The Challenges of Us

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Hey, Readers! You guys have been so excited for this chapter. Ya know why? Because I'm about to determine the fate between Jerza. I LOVE HAVING ALL THE POWER!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But seriously, I'm heart-broken. If you've read the new FT chapter, then you know wat I'm talkin about....JELLAL! :'( ANYHOO, here's Chapter 25, ENJOOOOOY!


Erza P.O.V

It's been a week since Jellal and I had talked. Usually he'd text me or just call me, but this time, nothing. I was in my bedroom, staring at my cell phone, waiting for it to vibrate. The longer I waited, I began to panic, and the more I panicked, I began to pace. Had I done something to upset to upset him, I thought to myself. I haven't seen him since he trained me in the gym.

My grandmother then came in, bringing a dress and a pair of sparkling shoes. "Erza, darling! Look what I've made for you!"

I grimaced at the sight of it. "And what event is this for?"

"Why for the dinner party I'm having tonight! There will be at least a hundred people over tonight, so I want you to look decent." By now I would've yelled at my grandmother for talking such foolishness, but I was too wrapped up in my cell phone. I laid on my bed stomach first and watched it like an owl. My grandmother sighed. "You expecting a phone call?"

"Kind of, not really," I muttered. I could hear Grandmother sigh even more. What did she want? If Jellal were to call or text in any second, I wouldn't want her around. She cleared her voice and asked, "It wouldn't be your teacher that you've become infatuate with, is it?"

My heart stopped. I sat up and looked over at my grandmother. "How...How did you...?"

"What do you expect? I have people following you all the time, Erza!"

My eyes widened with shock. "You what?"

"You are an heir to a multi-million Jewel company. I do it for the sake of your protection!"

"You do it to invade on my privacy!" I yelled.

"Pfft, privacy," Grandmother scoffed. "We live in a monarchy. Everything is being monitored."

"What did you say to him," I whispered. "What did you say to Jellal!"

"First, I simply gave him an offer of money," my grandmother sighed, sitting on the chair by my door, "but he is such an ignorant child. So I gave him a mere choice: you or his brother." My heart sank. I knew what his answer was. We've barely known each other for a few months.

He chose his brother over me.

My grandmother walked up to me and placed on hand on my shoulder and said, "I know how you must feel. He was your first love. But like always, your first love doesn't always last. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I wanted to laugh at her face. Out of all the years I've known my grandmother, she was never "compassionate" or "kind" towards me; even when my grandpa was still alive. The fact that she was trying to act like a kind granny made me want to laugh in his face. "Yes," I muttered. "I understand."

"Good!" My grandmother cheered. She placed the dress and shoes on top of my bed and said, "The party starts in half an hour! Get prettied up!"

"Yes, Grandmother," I muttered back. She left my room, leaving just me, a new dress, shoes, and a broken heart. I grabbed my phone and began to text to Jellal, Can we talk?

Immediately, he text back, I don't think so.

My fists began to shake. "No tears, Erza. Warriors never cry," I muttered to myself.

An hour later, I was all dolled up. I wore the red and yellow long silky dress that consisted of golden beats around the waist and white heels. My hair was straightened and brushed to one side. Everyone was staring at me, admiring how I looked. Some people probably tried to talk to me, but I drifted them out. All I could think about was Jellal. My heart couldn't stop beating despite the fact of me telling it to stop. I placed my hand over my heart and whispered, "Stop...Just stop..."

"Seems like something's troubling you." I looked up to see my "uncle" Thomas standing right beside me, holding a martini in his hand. I smiled and gave him a big hug. "It's so good to see you!"

"Thanks Uncle Thomas." Noticing the martini once again, I asked, "Aren't you supposed to stay away from the alcohol?"

"Oh what, this? It's a party! You can't have a party without getting a little booze in ya." I always loved Uncle Tom. Technically, he wasn't my actual Uncle since he's one of my aunt's ex husbands. But my grandma loved him, I loved him, and he sure did know how to have a hell of a good time. He was those "eccentric" types: never left the house without a suit and cane and had a lot of money but only spend it on the weirdest things. Like just last month, he bought a baboon to do his taxes. He was also the heaviest drinker and never left the house without a flask of Jack Daniels in is pocket. "Now Darling, what seems to be the matter?"

"Oh, you know...trouble in paradise."

