Family Reunions

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Hey, Readers! So...School is almost starting guys....IDK WHAT TO DO! I-I-I'm not ready for this kind of commitment! It was only supposed to be a one time thing, but now we do this thing over and over and over like I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS! Like i'm freaking out....Anyooo, here's Chapter 34, ENJOY!

P.S- Sorry for the short chapter >< I'm typing at one in the morning because hey, I haven't updated in a freaking month, so I APOLOGIZE XD I'm just really desperate on finishing this chapter....


Erza P.O.V

"Oh my God," I muttered, staring at a conflicted Levy.

"And I thought my life was a soap opera," Lucy breathed. The three of us were sitting in Lucy's hospital room when Levy had dished out the dirt on her life in the past week, including her need for sex, the big Redfox showdown, suddenly realizing that her mom wasn't her mom, and then her lashing out at her boyfriend for knowing that information without  telling her. I mean, goddamn, I was dating my teacher and Luy had cancer. That's like a boring sit-com compared to all this.  "This is ridiculous...And Gajeel knew it the whole time?" Lucy asked.

She nodded, wiping away the few tears on her cheek. "I mean, one day, everything is perfect-ish. I was with Gajeel, we were kissing, making...plans, and the next day I find out I'm a love child and he knew about it!"

"Has he apologized?" I asked. As a response, she threw her phone in the middle of Lucy's bed. I picked it up and saw the number of unread messages and texts from Gajeel. I whistled. "Fifteen voice mails and almost fifty text messages.."-ping-"...make that fifty-one."

"Aw, come on, Levs. By the looks of those texts, he seems really sorry," Lucy claimed, defending the pierced rebel. "I mean, look at this! It's so sad it's cringe worthy! Oh, and look at this one! He even calls you "Baby"! Natsu doesn't even call me that!"

"I don't know guys...I'm just not ready to forgive him yet," Levy sighed.

"Well, I can kind of understand that, but he only hid it from you to earn your dad's trust. I mean, you have to consider that." Suddenly, my phone beeped. I took a peek from my pocket and saw that it was  from Jellal. It said:

Wat time you coming over? 

"Oh crap, guys I have to go," I told them, getting up from my chair. Levy looked over at me and winked. "Gonna go meet Mr. Boyfriend?" 

I couldn't help but smile, bitting my bottom lip. "Um, yeah. Yes I am." We had been dating for a few months, but I still felt fuzzy and warm inside whenever his name connected with the word "boyfriend". "We're just going to hang at his place, eat some Chinese food, possibly watch a movie."

"Sounds romantic," Lucy sighed. "I wish I could go to Natsu's house sometimes, but I am attached to the strings of life that keep me living." She pointed to her IVs and other tubes to prove her point.

"Have fun, kid! Don't do anything too wild," Levy winked. I smiled at my two friends and left the hospital room.

As I walked through the streets of Magnolia to my boyfriend's house, I began to look myself through the reflection of the passing windows and buildings. I checked my hair, the collar of my t-shirt, and the ripped holes in my jeans. I slowly began to notice how more and more self-conscious as Jellal and I were getting closer and closer. I looked at my reflection and took a deep breath. "He's seen you in sweats. He's seen you with a soaked up dress with messed up makeup. He's seen you in a freaking leotard. You don't have to worry about anything." I gave myself a small, determined smile and continued to walk down the street. 

Three knocks and a ring on the doorbell was all it took for Jellal Fernandez to answer his door. It was sometimes strange to see his different, relaxed character compared to his teacher persona. His hair looked sopping wet and and wore nothing but sweatpants. Not even a shirt, just pants. He leaned by the door and gave me one of his hot, sly smiles. "Well hello there," he said.

"What, is today No Shirt Day?" I chuckled, placing my hand on his shoulder.  He brought me closer to his body by the waist and gently kissed  my forehead. Suddenly, the smell of scallops and fried shrimp distracted me from my incredibly handsome  boyfriend. "I smell lunch," I said.

"You came at the right time. The delivery boy just came a little while back and the food's still hot."

"Well, then don't mind if I do," I said, moving my way past Jellal and into the living room, where the food was all neatly placed on the table. I could hear the door behind me close and felt Jellal's arms wrap around my body. "I don't know what smells good, the food or you," Jellal said.

"That might actually be me. Levy made me try out different perfumes, so what you might be smelling on me is a mixture of cinnamon swirl and candy corn."

