Chapter 43: Hope

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Akira: "Previously on Let the experiment begin the genius Akira Kiryu after giving him new gears he fought Itsuki and ended up befriending him now what will happen next?"

Hygami: "That was short."

Akira: "Yeah well there isn't a lot to say."

Everybody was at Nascita and Hygami enters with Itsuki which resulted in them being worried and get into fighting positions

Hygami: "Guys don't worry he's on our side."

Everyone else: "....Really?"

Hygami: "Yes what?"

Akira: "Reminder this was the guy that got me the frying pan from my broken legs!"

Itsuki: "And I apologize for you getting hit by a frying pan by your girlfriend and for breaking you legs but hey at least your still standing."

Akira: "Water under the bridge. So anyways guys the reason I called you over is this. As we all know Blood Stalk has the Box and pretty much unless we get we can kiss this world goodbye and may we but not all of us see heaven and be with god."

Saji: "Wait why did you say not all of u- ohh."

Akira: "Yep and so..."

Akira: "We are getting the Pandora Box!"

Then everyone agreed

Akira: "Alright then but first let go talk to the prime minister about this."


Akira went up to Taizan

Taizan: "Can I help you?"

Akira: "I need a favor. Can I have one dollark?" Then Taizan gave him one dollark

Taizan: "Is that all?"

Akira: "Yeah."


Then Taizan made an announcement vía the news

Taizan: "Attention my citizen as we know we're dealing with that problems with Seito already declared war on us but don't fear and make sure to find somewhere safe."


Everyone was at Nascita and then Vernage possesses Misora and explained to the others about her and what to do until that's when she sees Ryu

Vernage: "Ryu might be our hope."

Akira: "How so?" However Misora was back to normal and took back possessions of her body

Later again

Akira: "Ok then we have to go to the first chapter of his life."

Saji/Misora/Ravel: "The first chapter?"

Akira: "This." Then our of nowhere he pulls out a flashback of his childhood of the beginning

Ryu: "Oh yeah I was infant birth in a clinic. I was an average..."

Akira: "Not that far!" Then he punches the flashback away

Ryu: "What the?!"

Akira: "I meant your parents."

Ryu: "What about them they died when I was about 8 or nine years old from fallen angels. Apart from that my life wasn't that great." Then he picked up a black rock which then started heating up "Ouch ouch ouch!" He drops it for it to form into a Fullbottle

Akira: "A Fullbottle?" Then he looks at Ryu

Ryu: "What?"

Akira: "Nothing. Hey Ravel, Hygami can you look into Ryu's background?"

Ravel: "We can try." Then they both left

Akira: "Now then the rest of us will create a power-up item to replace the Sclash Driver. And this is a start." He looks at the Fullbottle


Misora was asleep as smoke was formed due to a long creation of the power-up item

Misora: "What the heck?!"

Akira: "Misora?! You awake?!" Then he went up to the stuff animal that was on a chair "Are you alright?" He couldn't see because he was wearing goggles and the smoked covered his vision

Misora: "I'm right here."

Akira: He rubs the smoke off his goggles "Oh there you are. The power-up item for cross-z is ready. Ain't I a genius?!"

Misora: "Where's Ryu?"

Akira: "Huh? Hey Ryu, Ryu." He went to find him only to see that Ryu was passed out with a sticky note that says sorry

Akira: "God dam it."

The next day

It was early in the morning as Akira was on his bike driving through the destruction he sees as the news was on

News reporter: "And this just in the government of Touto has announced Kamen Rider Build has been charged with treason." This resulted with Saji confused on what's going on as Ravel, Misora, and Ryu shocked to hear about this while eating ramen

News reporter: "As a result Build's status with the military forces has been terminated."

Ryu: "Terminated?" Then Saji entered Nascita in a rush as well with Itsuki and Hygami

Saji: "What the hell?! What's this about Build committing treason?!"

Misora: "So he can get the Pandora's Box."

The. Ryu receives a call from the prime minister as Meanwhile Akira was making his way to the tower as he pulled out the rabbit and tank Fullbottles and inserting into his driver

Rabbit! Tank! Best match!

He twist the crank

Are you ready!

Akira: "Henshin!"

RabbitTank! Yeah!