"Bring to me, Darling. I've got all night. I hear your grandmother is going to make the orchestra play. I need this." So I did. I told him absolutely everything. There was no way I was going to lie to my favorite uncle. I told him about Jellal and how we first met, the confession, everything. And when I told him about what Grandmother did, he sighed with frustration. "Dear Lord, that woman is more evil than Maleficent herself."

"I guess it was bound to happen eventually," I said. "He's the teacher, I'm the student. It was probably not meant to be." Uncle Thomas looked at me with the sincerest eyes. He walked in front of my and placed both of his hands on my shoulders. I expected to him to say inspirational words of wisdom like he always did when I was down. "Cut the bullshit!"


"You hear me! You love the man, don't you! What on earth is bringing you two apart? An old woman probably older than Shakespeare himself and a piece of paper owned by the King? Ha!"

"U-Uncle Thomas!"

"I want you to listen to me, and listen to me good! I want you to leave this boring party and head over to that man's house right now!"

"But Grandmother has men following me! If she evens sees me leaving the house, she'll get one of her men to report to her."

"Ah, I'll just tell her you have the runs or something. Just go, Erza. You don't want to lose something precious."

I nodded, giving my uncle one last big hug. He kissed my scalp, and with that, I was on my way.

I was running outside, looking for something that could take me to his place. I saw a bike parked right by the gates of the drive way. I stole it and rode my way through the streets. I was actually stupid enough to keep my heels on while peddling to my heart's content. And just as things were getting any tougher, it began to rain. Hard. I could feel my hair getting more and more damp, and the make up I applied on earlier began to run. You better be worth it, Jellal.

I stood in front of his apartment complex as the rain fell from the sky. For the first time, I was truly scared. I was afraid of how he would react when he saw me in front of his door. I even thought about just going back to the party. But, I built up the courage to begin walking up the steps. I remembered him talking about how he could see the whole city from his balcony, which meant that his apartment was somewhere on the top levels. When I think I found it, I just stare at it. I hesitantly knock the door, and I hear his voice. "Be out in a minute!"

My heart stopped beating. This was it. The door opened, and out came Jellal.

His eyes widened when he saw me. He examined me from head to toe, seeing how wet I was and how messed up my face looked. When it looked like he was going to speak, I held my hand in the air. "Before you speak, let me." His mouth closed, which was my cue to speak. "I understand why you would choose me over your brother, but...You could've at least told me! I had to hear this from my grandmother. Do you know how it feels when your grandmother tells you your relationship is over and done!

"I was just at a house party, as you can see from my wet dress, messed up make up, and my not-so-perfect hair. I wasn't going to see you, but something just told me that I had to! I rode a bike in the rain in heels to get to you. I know, this was probably a really stupid, idiotic idea to come here, but whenever I thought of heart just couldn't stop beating. But I guess, since your brother is more important, then-"

I would've gone longer, but Jellal's lips were smacked onto mine.

I was confused and shocked. I wanted to push him away, but Jellal grabbed my wrists and controlled them. My lips softened, and I kissed him back, returning the passion he had given me. I cupped my hands on his face, and his hands lowered to my waist. It was electrifying, filling me up with enough energy for hours. We pulled away after what felt like an eternity of making out. We were both out of breath. I was waiting for him to say something amazing; something that could make me fall in love with him all over again.

"I...I have Chinese food if you'd like?"

Jellal P.O.V

While I got the plate of Chinese food, I was really tempted to look back at Erza. Not only was her being her a big shock, but her appearance was making her look irresistible. Her dress was only barely above the knee, revealing her long legs. Her hair looked amazing when it was wet, sticking to her skin like glue. I gulped. Just stay calm Jellal, I told myself. Just stay calm. I brought out two plates of rice, orange chicken, chow mein, and fried shrimp to the table by the couch. She smiled and took a pair of chopsticks and began to eat. I would've eaten myself, but I was too infatuated by Erza. Just as she was stuffing her face in shrimp, she noticed that I wasn't eating but staring. "Whut?" Erza asked, mouth completely full.

I simply smiled. "Nothing. Just really happy to see you."

Erza swallowed her food. "Sorry I couldn't look better."

"Since when has Erza Scarlet ever needed to look good?"

"Since she started dating you," she smiled. She rested her head on my shoulder and picked up a piece of shrimp from my plate. She brought it up to my face and said, "Eat."

"Most girls would make me say 'Aaaah'."

"I'm not like most girls." I obeyed her wishes and ate the fried shrimp. Erza laid down on my lap, her hair falling into my hand. I caressed it gently, like it was as fragile as glass. "Does your grandmother know you're here?"

