So many questions

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Starting off with everyone at the warehouse which was a usual thing that they started doing

Akira: "Alright I've officially got something."

Ravel: "What is it?"

Akira: "I...have no idea." He was holding one his invention "This kinda sucks."

Ryu: "How so?"

Akira: "You know that I've tested this and for some reason it doesn't work at all."

Hygami: "Let me see." Them he tosses it to Hygami however he managed to failed to catch it which caused it to drop to the ground as a burst of light flashes as they covered their eyes "What was that?"

Saji: "Beats me. Are you sure that was tested before?"

Akira: "I swear on my unknown mother's life I do not know what it does."

Ryu: "Speaking which did you even figure whose your mother? Also what your father and Rossweisee?"

Akira: "Don't know and she and I well...have this weird awkward relation with her as Sento- I mean my father told me to treat her like my mother if he realized that I've never grew up with a parent." He sighs "Honestly I think it's just hard trying to have a family bond. I think only Hygami and Itsuki were soldiers."

Hygami and Itsuki: "True."

Itsuki: "Though I was trained to where I show no mercy." He stretches "Well I should get going."

Akira: "Alright then." Then they all went home though what they don't know was something was gonna change the next day

The next day

As an alarm went off Akira for some reason turns it off

Akira: "Ugh..." He can barley see so when he gets up he falls off the bed which for some reason there was a pair of glasses near the clock as he puts it on "What the?" He looks at his hands to find it a bit feminine "Ok this is getting weird I think I just need to splash some water in my face." That was when he checks where he was only to find he wasn't in his room or his home "Ok I'm having deja vu." Then he walks to a mirror to where he looks at himself only for him to find that he was in the wrong body and was in...Sona's "..." In his head he was screaming from the bottom of his heart "Ok, gotta keep it cool how the hell did this happen?" Then he remembered last night "Please tell me this has something to do with last night."


Back at Akira's place Ravel spend the night with him so something is odd here in this sentence as "Ravel" gets up

???: "What the?" That was when this person looks at Akira and was surprised and fell off the bed

???2: "Keep it dow-" The person in Akira's body looks at itself "Wait this isn't my home, my bed, and why are you here Ravel?!"

Ryu: "Ravel?! I'm Ryuken! Who are you?!"

Sona: "I'm Sona you idiot!"

Ryu: "Oh dear god- Oww!" That was when he realize that he was praying to god on accident he receives a shock to the head "What is going on?!"

Sona: "Please tell me this didn't involved last night."

Ryu: "I'm not Akira but I think it might have."

Sona: "Well for now we should find where he is and know what's going on."

Ryu: "Yeah! Though it's weird in a female's body mostly due to the breast it's really a bit hard for me to keep a straight back."

Sona: "Well that's your problem. My goodness Akira takes care of himself-" She then looks in a mirror to find some bags under his eyes "A bit of dark circles under his eyes "Well sort of."

Ravel: He sighs "Well I hope we don't screw ourselves up."


Everybody were together as they started talking at the same time

Akira: "Ok so you guys are in each other's body?"

Everyone else: "Yes!"

Akira: "Ok whose in whose body."

Sona: "Lets see I'm in your body and Ryu is in Ravel's body."

Akira: "Well that's three down."

Hygami: "I'm in Saji's body."

Saji: "I'm in Hygami's."

Ravel: "I'm in Ryu's."

Akeno: "I'm stuck in Itsuki's."

Itsuki: "I'm stuck in Xenovia for some reason."

Xenovia: "I'm in Momo's body."

Momo: "And I'm in Akeno's body."

Akira: "Ok so we basically just had screwed ourselves over and for starters let's question on how it and happen and why in these bodies we swapped."

Sona: "Lets get the how part I think it must have been that invention you made that Hygami dropped causing it for us to be in these bodies."

Akira: "Well that clears out the first reason but why in these bodies though?"

Ryu: "Maybe it had something to do with a connection towards each other?"

Akira: "Probably but how though?"

Ryu: "Maybe me and Ravel has this deep hatred towards one another? You and Sona used to be a couple, Hygami and Saji both are friends with each other, Itsuki and Xenovia are both an odd one, and Momo and Akeno probably due to some reason of kindness?"

Akira: "Well whatever answer we come up with for now we shall try to get through a few days as in the bodies we are in meaning nothing weird and no inflicting or harm on each other's bodies. I'll try to figure a way to get us back to normal." Then he notice that his own body around the eyes that his dark circles weren't that visible "Wow Sona what did you use to make my face less of me look like I had less lack of sleep."

