Emotional Roller Coaster

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Hey Readers! UBER SORRY ABOUT NOT UPDATING!!! I've been too busy fulfilling my duty as a match-maker xD There's also the matter of the following: softball, studies, directing musicals, starring in musicals, my job, my volunteering job, etc. So yeah, I'm really really sorry!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 30, ENJOY!!!!!!


Gajeel P.O.V

I was rushing though the hallways, looking for one pink-headed idiot that I could punch. I had visited Lucy the other day and happened to bring up Natsu and asked how they were doing. I regretted the question immediately when she began to cry. She had told me what happened, but I knew it wasn't the whole story. I needed to hear the whole story. After desperately searching through the whole school, I found him by the fountain, listening to music on his phone. I walked up to him and just stood there until he noticed me. He knew what I wanted to talk about. He removed his ear buds and said, "You want an explanation."

"Damn straight I want an explanation. You have a lot of balls breaking up with a cancer patient."

"It's more than that," was all he said.

"I would love to hear it, if you don't mind," I said. Natsu stared at me for a long time and sighed. I sat next to him and readied myself for the story. "I need to focus on one thing, Gajeel. I need to focus on whoever is trying to hurt Lucy and get that stupid doctor to get his ass over here and do the surgery and get her all better...and right now my feelings for Lucy are going to interfere with that."

"So you do still love her?"

"I think I'm at the point where it's impossible to stop loving her," he whispered, covering his face. "I'm going to the hospital on Friday to talk about this Dr. Thantos dude or whatever. I want this tumor out of Lucy's body soon." I could tell how frustrated he was. His eyes had bags under them and it looked as if he hadn't slept in days. I gave him a playful punch on the shoulder and said, "At least it wasn't some douche-bag of a move. Just promise me that I won't see you with some other tall blond in the near future."

For the first time, he smiled slightly. "Believe me, I won't." The bell suddenly rang, reminding everyone to get to their 4th period classes. Before I could get up and walk away, Natsu said something else. "Gajeel...Thanks man. For being by my side. I probably wouldn't tak like this around the other guys."

I could feel myself slowly smile, but quickly adjusted it for the sake of my image. "Yeah, whatever man. Just helping a friend."

Later that day, I finished up my swimming session for P.E. I was in the boys' locker room wearing nothing but a towel over my waist. While all the other guys were fooling around and giving each other painful towel whips, I was just checking my phone, hoping for some kind of message from the Pipsqueak. It had been over a week since I've last heard from her. She hadn't come to school this whole past week and was under house arrest, and whenever I would walk past her mother she would give me an evil disappointed look. I hated causing all this family dispute between Levy and her parents and brother. When I saw that I had no new messages, I shut my phone off and sighed. When I opened my locker to, I found an expecting package sleeping under my clothes: my girlfriend.

"L-Levy!" I yelled, but quickly covered my mouth after remembering where I was. Levy's eyes fluttered, and when she noticed me standing before her, she smiled. Her mouth opened as she was about to say something, but I quickly covered her mouth and shushed her. I waited for the rest of the guys to get out, which was pretty fast since lunch was next. When the final boy stepped out of the locker room, I sighed with relief and felt my muscles relaxing. I removed my hand from Levy's mouth and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I had to escape that prison somehow! I sneaked into my mom's trunk and secretly came to school." Her outfit explained it all. While being buried under my clothing, she was wearing her favorite bunny pajamas and she wasn't wearing her usual yellow ribbon. I gave her a hand and helped her get out of my locker. When she attempted to stand on her own, her legs failed her and she fell into my arms. "Looks like my legs are still asleep," she chuckled.

"How long have you been in there?" I asked.

"I thought you had P.E first period, so I climbed in here."

"It's fourth period, Pipsqueak," I laughed. She pouted and looked away. "Now you tell me." I squeezed my arms around her, missing her soft touch. I pressed my forehead against hers and whispered, "It's great to see you again."

"Mm. I've missed you so much." Levy raised her head and brought her lips towards mine. My eyes slowly closed as I kissed her back. I played around with her and bit the bottom of her lip. She giggled and kissed me even more. Suddenly, my lips began to tense up. I curiously pulled away and asked, "What's wrong?" Her face was as red as a cherry and she was suddenly laughing like a maniac. "Um...Well...It's just...You're not wearing any pants," she muttered. I looked down and saw that she was right. I had forgotten that all I was wearing was a towel and nothing but. I laughed at the embarrassment of Levy's and gave her head a pat. "Still the same-old Levy that I love." She lowered her head to hide her blush. She handed me my pants and turned away. When I put on my pants, I looked over her shoulder and said, "I'm done now." She removed her hands from her eyes and gingerly looked at me. She sighed grabbed my hand. I suddenly heard a growling sound that wasn't coming from my stomach. Levy laughed awkwardly and said, "I might've skipped breakfast." We awaited until the second lunch was over before we walked outside by the fountain. I split my gigantic lunch of chicken wings and fries with her and watch her devour her half. I wiped away the sauce stain on the corner of her lip with my thumb. "Slow down, Pipsqueak. You'll choke."