She shook her head. "My uncle is covering for me. He's the one who encouraged me to come here."

"Well, then I guess I owe him my thanks." Erza chuckled. It was silent for a minute or two. We just stared into each other's eyes for a long period of time. "Were you really not ever going to see me?"

I stared at her even more. Her eyes looked sad when she asked me that. I continued to stroke her head. "Well," I sighed, "I was going to talk to you about it once school started...I still don't know how we're going to do this." Erza chuckled and placed her hand on my face. "A man shoudn't be thinking about this to a child...maybe it is best that we separate..."

"No!!" I suddenly yelled, making Erza flinch. "There's no one else I can love but you!"

"J-Jellal," Erza stuttered with shock.

"All I can think about is you. You're all I've been thinking about since I first met you...You're the thing that keeps me living." Erza's face was now very pink. Her eyes softened as she cuddled closer to me. I could feel her hot breath through my t-shirt, making my heart pound harder and harder. "I love you, Jellal."

I couldn't help myself but smile. I then grabbed Erza's body and legs and lifted her up from the couch. "H-Hey! What are you doing?"

"You were just at a party, weren't you? Well, you need to dance."

Her eyes widened, and she began to shake her hands in denial. "I can't dance!"

"Well, then for both your sake and my sake as well, I'd take off those heels." She obeyed and stripped of her heels. I went over and grabbed a dusty record. I blew the dust off and placed it on the record player. Immediately, the opening melody for "Your Song" by Elton John began to play on the record. I took out a hand and bowed. "May I please have this dance?"

"Please," Erza chuckled. She took my hand, and I pulled her closer to my body. I wrapped my hands around his waist, while Erza placed them on his shoulders. I guided her to through the rhythm of the the song. "This is ridiculous," she said. "I feel like an idiot."

"You're doing fine," I chuckled. "My parents would always play this song on their anniversary." I took one of her hand's and twirled her around . She giggled and fell on my chest. "It's a very romantic song," she sighed.

"It is, isn't it?"

"It reminds me of...what could be."

"Of us?"

She smiled. "I can imagine my future through this song....and you're in it."

I smiled back, wrapping my arms around her in a big hug. "Good. I don't want you to have any other man in your life but me."

"Now you're just acting spoiled," Erza laughed. Then the track ended. I released her and decided to do more of a fun song. I took out "Your Song" and replaced it with "First Dance" by Never Shout Never. The minute the song played, Erza began to laugh. I smiled and began to dance like a fool. Erza joined me and began to shake her hips, making her dress sway. I grabbed her hands and began to move them around. We moved our whole body out of tune with the music and laughed the whole time. By the end of the song, we were on the ground, panting. Erza rolled over to my side, still a little giggly. I snickered along side her, holding her close to me.

Suddenly, there was a vibrating noise. Erza looked around and saw it to be her phone on the ground. She grabbed it and looked at the screen. By the look of her face, I knew it was something. "I...I have to leave," she sighed.


"That was my uncle who text me. He can't distract my grandmother anymore. I need to leave now before she finds out I've left the party." She got up from the ground and went over to put on her heels. I got up and sadly watched as she got ready to leave. I looked outside and saw that it was still pouring outside and gave her an umbrella and a sweatshirt. "Here. I don't want you getting a cold."

She half-smiled. "Thanks." She wore the sweatshirt and held the umbrella in her hand. She turned around to leave, but out of temptation, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to me for a kiss. She slowly kissed me back. I could tell by her kiss that I wasn't the only one who didn't want her to leave. I pulled away, but she just planted me one last kiss. She pulled away, pressing her forehead against mine. "It's your fault I've turned into this; into a romantic."

"Hey, on the plus side, you're not the only romantic in this relationship."

Erza smiled. She looked out my window. "If only it hadn't rained today. I really wanted to see the city from your balcony."

"Well, next time, we'll sit out there, eating strawberry shortcakes while the city glistens. I promise you that." Erza smiled once more and kissed me on the nose. She opened the door and looked back at me. "See you in class on Monday, Mr. Fernandez."

I smiled sadly. "And see you in class as well, Miss Scarlet." She smiled and closed the door behind her.

I was alone.

I looked outside the window and saw her peddling out of the block, rushing to get home. I closed the blinds when I lost sight of her. I leaned back against the wall and looked around. I could still smell the perfume she was wearing. I fell on top of the couch and groaned. I slowly began to drift off to sleep. As I closed my eyes, I began to wonder something. A question that was and will always be engraved in my mind.

What's going to happen to us?

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