no-" However the female of the group already disappeared via teleporting out of the mansion "Wow they left us!?" Then they all ran as fast as they can which they almost could have been collapsed from the mansion but everybody survived "Wow! I can't believe we almost died!"

Ryu: "I know! That was a douche move!"

Saji: "Hey we survived! That is all!" Then everyone agrees

Akira: "You know I think this might be one of the best Halloween I've ever been."

Ravel: "You know for once I agree." Then everyone's armor disappears

Destroyer: "Ok we'll be taking our leave." Then Team Dark Build disappears from a cloud of black smoke

Akira: "Hey guys lets take a picture to commemorate this." Everyone agreed as then he pulls out a camera as everyone got together as then the camera was on a countdown and then everyone took that photo "Alright!" Then suddenly portals opened for each of the other riders worlds "Well its been a great time I hope we see each other again." Then the other riders nodded as they all went back into their worlds "Oh I should get these back to their rightful owner."

A few minutes later

Akira was in the world of Decade as he spots Kaito looking around and then Akira places the gun and the case down on the ground and then went back to his world

Kaito: "WHERE IS IT?!" Then he finds the Diendriver on the ground "Oh thank god."

Akira: He was back at his world "Ok that's dealt with and it's 11:00 pm."

Ravel: "Wow that was pretty long and the day isn't even over yet?" Then a few minutes of silence "So what now?"

Akira & Ryu: "...Watch some good and bad horror movies?" Then they all looked at each other and then agreed because they needed a break


Everyone was back at the warehouse and were watching some horror movies and most of them were falling asleep to which was part of Ryu's plan to have everybody but Akira and Ravel to fall asleep and to leave the two alone

Akira: He whispers "Well that was quick everyone is asleep."

Ravel: She whispers "Yeah and yet how are you not asleep?"

Akira: "I've been through a few days without sleep."

Ravel: "Wow that's rough."

Akira: "Eh it's not really a problem."

Ravel: "But still you should sleep properly."

Akira: "I guess i'll try though it won't effect me that much."

Ryu's Thought: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU TWO ARE THE ONLY ONE AWAKE AND NEITHER OF YOU ARE MAKING A MOVE ON EACH OTHER?!" Then the two were just talking normally like if they are friends with benefits

Ravel: "If I give my advice to you try using forms that are good with speed and strength."

Akira: "Already have that. It's called RabbitTank. The first form i've ever used."

Ravel: Then why don't you use it more often?"

Akira: "Comparing with RabbitTank there are sixty other fullbottles with 30 best matches, four upgraded forms, and one power-up form which is dangerous then the others. It takes me long to think on which best match is the one for the situation i'm in."

Ravel: "Well that's understandable." She yawns "Well i'm gonna sleep. Have a good night."

Akira: "Yep." Then Ravel fell asleep as Akira was the only one awake "Why do I get the feeling it just feels right?" He then shrugs "Eh probably the plot moving slowly." Then he yawns as he falls asleep

To be continued

Akira: "Hope you enjoyed the finale part of this Halloween special."

Ryu: "As you know Happy Halloween and go out and trick or treating."

Akira: "Well stay tune as here is the preview of the next chapter of Let the experiment begin 2: "Heroes reunited."


Akira: "Ok here's the deal..."

Destroyer: "Kamen Riders you shall hear us well..."

Ryu: "Don't you think we should end them?"


Azazel: "If he's not gonna show up then I guess we'll have to step forth."

Destroyer: "You have no idea on how strong I am."

Felix: "Hey Destroyer..."

Destroyer: "Chaotic upgrade."

Felix: "GAH!!!!"

Destroyer: "I still need to go further on my research."

Akira: "I won't let you!"

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