Prologue: The Beginning of the Experiment (part 1)

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Well guys it's been a while so I want to say hello and here is a setup for the story in a different way, I'm sorry for not being online as I used to be life can be sort of change you for better or for worse so here's the beginning of a story...again

A young man was running away from someone at night, oddly the person that was chasing the young man has a pair of black wings as well wearing a trench coat with a fedora. The young man is Issei Hyoudou and the man with the black wings is named Dohnaseek

"Kid stop running the sooner I kill you, the sooner it'll make my job easier. After all a stray devil will just get killed one way or another." Said Dohnaseek as he was holding a sort of spear made of pure light as he throws it at Issei, managing to hit him on the left leg as Issei screams in pain

"AHHH!!! IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!" Issei continues screaming in pain as blood starts pouring out of the wound all the while Dohnaseek decides to land on the ground as he walks toward him with another spear appearing in his hand as he was about to throw it at Issei, suddenly Dohnaseek was shot from the back

'Devil Stream!'

"GAH!!!" Dohnaseek screams in pain even though nothing pierced him, instead gas surrounded him all the while Dohnaseek still kept screaming in pain as he was suddenly transformed into a monster of some sort

"W-what the hell?!" Screamed Issei as he has no idea what's going as he manages to get up but barely move as the monster went toward Issei as it first struck first by slashing Issei in the back which wasn't fatal, but it still hurts leading to Issei falling on the ground bleeding.

'Is this how I'm going to die again? No... I don't want to die, not before I become the harem king...' He thought as he didn't close his eyes as he slowly tries to fight it, but he was barely doing anything. The monster charges towards him it was shot in the back this time the monster was on the ground.


Issei looked seeing a motorcycle and the person riding it was someone in armor, concealing their identity as the first thing Issei saw was the face and the weird belt it was wearing

The unknown person proceeds to fight the monster which was looking more of a one-sided match as the person was using its left hand to block the attacks, while using its right hand for swift punches and using its right leg for devastating hits.

"This battle is too easy, why don't I just end this!" Said the person as the voice was that of a male which left Issei still surprised and wondering what he will do once he was done with the monster.

As soon as his thought process was handling what he was seeing the person then proceeds to throw a right hook leading to the monster crashing into a tree as the person goes for kick leaving the monster on the ground

"Estimated time, 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Casualty: none." The man takes out a weird cylinder bottle as he twists the cap Issei watches as Dohnaseek has return normal, unconscious.

The man takes the bottle which now looks different than what it looked like a few seconds ago as he gets on his bike

"Wait! Who are you?" Issei grunted in pain as the man looks at him

"Build." Said the person as he left on his motorcycle leaving Issei alone, now bleeding but still alive

"...At least you could've gotten me some sort of bandage." He groans but grunts a bit in pain as he applies pressure on the wound on his leg all the while a magic circle appears in front of him

"Issei!" Said a female voice as Issei looks and recognize her, it was Rias Gremory as he looks up in the sky as he sees a small glimpse of a wall, but it was far and there were trees that barely managed to cover almost everything except for the top part which there were what appears to be red lights from the top as he passes out due to the amount of blood loss

"Don't worry Issei you'll get patched up." She said as she carries him by the shoulder as she creates a magic circle underneath them as the two were gone leaving only an unconscious fallen angel on the ground


The unknown man named 'Build' drove around the streets, fortunately it was night so there wasn't anyone that was going to spot him, but he did have to speed through as he notices cameras after the third intersection mainly to not get caught

"This is probably the best day...another smash appeared, and I was able to obtain the essence, I hope that young man is alright." He groans realizing that he left a person to die

"Hopefully he isn't dead...that will be the worst!" He placed on hand on his face dreading that event, but he really couldn't do much mainly he doesn't have the equipment or procedure to treat injuries, plus even if he did, he doesn't know where he lives or would he send him to his place as he rather not want to reveal is identity to him but there was something he did notice about Issei specifically his clothing

"Huh I just realized something; he's wearing a school uniform...wait could he be..." He took a minute to stop driving as he sighs "Ohh, it's the pervert Issei Hyoudou no wonder why he looks familiar." He facepalms but it stilled raised more questions like why he was out late at night and who was that random man and what he was there as well

"Too many questions, not enough answers, I need to go home, and get some rest it's a school night." He sighs as he drives all the while a camera was able to get a shot of him


In an unknown location, there were multiple computers monitors and on them were what appears to be the view from multiple cameras and on one of them was Build driving off but there was one person that was watching the monitors

"Let's see how this will play out, Build." A voice was heard as the figure gets up and walks off as there was a folder of a person, a young man but the name is not shown

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