Chapter 41: A friend in need

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Akira: "Ahem. Last time on Let the experiment begin and well.. umm. Hey guys what happened on the last chapter."

Saji/Ryu/Ravel: "Don't know."

Momo: "If I may. Ahem last time on Let the experiment begin as Hygami was in class an unknown man name Itsuki comes in and beaten up my poor Hygami." She started crying

Akira: "Hey calm down here's a tissue." He hands it to her

Momo: "Thank you." She wipes away the tears

Akira: "Well that's your half our half involved us having to deal with hard guardians invading Touto now then what will happen next?"

As the Kamen Riders dealt with all the hard guardians as they left they sat down somewhere

Saji: He sighs "I'm tired."

Ryu: "Same."

Akira: "Hey we helped with evacuating the people." Then they all agreed

Saji: "Hey Akira I'm sorry about me taking Sona."

Akira: "The past is in the past. I'm sorry for punching her and for shooting you."

Saji: "Water under the bridge." Then they did a bro fist

Ryu: "Well then what's next?"

Akira: "Going back to Seito and finding out what the hell happened."

Saji/Ryu: "Fine."

Akira: "Alright let's get to work."

Ryu/Saji: "Yeah!" Then the three did a three way bro fist


The three were walking there way to Touto

Ryu: "Wait why are we in Touto?"

Akira: "Umm... well." Then suddenly three smash creatures appears

???: "Yo build."

Ryu: "HOLY MOLY QUICK WE MUST DEFEAT THEM!" Then Ryu and Saji got into their fighting positions

Akira: "Woah woah woah guys don't worry these are my allies. Meet the Hokuto trio. Guys meet Kamen Rider Grease and Cross-Z."

??? 2: "Hello."

Saji: "Akira why would team up with the enemy?"

Akira: "Trust me they couldn't beat me in black hazard form plus Hokuto was under attack by Seito."

??? 3: "Akira why did you bring them here?"

Akira: "First off everyone turn back to normal and let's settle this with nice cold refreshments." Then he pulls out a metal canister which then turned into a mini fridge filled with drinks as everyone turned back to their normal form

Akira: "Ok the guy with the red bandanna is Akaba. The older man with a beard is Aoba and the one with a yellow beanie is Kiba. Aka Castle hard, stag hard, and owl hard smashes."

Akaba, Aoba, Kiba: "Hello there."

Kiba/Ryu: "Umm hi."

Akira: "Relax guys have a drink." Then he tosses them a drink Saji with coke, Ryu with Pepsi, Akaba, Aoba, And Kiba sprite, and Akira with Dr.Pepper (A/N: Dr.Pepper is my favorite soda with or any cherry flavor drink which if anyone ask me about Gaim cherry energy it's just my favorite fruit of them all)

Ryu: "So then why did you wanted all of us to meet here."

Akira: "Look I know that we are from different countries but it's time that end this now. We shall find the Pandora's Box, defeat Blood Stalk once and for all, and then for Japan to me one again." Then that was when the Hokuto Trio cried tears of joy

Aoba: "Young man you said some inspiring words."

Kiba: "Even I agree you're a leader at heart."

Akira: "Well thanks." Then suddenly they here a familiar voice

Blood Stalk: "Aww I'm late for the party well at least I brought some friends." Then suddenly Itsuki and a bunch of Hard guardians appeared

Akira: "Great at least let us finish our drink."

Blood Stalk: He sighs "Fine but make it quick."

Then they finish drinking

Ryu: "Alright Blood Stalk what do you want?"

Blood Stalk: "Isn't it obvious I'm here to take your Fullbottles and the panels."

Saji: "Yeah well you can suck it." Then they all pulls out their own drivers and insert their respective item

Robot jelly

Dragon jelly

Max hazard on!

Then Akira shakes The FullFull bottle to rabbit


Then he separates them into two and insert them into the driver

Rabbit and Rabbit!

Akira: "Henshin." Then he twist the crank

Ryu/Saji: "Henshin." They pulled the wrench

Then the Hokuto trio shakes their lost Fullbottle and twist the caps and becoming their respective smash

Are you ready? Overflow! Kurenai no Speedy Jumper! RabbitRabbit! Yabei! Haei!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraa!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Dragon in Cross-Z Charge! Buraa!

Then it was Itsuki's then as he does the same

Gear engine!

Gear Remocon! Funky match!

Itsuki: "Raging mist." He pulls the trigger

Fever! Perfect!

Itsuki: "Hellbros now it's time to sent you all to hell."

Then they fought one another. Ryu fights Blood Stalk, Akira And Saji fights Itsuki and the trio fights the hard guardians

Ryu: "You bastard!!" He punches Blood Stalk hard enough to send him to the ground "Ha looks like my hazard level is higher than you!"

Blood Stalk: "I haven't even went all out."

Ryu: "Shut up!" Then he released a strong energy as it blasted him

Meanwhile Akira and Saji were dealing with Itsuki

Itsuki: "Not enough!"

