13 | keep your secret

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"Come on, we've barely spent any time together recently. This will be good for us!"

"I don't know. When you said 'girls' night', I was thinking more, you know 'yeah, let's get fucked up and have a sesh'," Kylie responded matter-of-factly.

"We're not sixteen anymore so no 'sesh', and in case you've forgotten, I have a bun in the oven," Jess answered seriously, pointing to her slightly bloated looking tummy.

"Come on, Ky! It'll be a fun pamper night just like old times. I feel like I'm always working or busy planning the wedding with mum, we need a serious catch-up!" Jess whined, clasping her hands together in a mockingly begging fashion.

"Fine. You and your fucking pamper nights." Kylie muttered under her breath.

"This is going to be so much fun." Jess squealed, reverting back to her sixteen-year-old self.

"So much fucking fun." Kylie mimicked quietly.


"Are we still on for next week?" Kylie whispered to Elijah who was grabbing the beer bottles for Jax and Cody who were already seated in the lounge room.

Along with the pamper night for her and Kylie, Jess also arranged for Elijah to spend some time with his soon to be brother-in-law Cody, the two of which hadn't always seen eye to eye. And of course, Jax couldn't be left behind since Kylie and Jess were practically family too.

"Yeah, it's all been booked and paid for." He replied, a playful wink making its way onto his right eye.

The two had planned two nights away together in a hotel, agreeing that continuing their relationship under Jess's roof just wasn't right.

They'd long since planned it out completely; Elijah would be leaving tomorrow night on a so-called University research project and then four days later Kylie would follow suit, staying at her 'mothers' house. Elijah would then return first, followed by Kylie the following week.

They'd thought it all through and agreed the plan was absolutely fool-proof, there was no way Jess or anyone else would realise what the two were up to. Or, so they thought.

"What's all the whispering about?" Jax nudged his sister gently, a knowing but amused expression plastered across his face.

"Oh, you know, just boring wedding stuff," Kylie replied quickly, the lie easily slipping off her tongue.

"I thought Jess was doing all the wedding preparations?"

"What kind of maid-of-honour would I be if I didn't plan a surprise for my best-friend, huh?" Kylie returned, the annoyance beginning to become blatant in her expression.

"Right, sure," Jax responded, patting Elijah gently on the back, indicating he should join him and Cody in the lounge.

Kylie found it almost laughable how her perception of Elijah had changed, but even she knew the forbidden fruit always seemed more appealing just for the pure simple fact that it was forbidden.

She bit her lip as she stood at the doorway, relishing at how effortlessly seductive Elijah appeared in a grey pair of jogging pants and a plain white T.

She found her eyes drawn to his upturned thin lips that were currently in the form of a smirk. His tight jaw nothing but angular in shape and filled with the stubble that Kylie had once loathed but was slowly beginning to like, especially as it grazed against her skin at night.

Kylie charged upstairs after stealing yet another long glimpse at Elijah.

"Come here, Ky. It's been irking me since you got here to look at those large pores. We could land a fucking aeroplane in one of these." Jess exclaimed, beginning to paint Kylie's slender face with the clay mask.

"You leave me and my pores alone." She said a disgusted expression on her face as the murky grey substance touched her skin, "Oh and FYI, my pores are tighter than my pussy."

"Oh, so that's still quite loose and open then, right?"

"Oh my god, you bitch." Kylie joked, bursting into laughter, grabbing the paste and slathering it onto Jess's hair as the two girls laughed, climbing over each other screaming.

"I love you, Ky." Jess leaned in to place a kiss on Kylie's cheek but was met with nothing but air as Kylie abruptly jumped away.

"Let's get on with this pamper night, yeah?" Kylie said, the ghost of Elijah's kisses remained etched on her cheeks; the exact same spot that Jess would've placed her lips against and the memories were enough to cause the guilt to seethe inside her.

She grabbed the white cup with the thick clay and shook the guilt off as easily as a resilient child.


"So, how are things between you and Jess, then?" Jax asked Elijah, attempting a tactful method of getting Elijah to begin opening up. "You know sometimes being with someone for so long can be difficult. Getting cold feet is perfectly normal, nobody would blame you."

"No cold feet here," Elijah responded, his eyes tightly peeled to the TV screen as he watched Arsenal currently kicking Chelsea's butt in the latest football match.

"You sure about that? Sometimes it's okay to want to spice things up, you know like in the bedroom?" Jax continued easily, noting the increasing discomfort building in Elijah's face but himself not feeling any awkwardness. After all, Jax had been the one to have the dreaded sex talk with Kylie and surely there was nothing more uncomfortable to talk about than that, with ones' own sister.

Elijah choked, the beer spilling down his chin slightly and an awkward laugh accompanying, "Er, no it's all good, mate."

"Are you two actually fucking being serious? I didn't come around here to have to listen to you two talk about my sisters' sex life." Cody grunted.

