Addicted to Scandal

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Hey, Readers! I know what you've been thinking: "OMG why isn't Truth-san updating? Is she like getting sick of this? Maybe I should just like unfollow her. Yup, that sounds pretty right." NO XD I am not disappearing. Softball season just started, and I have to start getting ready for the  next year, so yeah....IM UBER SORRY, but seriously I'm stressing out more than the Queen of Shiba...Anyhoo, here's Chapter 28, ENJOY!


Jellal P.O.V

Ten more minutes. Just a measle ten minutes. I was sitting at my desk, grading papers, while my class did silent studying. Well, studying was kind of pushing it. Only ten out of twenty kids were actually doing the assignment while the others would whisper and socialize. As I graded their papers, every other minute, I would gradually take a quick peek at Erza, who was at the back of the classroom studying. Even the way she sat in her desk made her look irresistable. She crossed her legs, revealing her snow white skin, and for the first time in a while, she let her scarlet hair down that would gently touch her face. And from time to time, she would bite her lip, showing a sign of frustration. After the third time I looked up at her, our eyes met. She gave me a quick sly smile, and I smiled at her back before we both looked down and continued with our work. 

Thankfully, the bell rang, and slowly one by one, students began to leave my classroom.  "Erza Scarlet, could you stay after class for a moment? There's something I need to discuss with you about your essay?"

She nodded. She walked over to my desk but waited until every single student had left the classroom. After we were completely alone, I rushed over to the door and locked it shut. I sighed with relief and turned around  to see my girl. She smirked and said, "My essay, huh? Last time I checked I got an A- on it, didn't I?"

I smiled and pulled her closer to me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and breathed, resting my head on hers. "I just wanted an excuse to get close to you. Being far away from you was driving me crazy."

"We were only a few yards apart," she laughed. I gently touched her chin so that she could look me in the eye. Her perfect brown eyes made the rest of her shine so brightly. "For me, that feels like a thousand miles," I whispered before bringing myself upon her lips. She kissed me back, laughing softly to herself. She wrapped her hands around my neck and continued to kiss me as I kissed her back. I pulled away and rested my head on hers. "I've been waiting all period to do this."

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I have to go change. I have another martial arts lesson with your brother." I could feel my grin slowly beginning to fade. I didn't know when I was planning to tell my twin about our relationship. To be honest, I would've liked it if he'd never find out. But despite my brother being stupid from time to time, he sure wasn't an idiot. I grabbed a strand of Erza's hair and gently kissed it. "You are such a romantic," Erza smiled.

"Says the girl who rode a bike in the rain in heels just to come and see me," I smirked. She blushed wildly and quickly turned away. "D-D-Don't bring that up now!"

"And why not," I said. "It was pretty romantic." I could sense her embarrassment growing, which made my grin wider. I gave her a surprise hug from behind and asked, "Can I at least help you get changed?" Erza turned around and grabbed my hand, giving me some kind of sly smile. "If you think you can get away with helping me get changed that easily, you must be dreaming."

"Maybe. I mean, I'm with a beautiful girl in my locked classroom. Doesn't that sound like a dream to you?" She turned around and faced me, gently rubbing her hand against my face. "I love you so much."

"And I love you," I whispered in her ear before I planted one last kiss on her lips. She kissed me back and quickly grabbed her bag from her desk. She waved me a goodbye wave before leaving me alone in my own classroom. After she left, my body immediately relaxed, making me lean against the wall. I unbuttoned the first four buttons of my shirt and breathed. "For a second there," I whispered to myself, "I thought I was about to lose control."

An hour later, we had arrived at my brother's dojo. Erza had been stressing out  about sneaking to my car without getting noticed by other students or her grandmother's men. I had to search the whole area to confirm that we were alone. When we had arrived, she took a breather, slouching down on the passenger seat. "This is getting too risky. I feel like I have to wear camoflouge just to talk to you."

I sighed. "I agree. Has your grandma been suspicious?"

She shook her head. "She's away at Truilo trying to nail a partnership with this big company. I guess her men are taking care of her more than me."