"I"m trying to eat as fast as I can so spend more time with you," she said with a mouth full of fries. "You're already skipping you're sixth period class."

"You don't have to worry about it," I assured her. I placed my giant palm against her cheek. She nuzzled against it as if it was her own pillow. When we finished our food, Levy just simply sat on my lap and laid her head on my chest. "So how did your brother know where we were?"

"My mother called him," she explained. "She thought he would 'bring me back to my senses' or whatever. He's staying for a while until...until I break up with you." I flinched at the words she said. I felt even more guilty. I knew it was my fault that I was splitting this family apart, yet I continued to have this kind of relationship with Levy. "My dad and step-mom come home tonight."

It was Levy's turn to flinch. She looked up at me and exclaimed, "You can't stay there! There's no way I'm letting you stay with a murderer."

"You were willing to stay with me, and that was before you knew the truth," I reminded her.

"But this is different!" She yelled. "This is a man who shows no compassion! He is probably willing to kill you or compromise your life if you don't listen to him...If anything were to happen to you, I'd...I'd lose it." A tear began to fall down her face. She pressed her face against my chest, and I stroked her hair to give comfort. I could feel her squeezing on to my shirt as she attempted to stop herself from crying. "Calm down, Pipsqueak. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be behind you, near or far, so you don't have to worry, alright?" She didn't look all that convinced, but sighed as if she lost a battle. She grabbed my hand and made her fingers intertwine with mine. "Just promise me you'll be cautious when around your father. Don't provoke him."

"I'll try not to," I said. Levy slightly smiled and said thank you. She got up and grabbed the bag she had brought with her. Class was almost over, and people would be coming out soon. As we quickly walked towards the gate, I noticed something fall out of her bag; a bunch of paper. I picked up and saw writing; lots and lots of writing. As I continued to read it, I realized that it was actually a story. A really good story. Before I could finish it, Levy swiped it from my hands, blushing. "Y-Y-You weren't supposed to see that!" She exclaimed.

"Why not? It looked pretty good!" I assured her.

She shook her head. "Its just something for fun! They're bad!"

"Nah, Pipsqueak, you got something going on," I said, resting my arms on her shoulders. She pushed me away and walked towards the gate. I smiled from behind and called, "You're forgetting something."

She turned around and asked what. I walked up to her and lowered my head, pressing my lips against hers. She slowly kissed my back, running her fingers through my hair. For the fun of it, I deepened my kiss and sensed her eyes widen. She attempted to kiss back with the same passion I had given her. I gently pulled away and saw her eyes filled with hypnotizing lust. She held on to my polo as if she didn't want to leave. I cupped her face with my hands and whispered, "I'll see you soon."

"Promise," she whispered back.

"Promise." And with that, she opened the gate, gave me one more look, and sprinted her way from the school property as fast as she could.

Levy P.O.V

It pained me so much to leave him. I tried my hardest to not cry, but by the time I reached the spotlight by the hospital, tears were already falling down my face. I could feel my body trembling as I cried out in public. Despite just seeing him, it felt like I hadn't seen him in ages. Memories of hi face, his smile, and his contagious laugh continued to flood my mind. I miss you too much already, Ithoughtin my mind.

I walked into the hospital with puffy red eyes. All I needed was someone to talk to, and there was no one like that at my house, thats for sure. When I walked towards her room, her aunt Mira came out, and by the look of her grim face, something bad just happened. I walked up to her and looked at window of Lucy's room. There was a doctor in her room writing , and a sleeping Lucy hooked to an IV. I looked at Mira and asked, "What's going on?"

Mira sighed. "Lucy urinated blood last night, so we gave her a simple drug to heal it, but an hour later her bed was covered in nothing but blood...We did a biopsy on her....Somehow the cancer has spread from her heart to her ovaries. We don't know how, but it just...appeared there."

I covered my mouth with shock. "What does that even mean?"

"It means a lot of things, Levy. She lost a lot of eggs, which dropped her chances of pregnancy from 97% to 37%. It also means that her cancer in the heart has accelerated. Before, we estimated she had at least until next September, giving us over five months, but by the look of things...it looks as if we have until May until her heart gives out."

"That's only a few months!" I exclaimed.

"Exactly...Unless we can get Dr. Thantos to come here to Fiore by next month, we can't do anything to help Lucy...As of right now, she's battling this all on her own."

"Can the doctor come any sooner?"

"Dr. Thantos is...he's a strange doctor, that's all I can tell you," she sighed. "He'll only come if the the case is REALLY strange...Someone would have to travel all the way to Aubos just to convince him."

