Chapter 58: A weird family reunion

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Akira: "Last time on Let the experiment begin. With the continuation of constant fighting. An unknown person pretending to be Build attacked us until revealing the face of the person but not his name. Ok dad tell me who he is?"

Sento: "Well that's technically your grandfather but... you know different universe."

Akira: "Wait so what do I say to him?"

Sento: "I don't know maybe get him a gift?"

Akira: "Yeah but what does he likes?

Sento: "Umm... what will happen next?"

Akira: "Stop changing the subject!"

Ryu: "Who the hell are you?!"

???: "My name isn't important but what i'm here to do is to put you Kamen Riders down." Then he pulls out the ninja and comic bottles

Ninja! Comic!

Then the man twist the crank

Are you ready!

???: "Henshin."

Ninnincomic! Yeah!

Akira: "Ok dad who the hell is he?"

Sento: "That's Katsuragi Shinobu."

Akira: "Katsuragi... oh dear god you mean...?"

Sento: "Yep he is the father to Takumi Katsuragi."

Akira, Ryu, & Azazel: "Ohh that makes sense."

Shinobu: "Enough! Now then!" Then he uses 4Koma Ninpoutpu

Bushin no jutsu!

Then multiple Shinobu appears and wen after Ryu and only Ryu

Akira: "You bastard...!" Then he pulls out the genius bottle


All Yeah!

He twist the crank

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Are you ready!

Akira: "Henshin!"

Kanzen Muketsu no Bottle Yarō! Build Genius! Sugei! Monosugei!

Then he joins the fight with Ryu but even in genius form he was getting beaten up by his old old man and Ryu got defeated as his armor disappears

Ryu: "Gah!"

Akira: "Ryu!" Then Shinobu swapped bottles with hawk and gatling

Taka! Gatling!

He twist the crank

Are you ready!


Then Shinobu flies in the air and repeatedly fires at Sento and Akira multiple times to where the two got owned as their armors disappears

Shinobu: "And with that I got some things to do." Then he flies away as Akira got owned as he passes out


In Akira's head

Akira: "God dam it."

Katsuragi: "Welcome back again."

Akira: "Oh great you again why do I have to have you in my mind?"

Katsuragi: "Because shut up that's why."

Akira: "Wow now I know where you get your attitude."

Katsuragi: "Yeah right."

Akira: "Ok you know what i'm getting up!" Then he was awaken to the sight of Ravel "Ok so..."

Ravel: "Hmm?"

Akira: "I get that you care about me but isn't this going a bit far?"

Ravel: "Honestly do you expect someone else to be by your side?"

Akira: "Ok, ok calm down jeez I was just kidding you know that I still love you."

Ravel: She pouts "Nope not enough just for that I'm sleeping with you tonight."

Akira: "..." No reactions towards him but just a nod "Alright fine."

Ravel: "Eh?! I thought you would be disappointed."

Akira: "Ravel remember we've already went through some tough stuff together but really though this is the least of my worries."

Ravel: "Well... I guess I shouldn't be that hard."

Akira: "Hey it's what makes you, you."

Ravel: "Never forget who you are." Then she hugs him "But still no cuddles."

Akira: "Okay."

Ryu: "Hey guys am I interrupting anything?"

Akira & Ravel: "No we just finished up." The suddenly Gentoku appears as he opens up his jacket for the others to see that it says 'Finally' "Ok that's it you're gonna have to deal with him."

Akira: "Wait why me?"

Ravel: "Because I rather deal with a fallen angel."

Akira: "I'm not even gonna argue."

Gentoku: "Finally you got up." Then Ravel left

Akira: "Yeah. Ugh how was that possible I had Genius on my side and yet I got owned by best matches." He sighs "This is terrible."

Sento: "Well we can't all be winners."

Akira: "Makes sense."

Sento: "Yep."

Ryuga: "Hey Ryu lets get some training."

Ryu: "Eh sure." Then the two go outside for training

The next day

Akira was doing some meditating as nobody dared bothered him as everyone else was doing their own thing but what Akira noticed that both Misora and Ravel weren't here but he thought it was nothing until he got a phone call from Misora

Akira: "Hello?"

Misora: "Akira...." Then the call ended as he ran to a warehouse which somehow he found Misora and Ravel both acting strange

Akira: "Misora... Ravel?!" Then this is when things gotten real as Vernage taken over her as she pulled out the Cd lost bottle and Ravel with the Hasami (scissors) bottle and turns into the scissors and cd lost smash by inserting the bottles onto their necks and as two sets of clone smash were absorbed

This didn't made Akira happy rather livid

Akira: "No.... DAM YOU!!!" Then he pulls out the hazard trigger and the Fullbottle and shakes it for tank

Max hazard on


Tank and tank!

