Chapter 61: Farewell Grease...

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It starts off with Evolto giving a speech at a camera that was live

Evolto: "As everything was in peace Japan lived a happy time until when the sky wall appeared the country fell as they had a war. They used Kamen Riders to fight for their countries." Then he transforms into his final form "But before all of that I existed possessed a genius to my bidding as I waited until the time is right. For now that shall be all ciao."

Meanwhile everyone were at Nascita and for some reason Sona came in but this was when everyone else were gathering around the box

Sona: "Huh What are you all doing-"

Akira: "Shh..." Then Ryu places the hazard trigger inside the box which then created a reaction as there was a white panel and everyone clapped

Sona: "Ok what's going on? It's just a white panel."

Akira: "It's not just a white panel idiot. This panel is the key to traveling parallel worlds."

Sona: "Ok now I'm lost."

Akira: "Of course you are."

Saji: "Hey don't talk to her like that."

Akira: "Saji stop stealing my thunder and let me have this."

Saji: He sighs "Fine."

Akira: "As I was saying this panel has the ability to travel parallel worlds. The black panel had the ability to travel planets but with this we can go a world where no sky wall ever existed."

Ryu: "Wait if that happened what would happen next?"

Akira: "The two planets form into one. For example take this planet as planet a and the one without the sky wall b and when the two collides then a brand new planet forms."

Ravel: "Wow that's so cool."

Azazel: "So what about a world where I become the king of harems."

Akira: "Hey Issei get out of Azazel's mind before I come down where you are and dunk you with a bucket of holy water while forcing you to read the Bible."

Sona: "Ok wow that's dark." Everyone agrees

Akira: "Hey look this isn't the time to joke around because remember Evolto could right now be slowly destroying this planet as we speak."

Meanwhile Evolto was doing some training by using digital smash clones as Utsumi was watching his movement to see any problems

Utsumi: "Let's see... nothing changed your still the same."

Evolto: "Good because I'm getting tired of that already."


Akira was doing some researching until Saji came downstairs

Saji: "Akira can you create me a power-up item?"

Akira: "Huh?"

Saji: "Look even with the gas I'm still feeling weak that's why... I want to get even stronger!"

Akira: "Well then here." He tosses him the blizzard knuckles

Saji: "Wait isnt' this Ryu's."

Akira: "No they were yours. I had to test them and I needed you but you bailed me out."

Saji: "Wait this thing looks like it can fit with a build driver. I have a Sclash driver. Hey can you-"

Akira: "No!"

Saji: "Eh why not?"

Akira: "This will kill you it'll raise your hazard level so high that it surpasses a human limit and your still half human so your limit is of a human."

Saji: "But..." as that conversation was happening Sona heard everything Akira said from the beginning as she tries to hold it in and then enters as if nothing happened

Sona: "Hey guys come on."

Saji & Akira: "Eh?" They both shrugged and just followed her to which everyone was at the rooftop having a cookout

Gentoku was about to prepare a speech but Akira has one already

Akira: "Hey guys I wanna say something. As we all now tomorrow is the time to strike. The time to take out Evolto once and for all. But I couldn't get to this state if my father didn't brought me into this world and for everyone else helping me along the way. That's why tonight we celebrate for one last feast!" Then Everyone cheered as the cling their glass and they started eating and drinking and they was when Akira had a messenger bag on him and Ravel was confused

Ravel: "Sweetie why do you have a bag with you."

Akira: Then he drags her to somewhere nobody can see or hear them "Listen this was what I had." He shows to see it was the gear bottles and the two transtream gun

Ravel: "Wait aren't those-"

Akira: "Yeah I carried them with me. I said were all gonna fight together and that includes these two."

Ravel: "Akira will we actually win?"

Akira: "Only time will tell."

Ravel: "Oh. So after this what comes next?"

Akira: "Don't know maybe we stop fighting unless another big thing happens next. But probably spend the rest of my days... with you."

Ravel: "What?!"

Akira: "Ravel you know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. That is why that... one day in the future." He gulped and inhaled "I want you to become my wife!" That was when Ravel was embarrassed of what he said but was tearing up and crying "Huh? Ravel are you al-" Then a sudden passionate kiss happened as then she separates

Ravel: "Akira... What you said might be something you won't hold up. Are you sure you gonna marry me one day?!"

Akira: "I promise."

Ravel: "Ok but still what about my family I mean what if word got around that a devil is marrying a human?"