"So in the end...There really isn't much we can do?"

She shook her head. "No, Levy...We really can't." After Mira left me, I stared at the window and felt even more tears flowing down my face. I could suddenly hear Mira crying as well from the other side of the hall, and when I took a quick look, she was thankfully being comforted by Dr. Laxus.

Lucy probably had the worst luck in existence. Her own body was turning its back on her and making her go through all this pain. There was also the thought of her poor little brother, who was also watching her go through all this pain. I pressed my hand against the window, and it felt cold. My mind suddenly switched the glass with an image of Lucy's body. Bodies go cold when people die. I didn't want her body to go cold.

I slowly tip-toed my way into her room and watched her as she slept soundly. I held her hand dearly and began to do something I usually didn't do: pray. I was whispering prayers that Gajeel had taught me when I was staying at his place. Our Father, Hail Mary, and Angel of God were all my favorite prayers, so I whispered each and every one of them into the palm.I allowed little drops of tears to fall down to the palm of her hand, feeling very weak. "'Ya know...Crying won't solve anything..." My head whipped up, and a drowsy Lucy was looking at me. "Oh Lucy, you're alright!"

She scoffed. "Am I really?"

My optimistic face lowered. Lucy must've already known what happened to her. Her eyes were so dull, unlike the Lucy I knew that was so full of life. I could tell by the weight of her hands that she had lost a lot more weight since the last time I visited her a few weeks ago. "My goddamn ovaries...How the hell did the cancer just skip my lungs and kidneys and livers and went straight to my ovaries."

"The doctors don't know either, Luce," I sighed. Lucy wasn't looking at me in the eye anymore, but I could tell she too was beginning to cry. Her body was trembling badly, and little noises were also peeping out. "Kids...All my life, I've always wanted kids...Two boys and a girl, just so I can spoil her. One of my boys would play basketball, and the other would play baseball. My girl would be an actress like me and take center stage...I would cherish their baby years, teach as they grow up, cook for them, care for them, give them rides and help them with their homework...And now...And now all that's been taken away from me!" She continued to cry within her covers, and all I could do was watch. I rubbed her arm, trying to comfort her. A nurse walked in and informed me that visiting hours were ending early for the day. As I said my goodbyes and walked out of her room, she told me one last thing: "Don't tell Natsu."

I turned around. "What?"

"Don't tell him...You can tel Gajeel, or Erza, or even the freaking paper if you wanted to but...I couldn't' bear to see Natsu broken over me..." I stared at Lucy with amazement. Despite her heart being torn to bits by that son-of-a-bitch Natsu, she still cares deeply for him. There was an urge inside of me to tell him, to yell at him about how a he left for during the time she needed him most. But I had to abide to her wishes. "Alright. I won't tell him."

Thankfully, I got home before my parents did. However, my brother was sitting at the dining room table, reading the paper. He noticed me and put his paper down. "You left."

"You bet I did," I answered coldly.

"Did you go to see him," he asked.

"That's none of your concern," I answered.

"It is my concern, Levs! This is the man who was accused of murder! Do you really think I'd let a man like that touch my little sister!"

"Oh, so now you start acting like an older brother!" I yelled.

"What's that supposed to mean," he scoffed.

I stared at him. Did he really just say that? My brother, who was supposed to be by my side no matter what but ignores me for over three years, really just ask that? I simply just turned around and walked away. "It's nothing," I muttered.


"I'm going to my room!" I yelled, already half-way up the stairs. As I sprinted through the halls, I finally saw my cellphone on the counter. I quickly picked it up before Lucas could come after me. I locked the door behind me and sighed with relief. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was five o'clock. "It's not too late to call Gajeel," I thanked the Lord. I quickly dialed the number and hoped that Gajeel would pick up. "Levy?"

"Oh, thank God you answered," I said.

"How did you get your phone back?"

"I just...well, that's not really important right now. I'm just glad to hear your voice."

I could hear Gajeel chuckle on the other line. "You heard my voice just today."

I could feel my cheeks burn up with embarrassment. "I-I know that," I stuttered. "But I just wanted to hear it again...Are your parents home yet?"

Silence on the other line. "They'll be here in an hour."

"Remember what I said before," I said filled with concern. "If I find out that you're harmed in anyway-"

"I'll be fine Pipsqueak, I promise you that," he said. I leaned against my windowsill and and looked out the window. The sun was slowly setting, and the day was coming to an end. So much had happened that day, both good and bad. It was an emotional roller coaster for everyone one way or another.

I was restless.

"Pipsqueak, you still there?" Gajeel asked.

"Hey Gajeel...Do you have any plans this upcoming break?"

"You mean the Fiore Festival break? Not really, why?"

"How would you like to go on a trip."

"A trip? Where?"

There was no going back now. I wanted to help Lucy one way or another, and this was the perfect way of doing so. "To Aubos."

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