Chapter 23: Start up your engine. Blood Stalk vs Engine

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A/N: Another special shoutout to Bravekabuto58 for submitting his oc

Previously on Let the experiment begin Akira had been feeling regret and Ryu stopped talking to him. Later Azazel has improved to become Kamen Rider Rouge. Then he pretty much whooped Akira in a fight without a sweat. What will happen next?

Akira was on the ground taking a breather

Akira: "Say Azazel."

Akira: "How did you met my dad?"

Azazel: "Well it all started when I was just about to come back home after buying stuff until that's when I stumbled across your father. He looks badly injured so I helped him. Then in return he gave me the transtream gun and the bat Fullbottle. Then I helped him and he explained about how he has a son aka you. Then he told me to train you by fighting you. Then so on and so forth here we are."

Akira: "Wow that's a lot to take in. But still he mention about Evolto did he ever told you anything else about it?"

Azazel: "Not a lot apart from what he said from the video."

Akira: "Well Thanks I should go and talk to Ryu."

Azazel: "Alright drive safe and don't get into trouble with the cops."

Akira: "Why is everyone using that on me."


Akira sees Ryu and he approaches him

Akira: "Ryu are mad at me?"

Ryu: "I'm not mad I'm disappointed at you."

Akira: "Why?"

Ryu: "You used the hazard trigger and you could have killed someone."

Akira: "Yeah but-" Then they hear someone coming towards them

???: "Now then who are you two?" They both see a man who was on a tree and from what they can tell was taller then those two as he was wearing from what they see a blue hoodie with the right side torn off, white sweatpants, blue dirty sneakers

Akira: "That's What we want to find out about you who are you?"

Hygami: "Ahh my mistake how rude of me. My name is Hygami Hiryu. And you two?"

Akira: "I'm Akira.... Kiryu."

Ryu: "Ryuken Geki. But call me Ryu."

Hygami: "Ok you two now then we should get out of here."

Akira & Ryu: "Why?"

Hygami: "Because-"

Blood Stalk: He was walking and was behind them "Because of me."

Akira: "Dad?!" He pulled out his driver

Hygami stops him from using it

Hygami: "No I saw your fight let me take over."

Blood Stalk laughed

Blood Stalk: "Oh this'll be funny. Go ahead and let him fight me."

Hygami: "Oh you wish you haven't said that." He pulled out the nebulasteam gun

Akira: "How?! What is that?!"

Hygami: "All will be explained." He pulled out a weird Fullbottle(?) that they never seen before

Hygami: "Lets begin!" He inserts the gear engine into the nebulasteam gun

Gear engine! Funky!

Hygami: "Mistify."

Then a cloud of black smoke formed around and white gears shows up and then...

Engine running gear!

Blood Stalk: He laughs "Now that's funny bring it on!"

Then when he was about to strike him Hygami has already countered his punch and was strong over power him

Hygami: "Come on I have already won."

Blood Stalk: "Grr Who are you?!"

Hygami: "My name is Hygami but I also am called Engine Bros. Now I recommend you to leave before you'll be in a world of trouble."

Blood Stalk vanished from a cloud of smoke

Hygami's armor disappears

Akira: "Dude that was awesome of what you did there."

Hygami: "Thanks though I do have one thing to say?"

Ryu: "And that's?"

Hygami: "Wanna be friends?"

Akira & Ryu: "Yeah sure."

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Akira: "To those who is wondering I'm gonna go and be calm about my break up with Sona. And by that I'll do what most people would do and move on and find a hobby."

Ryu: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! NOPE I'M DONE I'M OUT!!" He left for unknown reasons with anger

A/N: I have no idea what just happened but next chapter will be a filler chapter because I think everyone needs a couple once in a while

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