"So I guess that means we can spend a little more time together then, huh?"

"I guess..." She sat up more straight but still didn't look me in the eyes. "I've just been thinking...."


"Of the concequences of...all this." My eyes widened and I froze. I decided not to speak and let her continue. "Jellal, we have to be thinking rationally: our relationship is dangerous. If we get caught by anyone, you could get fired from your job, or worse, go to jail for having a relationship with me, a minor!"

"When...When did you start thinking about this?"

"Right when I left your apartment. This relationship isn't healthy, Jellal! I'm just a kid! And I think that-"

"You think what!" I yelled. Was she actually considering breaking up with me? All because of what, age difference? My job? I quickly adjusted her seat so that she was laying completely on her back. She gasped from shock, but I quickly covered it with my hand. "Don't say a word until I finish speaking," I said. Her eyes widened, but she said nothing. "Why can't you realize that I love you so much that I'm willing to risk everything for you? I love you, Erza Scarlet. There are over a thousand other schools and colleges that would kill to have me as their professor, but there's only one of you! " I slowly removed my hand from her mouth, waiting for her reply. Her face was a bright shade of pink, and her eyes looked so flustered. "Why...Why do you say things like that?"

"Because they're ture," I whispered, lowering my head towards hers. "And you know that too." I gently placed my lips against hers, pouring out all my feelings with just one action. I could feel Erza's body shaking as she wrapped her arms around my back, squeezing on to my shirt for dear life. I would slowly pull away, but she would grab me by the collar and bring me back in for another passionate kiss. To control myself, I pulled away once again. "I don't want to force anything on you," I panted.

"Who said you were forcing anything," she surprisingly said, her eyes suddenly filled with some sort of lust. My eyes widened at her words. My hand suddenly slowly fell down to her chest. Just when I was about to slide it beneath her t-shirt, my phone began to vibrate from my pocket. My hand froze on her surpisingly soft stomach. Her breathing halted when she heard the vibrating noise. Using my free hand, I grabbed my phone and saw that it was a text from my brother. I dropped my head with disappointment and muttered, "You're going to be late."

"Oh...," she whispered. As I slowly began to crawl back to the driver's seat, she gave me a simple kiss on the cheek before she left my car. I leaned back against my seat and groaned with frustration. Her face was now permanantly glued into my mind. Her eyes, her flushed face, her heavy breathing, the way she crossed her almost bare legs; it was all so exhilerating. If it weren't  for Mystogan, we probably would've gone beyond that. I quickly took out my pack of cigarettes and stepped out of my car, lighting one cigarette to calm me down. As I began to walk into  my brother's dojo, Erza sprinted past me, beginning her run that my brother always made her do. When I walked in, I was suddenly welcomed by a giant bear hug from my brother. "LITTLE BROTHER!"'

I almost swallowed my cigarette with shock. "Hey hey hey!  I have something hot here!"

"Little brother, you know you're not allowed to smoke in the dojo," he said sweetly.

"I'm just flustered, that's all. It's just one smoke," I muttered. When I put out my smoke, I realized that it had been a while since Erza had come back inside. "How many laps did you make her do?"


My eyes widened. "That many! It's below zero degrees out there!"

"It's punishment."

"Punishment? For what! She's been a loyal student to you!"

"It's punishment for having a relationship with my idiot of a brother." I froze. He looked at me with his sudden serious killer eyes and folded his arms. He shook his head in disappointment. "How...How do you know about that?"

"These dojos have windows, Jellal. I saw what you two did in your car." I scratched my head in frustration and grumbled. "Mystogan, you don't understand-"

"No, obviously you don't understand!" Mystogan yelled. "You were finally getting your life back on track! But here you go again, having another fucked up relationship!"

"It's not fucked up!" I yelled back. "Erza is the real thing!"

"Jellal, read my lips: she is a highschool student. You are a highschool teacher. You could get in real trouble for this!"

"I know what I'm doing! I love Erza!" Using his martial arts, he pinned me to the wall with anger. He yelled, "End it!"


"You're just screwing over both of your feelings! Just leave the girl be!"

"I love Erza, and she loves me!"