Akira: "Hey we'll get through this together I promise."

Ravel: "O-ok." She then got some comfort from Akira and then the two went back to where the others were

Saji: "Huh? Where were you two? You guys were-" Then Sona hits him in the head

Sona: "Saji... don't even finish that sentence what they did is not our business unless they want to talk about it."

Saji: "Fine."

Akira: "Thanks. Now then." Then they all celebrated until morning

The next day

People started running away but the riders were walking towards Evolto which he has an army of hard guardians

Evolto: "Let's end this here and now! But first do you have my lost bottles" Then Saji shows him the castle bottle which was still in its original state "Good now then let me explain the rules."

Akira: "Rules?"

Sento: "Long story short he'll be at the top of the tower while we will go up there as well while dealing with enemies along the way."

Evolto: "Aww boo. You're a buzzkill. Well then there is also consequences. Every ten minutes a section of this country will be gone for good."

Akira: "Blackhole?"

Evolto: "Correct. Here's an example." Then he summons a black hole as it sucks up a tall building as it sucks up the building and people nearby the building "Now hurry up and get to it." Then he teleports to the top as the hard guardians moves forwards as they insert their item on their drivers

Are you ready!

Akira, Sento, Ryu, Ryuga, Saji, Kazumi, Azazel, Gentoku, Ravel: "Henshin!" They all transform and they quickly defeated the army of hard guardians with one powerful combined blast as they run towards the tower as Evolto relax as a part of him left as Ryu breaks the wall as they started off on the first floor and that was when they met the first obstacle which was the Hokuto trio

Akaba: "Hey look you guys are back where were you." Then Saji and Kazumi both punched him as it was shown it was a fake "Aw that was just rude of you.

Saji & Kazumi: "You guys go on ahead we'll take care of this."

Akira: "What?!"

Sento: "We gotta get going. Come on!" Then everyone but Akira left to go up

Akira: "You guys better be alive." Then he left to join the others

Evolto: "Oh yeah one more thing I may have created mimics from my DNA. Now hurry up before more lives die."

Kazumi: "Great it's like having a dramatic flashback again." Then the trio transforms into their former smash form

Saji: "Great. Let's get this over with!" Then Saji and Kazumi both go on the attack on the mimics

Then meanwhile the rest were getting up as more hard guardians were blocking them as another black hole kept sucking up more buildings and people

Akira: "We aren't gonna back down." Then they all continue climbing the stairs

Then back to Saji and Kazumi, Saji removed his driver to confront the trio but gets beaten up

Akaba: "Oh come on is that all? You may be a Kamen Rider but still... your nothing!" Then he throws him away

Saji: "I'm gonna risk it all..." That was when he pulls out the build driver Shinobu used and that was when Sona and Misora came as Misora was carrying the box

Sona: "Saji!!"

Saji: "Eh Sona? Why are you he-"

Sona: "Don't use it I know what's gonna expect to happen!"

Saji: "What do you mean?"

Sona: "Your gonna transform with the blizzard knuckles! I heard what Akira said but... I don't know if I should stop you from using it!"

Saji: He gives off a cocky smile "Don't worry."

Sona: "Saji..."

Saji: "Time for my final moment to help. The last time..." Then he puts on the driver and then twist the bottle and insert it onto the blizzard knuckles and then insert the knuckles onto the driver

Grease Blizzard!

Then Saji twist the crank

Are you ready!

Saji: "Hell yeah..." Then he was engulfed in what appears to be snow as it froze and then breaks to show

Gekitō Shinka! Grease Blizzard! Gakigakigakigaki Gaki~n! (The frozen passion! Grease Blizzard! ChillChillChillChill!)

Meanwhile as the others made it up to the next floor the imposters of Hygami and Itsuki appears as engine and remocon bros.

Azazel: "I'll take care of them."

Gentoku: "I'll help you as well. Now go!" Then the others goes as Akira, Sento, Ryu, Ryuga, and Ravel moves onto the next floor as Evolto watches them not even in his armor

Evolto: "Man looks like someone his planning his funeral quickly. Well whatever let's see what's happening next."

Saji was taking care of the trio mimics with his new strength

Saji: "Come on! Is that all you got!?" Then he continues his barrages of punches "Hey Kazumi go on without me!"