"Well either way, it's just really nice to be with you." We walked over to the couch and began to eat our Chinese food. It was a strange routine with the two of us. I'd go to his place, eat Chinese food, we'd talk, make out, the normal sessions most boyfriends and girlfriends have. Or at least that's what I thought. After we finished our food, we simply rested on the couch with my head on his chest and his hand slowly brushing my bangs. "I got my ticket for the Fiore School Tournament. Front row."

My heart stopped and my eyes widened. I lifted my head from his chest and said, "Front row! Why!"

"Can I not see my girlfriend perform on stage beautifully?"

"I know, but...Ugh it's just so frustrating to think that you'll be seeing me all dressed in a leotard."

"Remember, I'm the only person who's seen you in a leotard. And to be honest, you look pretty sexy in one?"

"Gee, thanks," I smiled, rubbing my hand on his cheek. "Like that totally makes me feel better."

"Well it should, coming from me," he smirked, suddenly getting up and switching our positions with me on the couch and Jellal hovering over me. He slowly lowered his head and I could feel his hot breath against my skin. I felt his lips softly press against mine. My eyes slowly began to close as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our kisses rapidly began to deepen as his tongue began to move in my mouth. To my complete embarrassment, a soft moan slipped out of my mouth as he bit down my lip. I gently pushed Jellal away to see his eyes so full of desire it was actually hypnotizing me. "I don't know what I'm doing," I admitted in a whisper.

"Really? 'Cause you seem to kiss like a pro," he whispered back, pressing his nose against mine. 

"I just...I just don't want to mess things up," I whispered. 

"Well," he started, "that's because you're always the alpha. When it comes to this, you have to let me lead...Will you let me lead, Erza?" I stared into my boyfriend's eyes with deep consideration. From what I've been through, this was a guy who truly cared about me. He didn't care about my anger problem, or the way the dress, or my lack of make up. He, he loved me for who I was. I had doubt that there would be another guy like him who could love a girl like me. I looked up at him and brushed my hand against his cheek. "For this...and this only...I'll let you lead."

His eyes flickered, and a small smile appeared on his face. He placed his hands at the bottom of my shirt and slowly lifted my shirt off my body. A rush of cold hair sneak up my chest. I could feel my cheeks burn up in the thought of Jellal seeing my bra. I could hear him do a little snicker. "You wear such plain clothes, yet your underwear looks so girly." He lowered his head not to my head, but to my neck and began to kiss it slowly. There was a  new sensation throughout my whole body; something that I've never felt. But something that I liked. I could suddenly feel his cold hands on my back, searching for the back of my bra. I'm actually gonna do it...I'm going to have sex with Jellal, I thought in my head. When I felt my bra becoming loose, I knew what had happened. I took a small breath.

I was ready for this.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I froze and squeezed Jellal's arm and looked back at the door. "Someone's here," I whispered in panic.

"It's alright, they'll leave," he muttered, continuing to nibble on my neck. The hair on my skin soon began to stand when my bra fell to the ground, revealing my bare breasts. 

There was another knock on the door, followed by the sound of the doorbell. I gingerly pushed Jellal away and hissed, "They're not going to leave, Jellal!" Jellal froze and groaned with frustration. He looked at me with an apologetic face. "Stay in my bedroom for a while. I'll go see whoever is outside the door." I nodded and picked up my bra and shirt from the floor. I hurried along to Jellal's bedroom, but sat by the door to hear who it was. I could hear Jellal open the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Jelall ask in anger. 

"Now Jellal," a female voice chuckled, "is that really how you say hi to a guest? Especially when that guest is your sister?"

Sister? I asked myself in my head. And slowly, a light bulb flickered above my head. It wasn't just his sister. It was the sister.

The sister he had sex with.

Jelall P.O.V

 I hadn't seen my sister in almost four years. The last time I did see her, she was leaving the country to finish her study in Siamese twins. After she left, my life was finally spiraling back into the norm. But I wasn't expecting my sister to come knocking at my door while my girlfriend was in my bedroom shirtless. 

She didn't look that much different from when I last saw her. Her hair was cut short to a blue pixie cut, and wore really skinny jeans and a sleeveless white top. Yup, still the same old Wisteria Fernandez. She invited herself in and examined the room herself. "Is this all you can afford on a teacher's salary?"