Then Akira drives through and makes curves to avoid the cars but then hard guardians appears and fired at Akira as he tries his best to avoid it

Akira: "Makes sense your here." Then the hard guardians fired at him but somehow he avoided them as Akira fires back but then those hard guardians combined

Akira: "Oh come on that's not fair." Then he was launched far

Ryu: "Yo." That was when Akira sees Ryu, Saji, Hygami, And Itsuki

Akira: "Huh?" Then Ryu places the sticky note on his head "Guys what are you doing here?"

Saji: "Don't hog all the fun." He flicks him but he hurt himself because of Akira was still in RabbitTank form "Ow! So you stole a dollark from the prime minister?"

Then Akira has a flashback about it

Ryu: "So if the government fires you then you don't represent this country anymore. Makes sense to take the Pandora Box. What a load of junk"

Akira: "The hell?! This is just a-"

Ryu: "An invasion right?"

Ryu: "We're doing this under the prime minister's order."

Saji: "They said to take the dollark and the Pandora Box from Build."

Ryu: "So this isn't a invasion!" Then he pulls out the cross-z and dragon Fullbottle as Saji pulls out the robot jelly and Hygami and Itsuki inserting their respective gears

Wake up! Cross-Z dragon!

Robot jelly!

Gear engine! Gear Remocon! Funky match!

Gear Remocon! Gear engine! Funky match!

Then Ryu twist the crank as Saji pulls the leaver and Hygami and Itsuki press the trigger

Are you ready?

Ryu/Saji: "Henshin."

Hygami/Itsuki: "Hopeful Mistify."

Wake up burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraa!

Fever! Perfect!

Saji: "Oh yeah." Then he hits Akira in the head

Akira: "Ow! What was that for?!"

Saji: "That one was for Ravel. She was worried after what she heard. Also be prepared for a frying pan to the head. Other than that she was crying hoping to see you okay. Let's just hurry up and wrap this up."

Ryu: "Hah!!!" Then Ryu, Hygami, Itsuki, and Saji goes in for the attack as Akira stand there

Akira: "This is terrible. They're stealing my heroic thunder." Then he joins in the fight


Inside the tower Sento was standing there still possessed by Evolto

Evolto: "Time to get serious." He holds the nebulasteam gun with the cobra lost Fullbottle

Sento: "What are you trying to do?!

Evolto: "Stay out of this and watch. Vaporize." He pulls the trigger as black smoke appears

Mist match! Cobra! Fire!

While fighting Akira went into RabbitRabbit form

Saji: "So how do we get in?"

Ryu: "Smash our way inside."

Hygami: "That's the worst idea."

Akira: "Stop trying to solve things with brute force." They ignored him as the four preforms a rider kick "Huh? Hey!" He joins in "You didn't... Let me finish!" Then they defeated the combined hard guardians as then the wall had an opening and they entered inside and falls onto the ground

Ryu: "Where are we?" Then suddenly the floor formed into boxes as when it unfolds it was android versions of Hygami and Itsuki and three hard guardians as those androids pulls out the transtream gun and insert their own replica version of the gear

Gear engine! Funky!

Gear Remocon! Funky!

Android Hygami/Itsuki: "Mistify." Then black smoke appears around them

Remote control gear!

Engine running gear!

Then everyone pulled out their weapons and fights. Hygami and Itsuki fighting the android versions of themselves and the others fights the hard guardians

Akira: "Ryu."

Ryu: "Huh?"

Akira: "I was gonna use it but you can borrow it." He tosses him the magma knuckles

Ryu: "You finished it?!"

Akira: "Yeah."

Ryu: "With this I get the feeling I can't lose!" Then he use the knuckles on the hard guardians but it did nothing as the hard guardians tased him "Oww! Now I get the feeling I'll lose."

Saji: "Stop yapping!" Then Hygami And Saji fights Android Hygami. Then suddenly the center of the room a rod that shot a laser circling around the room to which everyone jumped or ducked downed but then the room started attacking them as the walls hits them, stuck them, etc.

Ryu: "I cannot lose!" Then he charges at Android Itsuki as he does a burning uppercut with the knuckles

Volcanic knuckle!


Ravel went to Misora as she told about Ryu to which unbeknownst to them Akeno was eavesdropping

Ravel: "Ryu might...not be human."

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Azazel: "All of this was Stalk's plan."

Blood Stalk: "Time for you to die.

Ryu: "You'll not defeat me!"

Ryu: "Henshin!"

Ryu: "My magma is surging!"

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