"Oh really?" Jellal sneered. "Would she still love you if she knew that you had a sexual relationship with your sister!"

I froze. I could feel the color fade from my body. "Please," I whispered. "Don't tell her."

"You love her, right? Then she has the right to know, doesn't she?" 

Suddenly, we heard the sound of footsteps from behind us. I looked over past my brother.

It was Erza.

Erza P.O.V

After practice, I stormed out of the dojo without getting into Jellal's car. My emotions were too screwed up to even be within his presence. I mean, he had sex with his sister. That's incest! For the first time in forever, I actually wanted breakdown and cry with all my heart, but it was so cold outside I thought my eyes would actually freeze open. "Erza!" I heard Jellal yell from a distance. "Erza, please wait!" He ran up behind me and grabbed my shoulder, but I snapped it away. "I'm really not in the mood, Jellal!"

"Just please, listen to what I have to say," Jellal begged. I turned around, and to my surprise, he was not dressed for this weather. He must've been in a rush to come and find me, because  he wasn't wearing his jacket or his scarf, just his dress shirt. His eyes looked like sad puppy dog eyes that you would see in the slums. "Please Erza, it was a long time ago-"

"S it is true, isn't it?" I scoffed. Jellal winced. "How long ago was it," I asked.

He looked away, clenching his fists. "4 years ago."

"Great," I hissed. "Just great."

"Erza please-"

"How long did it last?"

"...Seven months..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I threw my hands up in frustration and was about to turned around. He rushed to me again and forcingly turned me around to face him. "This was in the past, Erza! It doesn't affect how I fell about you!"

"What am I to you?" I asked. "Was I just a random rebound that you happened to pick up from the fabulous rich life?"

"No, Erza, that's not what you are!"

"Well, that's how it sounds!" I yelled. I could suddenly feel a tear trickle down my face. I quickly wiped it away to not embarrass myself. I was fed up with Jellal and wanted to just be alone.  "I'll see you tomorrow...Mr. Fernandez."

And with that, I sprinted away from Jellal, hoping that he wouldn't be chasing. He didn't. 

"He did what!" Lucy gasped. It was the next day. I skipped school so that I couldn't see Jellal. I knew that I wouldn't be able to handle my emotions, so I just went straight to the hospital to acheive some advice from my friend. I nodded at her, trying to keep in my tears. She covered her mouth and muttered, "Oh God...that's just sick."

I nodded in agreement. "Do you think that I as just...a rebound for him?"

Lucy looked at me and grabbed my hands. "I think you should listen to his explanation. If it's not good enough, then end it."

"Sometimes I wish I could have a normal relationship like you and Natsu." Her eyes widened and turned sad. She looked away and muttered, "Actually, I haven't talked to him in almost two weeks."

"Why?" I asked in a shocked tone. She looked at me and pointed at her head. All she was wearing on her head was a beanie, but when she removed it, her once beautiful golden hair was gone, leaving just her bare skin. "I would think it would be hard to keep a relationship when you're slowly dying...I'm afraid that he won't think I'm beautiful enough for him."

"Now why would you say that! You know Natsu isn't like that!" I exclaimed.

"One disease can change everyone it surrounds. I'm that disease...But you aren't a disease. You can still keep your man."

"But that's what I don't understand. Do I want to keep him after I found out his little...secret?"

She shrugged. "That's completely up to you. But in my opinion, you're over thinking it.  You have a way better situation than Levy."

"How is she?" I asked, forgetting about Jellal for the moment.

"She's on house arreset, even from school. Her brother is staying at home to keep a full watch on her." I had to admit, we were all having guy troubles: Lucy with her insecurity with her new bald look, Levy and Gajeel being completely separated from each other, and then there was Jellal and his old sister fetish.

Sometimes, I thought God could be such a cruel, cruel man. 

"I'll talk to him," I finally decided. "I'll hear him out, just this once..."

Lucy smiled. "I knew you would choose the right thing to do." Later that evening, I texted Jellal telling him that I would be going over to his place. I was stupid enough not to think about grabbing a jacket or a scarf, so I froze in skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I rapidly knocked on the door and cursed in my head, If he's going to make me freeze out here, I outta kick his ass to tomorrow! 