Kazumi: "EH ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

Saji: "JUST DO IT!" Then Kazumi agrees and went for the others as Gentoku and Azazel were having a hard time with the gear bros

Gentoku: "Dam it. Wait then next is..."

Utsumi: "Aww even on equal match still nothing." Then he twist the crank


Than suddenly he walks towards them

Utsumi: "Besides its time...." Then the gears bros were about to attack Azazel and Gentoku but Utsumi pulled a 180 and punches the both of them to the ground

Azazel: "What?!"

Gentoku: "He's doing this to get revenge for Namba. He worked with Evolto just to for his revenge that is why he's working with us."

Utsumi: "Correct now then let's fight for our beliefs." Then the two attacks the gear bros until the mimic Itsuki shot Hygami as they fused into one to become hell bros

Funky match!

Then they continue fighting but the problem was that Hell bros was overpowering the three together as then Misora came to where they were

Gentoku: "What the?!" Then she tosses the shark and bike bottles

Utsumi: "These bottles will be able to neutralize their attacks." Then Gentoku and Utsumi insert the bottle Utsumi with bike and Gentoku with Shark



Charge crush!

Ready go! Evoltec attack! Ciao!

Then their combined attack was able to defeat the imposters but however the part of Evolto came back to him as he appeared

Evolto: "Well well. So you were working for me just to get your revenge. Eh Utsumi?"

Utsumi: "EVOLTO!!!" Then he charges at him as well with Azazel and Gentoku

Evolto: "It's useless!" Then he kicks Utsumi

Utsumi: "Gah! Phase 1." Then his power increased "Phase 2. Phase 2.5. Phase 3." Then he goes on the attack as he was faster and stronger than he was before "Phase 4-" HE tries to use phase 4  but something stopped him from going to that power as Evolto goes for a counter attack and Utsumi's armor disappears "Gah!!" Then a bit of electricity was shocking him

Evolto: "A cyborg?"

Utsumi: "I... did it to evolve myself..."

Then Azazel and Gentoku goes on the attack which it was powerful and then Evolto twist the crank

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

He does a roundhouse kick on the two as they were about to disappear until Misora removed their crack bottle from their driver as their armors disappears

Evolto: "Now give me the bottles." Then he was about to stab the two until Utsumi goes for a sacrifice which he was slowly dying

Azazel: "Are you insane?!"

Utsumi: "I didn't do it to protect you guys... I did it... to protect... the bottles." Then he dies which resulted a trigger moment for Azazel as he used the transteam gun to make himself, Misora, and Gentoku to escape and makes it to the top

Meanwhile Saji was going ham as he literally defeated the two smash mimics though he used the power of the castle bottle by inserting it onto himself but was slowly disappearing

Saji: "This will be the end... I may be a devil but I pray that the others creates a world where peace is restored. I'll let my passion burn..." Then he twist the crank

Single ice! Twin ice!

Then he charges in for his last attack

Ready go! Glacial finish

Then he does a rider kick which was being a bit of a challenge but was pushing forth


Then he defeated the last mimic smash but his armor disappears

Sona: "Saji!" She went up to him

Saji: "Funny really one minute i'm your servant, then a Kamen Rider but now i'm slowly disappearing."

Sona: She started crying "Please don't leave me..."

Saji: "Hey why are you crying. It's not normal for you as you were always a calm person but..."

Sona: "Please just..." She then kiss him

Saji: He kiss her back "Here give this to Akira... tell him that i'm sorry for not staying alive. Ryu, tell him that he's an idiot but a good guy, Azazel he may be a fallen angel but I don't mind." He smiles

Sona: "Please live!"

Saji: "Thank you Sona... for everything..." Then he disappears into nothingness as Sona cries holding his sclash driver with the robot jelly already inserted and the castle bottle

Sona: "Saji..."


Everyone was at the top taking a break mostly due to Azazel taking heavy damage as Ravel tosses him a Phoenix tear which she carried about only 3 as Sona arrived to them with Akira hearing what she said about Saji as everyone were down in deep depression as Akira grabs his driver and places on his bag as Evolto arrives

Evolto: "Hello everyone." He said it in a happy tone and that was when Akira was the one who was pissed

Akira: "...EVOLTO!!!"

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Akira: "Evolto we are ending this now!"

Evolto: "It won't matter what you do. This world, heaven, and hell will be gone for good."

Azazel: "I'm gonna do as much as I can help!"

Ryu: "Akira... thanks man."

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