Then he twist the crank

Are you ready!

Akira: "HENSHIN!!!"

Overflow! Kōtetsu no Blue Warrior! TankTank! Yabei! Tuei!

Then Akira fights the two together but it was hard for him as Vernage shoots multiple cds at him from many angles causing him to fall to the ground

Akira: "Dam it... I guess I gotta use the Genius Bottle." Then he pulls out the genius bottle

Great! All yeah!

But before he could even insert it onto his driver Shinobu appears

Shinobu: "If you were to defeat them, the two will die." That was when Akira was hesitant to using it "You see I learned that it's better to take things one step ahead." Then he pulls out the rabbit and tank bottles and insert them onto the driver

Rabbit! Tank!

Then he twist the crank

Are you ready!

Shinobu: "Henshin."

Hagane no Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeahhh!

Then the three attacks Akira which was hard for Akira to deal with

Akira: "Why... why did you do this?!"

Shinobu: "In order for me to use the lost bottles and to create the black pandora panel. With it I can use it to where even the laws of physics couldn't comprise of what's happening!" Then he attacks Akira as he twist the crank

Ready go! Vortex Finish!

Akira was stuck on the energy graph as he got kicked by Shinobu with enough force for Akira's armor to disappear

Akira: "So that's all? You'll use people just to get towards your goal?" He was on the ground

Shinobu: "In a way, yes all things comes at a price and using these two were enough."

Akira: "Dam you..." He was almost about to shed a tear until

Ryu: "Really Akira? Come on your going soft." He appears

Akira: "What the?"

Ryu: "Look let's just take them down and save Misora and Ravel." Then Akira got up with the help of Ryu

Akira: "Fine." Then he pulls out the Genius bottle and Ryu pulls out the burning knuckles with the bottles already inserted

Great! All yeah!

Bottle burn! Cross-Z Magma!

Are you ready?

Ryu & Akira: "Henshin!"

Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!

Kanzen Muketsu no Bottle Yarō! Build Genius! Sugei! Monosugei!

Ryu: "I'll take care of Shinobu while you take care of the two." Then he fights Shinobu as Akira was dealing with the two so he had to held them down as Ryu was fighting Shinobu

Shinobu: "I can't believe you'll be fighting me even though you have Evolto's DNA?" Then Ryu wasn't controlling himself as his strikes were powerful as Akira was thinking on what to do until he had everything set

Akira: "The rules of victory have been set." Then he twist the crank

One Side! Flip side! All side!

Ready go! Genius finish!

As Ryu was about to let a punch Akira punched Ravel and Misora towards Ryu which caused them to revert back to normal fine and the two bottles turned different colors due to the genius form and then Akira still holding the gold

Shinobu: "I see using Genius form to collide with Ryu's punch causing the DNA of Vernage and Evolto to cancel each other not only saving your two friends and helping Ryu but Ryu isn't up."

Akira: "You sure about that?"

Shinobu: "Huh?" Then magma appears as Ryu rises up

Ryu: "Ouch! Ouch! Hot! Hot! Akira!"

Akira: "Now then Ryu!" Then the three twist the crank

Ready go! Vortex finish!

Ready go! Genius finish!

Ready go! Volcanic Attack!

Then Akira and Ryu were able to take down Shinobu and the best part was that Akira got back the Rabbit bottle and then it turned gold

Akira: "Woah..."

Shinobu: "Hazard level 7... I got more things to deal with i'm out!" Then he pulls out the hawk bottle, inserts it onto his driver and then flies away

Ryu: "Dam it."

Akira: "Yeah well we can't win all the time. Now go and carry Misora while I take care of Ravel."

Ryu: "If Akeno asks your explaining everything and that's final."

Akira: "Fine."

Timeskip and meanwhile

Evolto heard everything about what Shinobu told what happened

Evolto: "I'm ashamed of you Shinobu." Then Utsumi enters in

Utsumi: "Sir we got some intruders." Then the security camera shows Saji, Azazel, Ryuga, Gentoku, and Kazumi sneaking in

Evolto: "That'll be a problem."

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Akira: "Shinobu!"

Evolto: "Humans and devils working together? The both race together are weak."

Akira: "Evolto let me show you what we can do."

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