The door slowly opened, and a hand came out of a dark void and grabbed me by the wrist. I was about to scream when I felt familiar arms wrapped around me. It was just as cold inside as it was outside. I could even see my own breath swirling in the air. "I'm so happy you're here," Jellal's voice whispered. I slowly pushed him away and looked around. His apartment was freezing cold and dark with no sliver of light except for a small lit candle. "Why is it so dark here? And it's freezing!"

"The heating generator is busted and the power went out a few hours ago," he explained.

"So you've been freezing in the dark for hours?" I asked in shock. He nodded, his whole body shaking from the cold. He wasn't properly dressed for this weather either. All he wore were FA sweatpants and a black tank-top. "Sit. I'll bring us some blankets." He disappeared into his bedroom while I sat on his couch patiently. I could hear the wind howl from outside the window. I could see a mixture of snow and hail pound against the glass, making me flinch with slight fear. Will I be able to get home in this weather, I thought to myself.

Jellal came back into the living room with a bunch of blankets and handed half of them to me. I quickly wrapped myself in them and slowly began to feel a warm feeling all around me. I sighed with relief as I began to finally feel my legs once again. I had almost forgotten that my boyfriend was sitting on the opposite side of the couch. I faced him and breathed. It was time to not yell, but listen. "I'll give you one chance to explain," I said quietly. Jellal's head perked up. He nodded and began his tale:

"I was nineteen years old when it started. I was what you would call a delinquent. I was skipping my courses, stealing, and even getting arrested from time to time. My parents were fed up with it. They had told me if I were to get arrested again, they'd take me out of college and put me in the military. I had tried my best to stay out of trouble, and even my grades were getting better. But I was stupid enough to hang with my other delinquent friends and got arrested after my friends stole some cash. I...I was in a bust. I couldn't call my parents or my tatteling brother, so the only person I could resort to was my sister.

"But to my surprise, she didn't really help me. She threatened to tell my parents about my arrest unless I would obey each and everyone of her commands. I thought they would be simple tasks like doing her laundry or driving her to places. Well, they were, but different. She'd ask me to do...weird things like take off my shirt when I cook with my shirt off or help her zip up her dresses. She would send me weird text messages with the subtext reminding me that I was hers. She wanted to get more and more intimate...and I thinkyou know the rest..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What he was describing wasn't what I thought it was. It wasn't an outrageous kind of romantic relationship that was so seductive you'd only see it in erotic novels. This was a pure master/slave scenario. I stood up more straight and sat a little closer to him. "Is that all true?"

He nodded. "That was all a hundred percent true." I sighed in frustration, rubbing my hand on my freezing cold head. "If you would've just told me about this, we wouldn't be in this mess."

"I know," he said, moving closer to me and attempting to grab my hands before I slid them away. "But usually people would say that I'm just...what's the word, nymphomaniac?"

"And you thought I was one of those people?" I scooted over closer to him and ran my fingers through his soft blue hair. He slowly grabbed and brought it upon his soft lips, kissing each and every finger. I slowly pulled my hand away and asked, "Are you sure it wasn't anything romantic?"

He nodded rapidly. "I had no feelings for her whatsoever."

"You swear?"

"I swear." I sighed and sent off a warm smile. I climbed out of my bed of blankets and gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Jellal smiled. "I love you so much."

"So I've heard." I slowly removed my blankets and decided to go cuddle in his blankets. I could feel his warm harms wrapping around me as I made myself comfortable. I looked outside the window and saw that the storm was getting worse and worse. Yup, not going home, I concluded in my head. I could slowly find myself falling asleep. "Have you...met up with your sister...after you got caught?" I yawned.

He shook his head. "And I don't plan on it."

"Good," I yawned once again, not really knowing what I was saying anymore, "I would...probably get angry if I saw...her...face." And just like that, I passed out in Jellal's arms. Even while being asleep, I could still him sadly whisper, "Don't leave me, Erza Scarlet."

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