"You never answered my question: what the hell are you doing here?" She looked at me and smiled, sitting down on the couch where Erza and I were about to have sex. "Is it wrong for me to visit my kid brother?"

"Me, yes," I said, glaring at her. "Now can you please leave? I can give you Misty's address so you can go visit him."  

"But who said I wanted to visit Mystogan," she said. She pat her hand on the couch cushion next to her and said, "Why don't you sit down next to me." Anxiety began to fill up inside of me. It was just like in the past. Sure, it would be just a simple sitting together on the couch, but then it would be leg touching, her brushing her breasts against my shoulder; anything to get me to loose control. "Wisteria," I softly growled, "I can't do this again. I am finally getting my life together. I have my job, my friends, a girlfriend-"

"A girlfriend?" Wisteria gasped. "Why Jellal, I didn't think you were the commitment type?"

"Well, I am now. And I love her," I said proudly, thinking back to Erza's face. I could hear my sister suddenly laugh her normal sinister laugh. She then crossed her legs and bent a little forward, pressing up her breasts. "Isn't that what you told me about Millie? And I even think you also said that about Tracey too." My eyes widened, and my face began to blush. Had I really said all that about my past girlfriends? No...They weren't like Erza. "This one is different...She's really, really special to me."

"They were all special to least, before you got a piece of me before your flings." She got up from the couch and walked up to me. With her platform heels, she was quite taller than me, almost a good three inches taller than me.  She placed her hand on my cheek, the exact spot where Erza placed mine, and I immediately slapped it away. "I am not a little kid anymore, Wisteria. You do not control me anymore," I hissed, staring up into her eyes. For a while minute, it was complete silence. Wisteria simply smirked and simply walked over to the door. She opened it, but before she went out, she looked back at me and stated, "I'll be here for a while. There's some kid in the hospital that his Glottic cancer who they want me to check out. So in case you change your mind...I'm at the Crystal Hotel." And with that, she walked out of my apartment, leaving a trail of her perfume scent.

I closed the door behind her and sighed. Of all times she came, it had to be today. She still has her element of surprise, I thought to myself. I almost forgot about Erza, who was still hiding in my bedroom. "You can come out now, Erza. She's gone." I could hear Erza's footsteps slowly walk out of my bedroom and back into my living room. When I looked into her eyes, they weren't the same as when she first came here. She seemed a little tense, and her eyes almost seemed tensed up. "Are you alright?" I asked.

She said nothing.

"Erza, can you please answer me," I begged, walking up to her and grabbing her arms. She suddenly pushed me away, bringing me great surprise. I raised my eyebrow and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Am I just going to end up like one of them?" She suddenly asked me, her voice slightly cracking. My eyes widened. One of them? "What are you talking about?"

"Those two girls your sister mentioned. Millie and Tracey. Am I just some kind side chick for you while you go play with your sister?"

My heart stopped. I quickly tried to embrace her, despite her trying to push me back. "How can you think that! Don't listen to what she has to say."

"But how can I notJelall! Apparently there are other girls who have been in similar situations as me!"

"I was a teenager-"

"I'm a teenager! I'm no different than those girls! I might end up getting tossed aside like those other girls." I stared at Erza with complete desperation. I didn't want her to think this way. In my opinion, it would've been great if Erza had never met my sister, then the world could've continued spinning. But what crushed me more than anything was seeing tears stream down Erza's face. Erza rarely cried. I wiped away her tears with my hands and began speaking to her. "That...That moment we shared before my sister my opinion, that was one of the most happiest moments I've ever spent with you. Sure it would've been great if we could've continued, but knowing that I could see parts of you, and not just you're body, but you're facial expressions as well, that no man has ever seen before. I could've died at that moment if you weren't right in front of me."

Erza stared at me for the longest time and hesitantly touched my the ends of my hair. "I'll admit it...I was also a little happy that it was going to be you I experienced that moment with...even though we couldn't finish." I grabbed both of her hands and brought them closer to my chest. Erza gasped with shock. "Even though my sister is going to be sticking around, I swear that I won't succumb to her...disgusting ways. I'm going to remain faithful, even if I failed years ago."

Erza didn't look so convinced. She looked down at our hands, and then back at me. She breathed with irritation and stated, "If anything, and I mean anything, happens while she's'll be over. No explanation, no excuses, just...over." She was absolutely serious. I gulped in fear and embraced her with a hug. "I promise. Absolutely nothing will happen," I said.

I hoped.

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