Chapter 54: Genius' True power

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Akira: "Ahem last time on Let the experiment begin after nearly everyone getting owned by Utsumi, Katsuragi created the Genius Bottle But couldn't use it however I regained myself and was able to use it."

Ravel: Crying unfortunately "Ohh Akira you're back please don't ever be someone else or I might have to just break up with you." Then she forgot that she setting the place on fire

Ryu: "Hey Ravel." She couldn't hear him "Ok that's it." He grabs a bucket of water and splashed her

Ravel: "Gah!! What the hell was that for?!"

Ryu: "Calm down and please don't set the place on fire we can't have you do that besides Phoenix's are so overrated."

Ravel: "Kettle calling the pot black says the guy who set my darling's door on fire."

Ryu: "It was important!"

Akira: "Hey you two you can argue later. Now then what will happen next?"

Ravel: She pouted "Darling I'm not done with him yet."

Akira: "Ravel calm down and let me get you a towel."

Akira/Sento: "We got the formula for victory." Then Utsumi laughs and fires at them but they all look like they were doing nothing to them but they were moving fast to deflect the shots as they both moved fast and then broke his nebulasteam gun and goes for a barrage of punches then Sento punches Utsumi at Akira and Akira punches back like if it was tennis. Then the two decided to end this

Akira: "This battle shall be over before you know it." Then the two twist the crank

One side!

Then their right side started to glow

Ready go! Genius Attack!

Then there attack landed on Utsumi and punches him to where there hands were inside him then they twist the crank

One side! Flipside!

Ready go! Genius Break!

Then they both kick him directly to a wall

Ryu: "Holy cow... they're unstoppable."

Evolto: He appears "Well well I didn't think you had that kind of secret weapon."

Sento: "Evolto!"

Evolto: "Woah calm down. I'll deal with you later." Then he went up to Saji and punched him only for him to drop three lost bottles "I'm just here to recover some lost bottles."

Akira: He recognize those bottles as they were owned by the Hokuto trio "Dam you!"

Evolto: "Nah ah. Just these will do. Once I gather them all say goodbye to your future." Then both Evolto and Utsumi left and Akira looks at Saji

Akira: "Saji... why do you have those bottles."

Saji: "It's a long story..."

Akira: "Due tell, tell me."

Saji: "Well you see those three guys from Hokuto they gave them to me as because they weren't strong enough to help us so I took them and promise a better future for them."

Akira: "Well lets get back to Nascita. I don't know why but I want coffee."

Saji: "Huh now that you say that I also want some coffee."

Ryu: "Well you guys are weird."

Akira & Saji: "Says the guy who is dating a masochist."

Ryu: "You did not go there. At least I can stay in a relationship."

Akira: "Bro that was deep."

Ryu: "Sorry man."

Akira: "Hey it's fine."


Ravel, Akeno, Misora were pretty much examining Akira's every moves when making coffee and then he just drinks his coffee

Misora: "Are you Akira?"

Akira: "Yes I am Misora. Also don't sloth because I could sleep properly like everyone else."

Ravel: "Alright if you are the real deal then tell me what did I give you on our first date?!"

Akira: "Your phone number and two bottles: Phoenix and robot." Then she hugged him tightly

Ravel: "That's all I wanted to hear from you."

Akira: "Yeah well can... you let me go I can almost hear my bones cracking."

Ravel: "Eh?! Sorry!" She lets go of him

Akeno: "So what's with him?" She was referring to Saji who was in deep sadness

Akira: "Lost the lost bottles."

Ravel, Akeno, & Misora: "Lost bottles?"

Sento: "Unlike the Fullbottles, lost bottles are man made plus they don't have any matches."

Ryu: "So why does he need them?"

Sento: "He using it to reach another form."

Ryu: "Another form?!"

Sento: "Yeah but in order to do so he need 10 lost bottles onto a panel."

Akira: "Wow And I thought things couldn't get worst." He sighs "This is terrible."

Ryuga: "Trust me you'll figure things that it'll get even worse."

Ryu: "You know I just realize something important..." Then he recalls on what Hygami said

Ryu: "So who'll go and tell Momo-"

Everyone else: "NOT IT!"

Ryu: "What the?! Why?"

Akira: "We agree that you would tell her that."

Ryu: "But what about Saji?"

Saji: "Hey dude don't pull me into that problem you owe me."

Ryu: He sighs and groans "Fine." He went to Kuoh Academy alone

Later at Kuoh Academy

He went to find Momo who looked pretty worried

Ryu: "Hey Momo."

Momo: "Eh Ryu?! Have you seen Hygami?! I tried calling him but he didn't pick up..."

Ryu: "Momo there's something I have to talk to you about him..."

Momo: "What happened to him?!"

Ryu: "He... well... he..."

Momo: "Yeah?!"