Akira: "Saji-"

Saji: "Let's defeat him... together."

Akira: "You read my mind." Then the trio threw Saji their Fullbottles "Thanks!" Then he inserts the three Fullbottles: two on his twin breaker (Owl and stag beetle) and one on his driver (castle) as Akira inserts the FullFull bottle on his Fullbottle buster as Itsuki fires white and turquoise gears at them

FullFull match desu!

Discharge bottle!

Twin finish!

FullFull match break!

Twin break!

Then thier combined powers were able to destroy the fears and they defeated Itsuki causing his armor to disappear and for them to do another bro fist

Then Ryu pulls the lever

Scrap break!

Then he was about to finish Blood Stalk but Itsuki was one step ahead and he took hostage of Ravel and Misora

Itsuki: "It's best you surrender hand hand over your bottles!" It was that this moment that he knew... he screwed up because Misora closed her eyes as she became possessed by Vernage And Ravel... Yeah she set his hand on fire and also Vernage's power she pushed and released Itsuki

Akira: "Those eyes... it's Vernage."

Ravel: "Misora?!"

Then Blood Stalk and Itsuki disappears

Ravel: "Misora how did you do that?!"

Akira: "Ravel that's Vernage."

Ravel: "Huh?" Then Akira explained about her "Ohhh.."  Then Saji and the trio understands

Akira: "Ok guys we should get go-" Then he receives a call "Hello Hello?"

Momo: "Akira?"

Akira: "Momo? How did you get my number?"

Momo: "I'm borrowing Hygami's phone come back to Kuoh Academy now!"

Akira: "Right." He hangs up "Guys lets get going it's nice knowing you guys."

Trio: "Anytime!" Then Saji handed them back thier Fullbottles


Everyone made it to Kuoh and went to the nurse's office as they see Hygami on the bed

Hygami: "Guys...?"

Akira: "Ok what happened."

Momo: "Some guy name Itsuki fought him and beaten up Hygami I don't know what to do so I asked you for help."

Hygami: "Guys... I need help."

Akira: "Hygami I know what to."

Hygami: "What?"

Akira: "I'll make something to help you."

Hygami: He smiles "Thanks.. Guys I wanted to confess to you about something. I'm guessing you know Ravel was a spy but I'm also a spy." Everyone gasped "Yeah I was ordered to find and take the Fullbottles but I rebelled and I took the gear engine and so someone was tasked to hunt me down..."

Akira: "Well rest up and meet me tomorrow."

Hygami: "Ok."

The next day

They were all at the lab underneath of Nascita

Hygami: "Alright What is that I have to do."

Akira: "Do you have your transtream gun?"

Hygami: "Yeah why-" Then he was tossed two new gears

(A/N: this was hard for me to find I was about to give up but I found them thank god. The blue is Kaiser aka Gear Remocon and the red is Reverse Kaiser aka Gear engine)

Hygami: "Are these gears?!"

Akira: "Yep the blue is Kaiser and the red is Reverse Kaiser or as blue Gear Remocon and Red Gear Engine."

Hygami: He cries of happiness "Thank you, you're a true friend."

Akira: "What are you waiting for try it out."

Hygami: "Yeah!" He pulls out the transtream gun and insert the blue gear

Gear Remocon! Funky!

Hygami: "Mistify!" He press the trigger

Remote control gear!

Akira: "Rejoice! He is heir to the power of gear. Fighter of truth, honestly, and love for everyone he cares. His name is Kaiser and you have witness the reborn of of the new dawn era." Then Hygami's armor disappears

Hygami: "Let's truly this one." He inserts the red gear

Gear engine! Funky!

Hygami: "Mistify!" He press the trigger

Engine running gear!

Akira: "Rejoice! He is heir to the power of gear. Fighter of truth, honestly, and love for everyone he cares. His name is Reverse Kaiser and you have witness the reborn of of the new dawn era."

Hygami: "Once more!" Then he swap the red gear for blue

Gear Remocon! Funky match!

Hygami: Hopeful Mistify." Then Both red and blue gears combines one another

Fever! Perfect!

Akira: "Rejoice! He is heir to the power of gear. Fighter of truth, honestly, and love for everyone he cares. His name is BiKaiser and you have witness the reborn of of the new dawn era." Then Hygami's armor disappears once more

Hygami: Then he bows to him "Thanks for the gift."

Akira: "It's no problem I'm here to help you defeat Itsuki."

Hygami: "Yeah!" Then everyone done a combined bro fist and then Soichi joined in

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Hygami: "Itsuki I'm here to challenge you!"

Itsuki: "So this is your true power..."

Hygami: "But now I want you to join us."

Meanwhile Woz was angry that he was already Kamen Rider Woz and was about to go at Akira but the author held him


A/N: "Woz calm down it's just this chapter!"


A/N: "Well." He chuckles "Sorry guys he isn't himself so someone call Sougo."

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