Sona: "Well that's what you get when your girlfriend has some foundation and luckily it matched your skin."

Akira: "Well dam."


As time went on and class ended they make the best of what's happening and that nothing weird happens as when Akira still in Sona's body suddenly he hears the sound of Serafall

Serafall: "SONAAAAAA!!!!!" That was when she came in with a tackle hug but Akira learned to move away from the side with no skills or Fullbottles necessary "OWW!!! Why did you moved out of the way you know I just wanted to hug you!"

Akira's thought: "Well shoot- wait a minute while I'm in Sona's body I can convince her to stop harassing me." Yep she did harassed him before

Akira: He clears his voice "Serafall what do you want?"

Serafall: "Why not? I'm your older sister I just wanted to check on you."

Akira: "Well I'm glad that you worry her- I mean me but Serafall can I talk to you about something?"

Serafall: "Are you telling me that you love me?!"

Akira: "No it's about Akira and-"

Serafall: "I'll strangle that guy and make him my own slave! Don't worry about him!"

Akira: "No it's not that! Look I get that you are just worried but please just stop harassing him. We both went our separate ways, he apologized for what he done and wanted me to tell you to say that he's sorry for what he done and that he's not gonna try to hurt me and that for you to stop harassing him because he's getting sick of it and I'm getting sick of it as well."

Serafall: "Really?" He nods "Ok fine I'll forgive him once but promise me that if he tries to kill you, you know what to do."

Akira: "Yeah yeah look I got work to do and I would appreciate that you leave." Serafall lefts as Akira sighs "Well that's over and done with I can now feel like I won't have to hear the sound of her again."

Sona: "Really?" She watched the whole thing

Akira: "Yeah but hey if it try saying that to her she'll probably won't accept it."

Sona: "You get a freebie."


Ryu and Ravel still had that hatred towards each other

Ryu and Ravel: "Don't you even dare try to do anything perverted towards my body! Stop copying me! I'm serious! You wanna take this outside?! Ok then!" Then the two went outside as they take out their own build drivers "I'm giving you one last time to stop copying me before I mercilessly beat you to the ground! Ok you ask for it!" Then they takes out their opposite charge for Ravel it's Ryu's Cross-Z Charge and Ryu it's Ravel's phoenix charge as they take out the respective bottle to use


Wake up!

Cross-Z Dragon!


Then they twist the crank

Are you ready!

Ryu and Ravel: "Henshin!" Then the two started to fight one another as Akeno and Akira just watches

Akira: "Should we stop them?"

Akeno: "Technically you should stop them."

Akira: "Why me?"

Akeno: "Because you're in Sona's body and plus you should be able to use her magic."

Akira: "Really?" She nods "I swear if I can then I will jump out of the window when i'm in my own body." Then somehow he was able to use Sona's magic which then formed a magic circle as then Ryu and Ravel looked up as then water falls on them and it wasn't like from drop of water it was tons of water dunked on them

Ryu and Ravel: "AHH!!!" Then the two's armor disappear as they were soaking wet "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

Akira: "Hmm lets see for starters YOU TWO ARE SO BAD AT STOP FIGHTING THAT EVEN I'M GETTING SICK OF IT I'M CLOSE TO MAKING SURE YOU TWO GET A RESTRAINING ORDER!!!" This was when he glared at them which worked for his favor as he managed to made Ryu shake in fear and Ravel to just stops and has her head down in shame

Ravel: "Sorry..."

Ryu: "How are you that scary?"

Akira: "Wait really? Is she really that scary?" They all nodded

Akeno: "Well congrats on how to tame a phoenix and dragon."

Akira: "I thought you tamed the dragon."

Akeno: "I did and I love it."

Akira: "...Ok."


Saji and Hygami were both just talking just anything really because they didn't do anything to perverted

Saji: "So..."

Hygami: "I'm gonna be honest here this feels weird."

Saji: "Hey at least I can transform. Look." He takes his slash driver and his robot jelly inserts it onto the driver

Robot Jelly!

Saji: "Henshi-" When he pulls the lever he receives an electric shock which caused him to be shot out of the window and falls on Ravel

Akira: "...WHAT?!"


Everyone were back in their own body

Akira: "Ok lesson learn don't throw things to people if they can't catch for their lives." They all nodded

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