Momo: She started acting in denial "No way you got to be joking. Are you?" Then she looked at him to see he wasn't joking and started to cry "Why?! Why?!"

Ryu: "Look I'm sorry for you to hear that-" Then she grabs him by the collar


Ryu: "Look he-"

Saji: "He died trying to stop Evolto."

Momo: "Saji?!"

Saji: "It's true he sacrificed himself to save Itsuki but those two weren't strong enough to beat him and they were both...." It was hard for those two to tell the rest of the story as Momo ran off crying

Ryu: "We have screwed things up haven't we."

Saji: "No Ryu we haven't it's just hard for people to hear that someone they love died."

Ryu: "Why do I get a feeling it'll happen to the one of us?"

Saji: "Look lets try to get over it and use to motive and fight for."

Ryu: "Yeah! Let's make sure thier deaths were not in vain!"


The two made it back to Nascita where they see a shrine placed there with two photos one of Hygami and Itsuki with thier respective engine bottles placed

Ryu: "So this is what you guys did when we left."

Akeno: "Yeah so how did it go?"

Saji: "Not great she was crying and then we couldn't bare to say the rest of the story."

Akira: "I... think I'll go for a walk later today."

Ravel: "Hey Akira can I come with you-"

Akira: "I'm going by myself. Hey has anyone seen Gen or crow?"

Misora: "Huh?"

Akira: "Gentoku and Azazel." Then the lights went out as the doors open to find a red carpet and two people entering in

Gentoku: "Sorry for the wait!" Then both Azazel and Gentoku were wearing ugly clothes as everyone went the back of the room

Akira: He whispers "Ravel do something."

Ravel: She whispers "What do you want me to do burn their clothes?"

Akira: "No! That'll be insane we can't kill them. Well I mean we can't kill Azazel but it doesn't matter we gotta do something

Sento: "Son use these." He give him some bottles

Akira: "Oh right." Then he use the Harinezumi and syoubousya as he transforms into FireHedgehog as he sprays water at them with high pressure equal to a fire as they were shot out of the cafe

Misora: "Gross!" That shocked the two the most "Those kind of clothes can get you arrested by the fashion police and the actual police."

Gentoku: "Gross? You have no sense of fashion." Then they both got up as Akira's armor disappears quickly and as Gentoku walks up to Akira "Katsuragi did you get your memories back as Akira Kiryu?"

Akira: "I guess..." Meanwhile Ryu And Ravel were about to get ready to threaten them with fire "Umm right in this situation I can't talk right now intermission!" Then a... curtain fell as we switch to Akira taking that lonely walk

???: "You're curios about the bottle? Well I didn't made them."

Akira: "Huh? Katsuragi Takumi..."

Katsuragi: "They were created by my father..."

Akira: "Ok I think I'm like that kid in the sixth sense where he can see dead people." Then Katsuragi disappears "Hey come back!"

Saji: "Hey Akira!"

Akira: "Huh? Saji what do you want?"

Ryu: "The guy wanted to go to Touto to pay respects to them."

Akira: "Actually I'll go with him to Touto there's something I need to find out."

Ryu: "Find And if anyone asked you went fishing. Also Saji."

Saji: "Yeah?" He was tossed with a dragon jelly "Thanks."

Ryu: "Whatever." He left


Evolto and Utsumi were at a base where they had the prime minister of Touto in a capsule

Utsumi: "What are you doing?"

Evolto: "Creating a lost smash. A fusion between a regular clone smash with the lost bottle it'll be a best slave imaginable."

Utsumi: "Why bother that."

Evolto: "No matter what humanity will fight one another ultimately destroyed. Plus it'll be entertaining."

The next day

Akira and Saji are at Touto where it was quiet

Saji: "Where is everyone?"

Akira: "Probably In shelters." Then he finds where Katsuragi lives "Well here's my stop do what you have to do."

Saji: "Yeah." He left to take a walk as Akira enters inside the house where the first thing he did was to take a look around to check for any clues until he opens a case with a box that says "Dr.Katsuragi's belongings" "Let see what's inside." He checks until he hears Katsuragi's voice

Katsuragi: "It'll be useless if you check there. Nothing is in there."

Akira: "Ok that's it if you don't tell where it is I'm calling an exorcist to get rid of you."

Katsuragi: "The lost bottles are demonic bottles."

Akira: "Demonic?"

Katsuragi: "They make people more voile t easier to manipulate. Why would dad create something like this...?" Then he disappears

Akira: "Ahh!!! That's it I need an exorcist!" Then he just kept looking for details


Saji was heading towards Faust's hideout by sneaking in and then he put on those experimental hazard suit and sees the three bottles left there but when he about to grab it the guardians caught him and captured him

Utsumi: "Really sneaking in? We already seen it from a mile away."

Another meanwhile

Gentoku went down the stairs to lab like if he was a fashion model wearing everything pink and Misora and Ravel probably stayed away from them

Misora and Ravel: "Disgusting!"

Gentoku: "Huh?" Then Misora and Gentoku argues about his design while Ravel went up to Akeno, Sento, Ryuga, and Ryu to see what's going on and to see a woman at a port with a guardian standing at the far end

Sento: "Wait a minute in my universe that was when I found out about how my father was dead months after the sky wall incident I don't think it'll help that much."

Akira: "Yeah it makes sense because in this world the sky wall incident happened months maybe there's something we are missing."

Sento: "Hope so." He hangs up

Misora: "Stay away pinky!"

Gentoku: "Try it on!" The. Azazel appears wearing all purple and then Sento grabs him and throws him and Gentoku out of the cafe and locked the doors

Sento: "Problem solved."

Meanwhile Saji was in the chamber getting some nebula gas

Utsumi: "Now you'll under us as well. Good job now your hazard level has raised higher than before. Oh also if you lose a fight then your body will be destroyed." Then Saji makes a break for it as he escapes by punching his way out of the problem until the Yoshiko Tajimi appeared with two clone smash

Saji: "Crap..." Then she inserts the owl lost smash bottle as the two clone smash combined

Taijimi: "I'll be the one to take you out Kamen Riders." Then she charges at Saji who then he pulled out his driver and insert the robot jelly

Robot jelly!

Saji: "Henshin!"

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraa!

Then the two kept fighting until Akira was in rabbitrabbit form who then promptly kicked Taijimi away

Akira: "Going for a walk eh? Idiot."

Saji: "Akira that's the prime minister of Hokuto."

Akira: He looked "Lost bottle?"

Saji: "Yep." Then the two teamed up and fights her until Utsumi comes down the stairs

Utsumi: "Now I have to deal with you two." He pulls out his bottles and his driver and you get the deal

Koumori! Hatsudouki! Evol Match!

He twist the crank

Are you ready?

Utsumi: "Henshin!"

BatEngine! Fuhahahaha!

Then he fights Saji who then Utsumi twist the crank

Ready go! Evoltec attack! Ciao!

He got kicked and was sent flying as his hand looks like he was about to disappear

Saji: "Oh no..." Then he was holding onto his life even though electricity was striking his armor as Akira swap forms to TankTank

Tank and tank!

Akira: "Build up."

Kōtetsu no Blue Warrior! TankTank! Yabei! Tuei!

Utsumi: he fights Akira "No matter what you do you won't beat Evolto. You are just playthings."

Akira: "Humanity aren't playthings. Humans have a mind of their own." He pulls out the Genius bottle

Great! Genius!

He twist the crank

All yeah!


Are you ready!

Build Genius! Sugei! Monosugei!

Akira: "And souls too!" Then he fights Utsumi which the result was the same as last time

Saji: "Dam it I'm not gonna die... this is where I'll rise I don't care I'll still fight on!" He pulls out the dragon jelly and insert onto his driver

Dragon jelly!

It hurts a bit as it wasn't compatible to him but he pushes on as he have two twin breaker which then Saji used it to attack Utsumi

Saji: "Don't get cocky! Bastard! This isn't enough! Not enough! I'm letting my passion burn and crush you!" He was doing some great damage towards Utsumi "Fierce! Mighty! Unstoppable! Whose gonna satisfy me?!" Then he went crazy as he goes on the offense

Utsumi: "His hazard level is off the chart!"

Akira: "Genius form this could help me save the prime minister." Then he twist the crank for a long time as rainbow equations appears

One side! Flip side! All sides!

Akira: "This should be it. I've got the formula for victory."

Ready go! Genius finish!

He trapped her in a rainbow energy chart as he does a rider kick which worked as when Tajimi was defeated she still alive and the lost bottle was black

Utsumi: "How?! Lost smashes are supposed to die when beaten!"

Saji: "Lets go Akira."

Scrap finish!

Akira: "Right." Then they both do a rider kick on Utsumi who got owned as his armor disappears and fled as Akira and Saji's armor disappears "This Genius Bottle is capable of neutralizing nebula gas. Maybe I should..."

Saji: "Don't worry about it. I got stronger. Hey maybe I can impress Sona."

Akira: "Good luck." Then Tajimi gets up and then Saji grabs the lost bottle

Saji: "Weird it's black." Then Akira takes a look until Evolto appears

Evolto: "Well I see that the Genius Bottle is capable of turning a lost smash subject normal."

Akira: "Take Tajimi somewhere safe."

Saji: "Yeah." Then they both fled

Evolto: "I'm gonna need that back

Akira: "What are you gonna do with it."

Evolto: "I will create a new world."

Akira: He then starting thinking "Evolto won't get away with this."

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Akira: "Evolto anything you destroy I'll rebuild it once more."

Utsumi: "Akira!!"

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