"You don't seem to have any problem talking about my sisters' sex life in front of me, do you?" Jax argued, his eyes still glued on Elijah and noticing the slight heat flush forming on Elijah's cheeks.

"Kylie's something else," Cody mumbled inarticulately, the rest of his sentence clouded by whatever he was high on, as he grinned knowingly to himself at the mention of Kylie.

"Cody, why don't you go check on Kylie upstairs?" The last thing Jax wanted was the smitten Cody anywhere near his sister, but he knew that if there was something going on between Kylie and Elijah, this was likely to stir a sufficient reaction from Elijah.

"What the hell are you playing at, Jax?" Elijah said as soon as Cody had left the room.

"What do you mean?"

Elijah laughed lightly, trying to make his reaction appear as natural as possible, "I mean, Kylie's your sister, why would you want that scumbag anywhere near her?"

"Careful Elijah, you don't want to sound like you actually care about her, do you?"

"Of course, I care about her, she's my fiancé's best mate," Elijah stated, matter-of-factly.

"And do you screw all of Jess's mates?"


"This is tea. Camomile tea. We're all going to be drinking this and not touching a single drop of alcohol during my pregnancy." Jess explained, placing the two cups in front of her and Kylie.

"You what?" Kylie pushed the cup away from her, a repulsed look appeared on her face at the mere thought of having to consume the tea.

"It's all about mindfulness Kylie. Alcohol is toxic and I don't want that stuff anywhere near me or my baby. The baby can feel the negative energy." She whispered, rubbing circles on her nearly non-existent belly.

"So you're saying I have to replace alcohol with camel-toe tea?"

"Camomile tea." Jess corrected.

"Oh, hey Cody. To what do I owe the pleasure." Kylie asked, noticing Cody emerging from the staircase, appearing more than just slightly unstable on his feet. Although the memories of her and Cody still repulsed her, she was still thankful for the distraction from Jess and her camomile tea.

"Are you seriously drunk? It's 4 pm, what the hell is wrong with you?" Jess blurted out, standing up and giving her brother a light shake.

Jess was on the verge of beginning a lecture but halted as soon as the shouting sounded from downstairs, followed by the sounds of punches being thrown and expensive vases falling to the floor.

"What the fuck?" Kylie turned to face Jess before the two of them rushed downstairs to find out that a brawl had broken out between Jax and Elijah.

They found the two with blood coating their knuckles and bruises around their eyes and nose.

Elijah's lip was cut in half and blood pooled in and around his mouth whilst Crimson leaked from Jax's nostrils.

"Stop it, both of you." Jess grabbed Elijah from the back of his shirt, pulling him away as Jax flashed a disgusted look at Kylie before leaving the house.

"I didn't want to hit him, but he came for me and I wasn't just going to stand there and take it," Elijah yelled, the blood still boiling in his vein from the adrenaline surge and the fury evident in his eyes.

His eyes met Kylie's and it spoke volumes; enough to let her know that Jax knew and she quickly ran outside.

"Jax, what the fuck was that?"

"How could you, Kylie? I wanted to believe that you couldn't stoop this low, that you wouldn't degrade yourself this much! But you continue single-handedly ruining your life!" Jax bellowed, an anger raging inside him as the two of them reached the end of the road.

"What have I done wrong?" Kylie quizzed; a weak attempt at denial was all that she could offer.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really as stupid as everyone says?" He continued, placing his hands tightly on her shoulders and forcing their eyes to meet.

"Yeah, maybe I fucking am! Is it so wrong for me to want to have just a little bit of happiness, Jax? Is that so fucking wrong?"

"Oh Kylie, no it's wrong. But this is, he's not yours to take, he's not one of your latest conquests. He's with Jess, don't you get that?"

"He makes me happy, and I don't care if it's wrong because it feels right to me."

"Do you love him?" Jax asked, turning his back on his sister, afraid to hear the answer.

"Love is a big word."

"Then why ruin your friendship and their relationship for something that you're not even sure is real?"

"I care about him and he cares about me. Maybe it's not right, but nothing that has ever happened to me has been right and no one's ever stopped it, so why are you trying to stop the one thing that is giving me even a fraction of happiness?" She pleaded for her brother to understand.

"And where does Jess fit into all of this?" He asked, his voice becoming quieter.

"I don't know."

"You don't know." He laughed mockingly, "You're my sister and that means I'll stick by you no matter what stupid choices you make, but I'm telling you this won't end well. You're not going to be one who gets burnt, you're going to drag everyone down with you."

"But, I'll keep your secret," Jax said finally, giving her one final meaningful glance before walking away, leaving Kylie with his final words.

When she entered the house again, she saw Jess sprawled out across Elijah's chest, after she'd cleaned up his wounds. Their fingers tightly interlocked and small giggles escaping Jess's mouth as Elijah whispered sweet-nothings into her ear.

And, she wondered if maybe Jax had been correct. Elijah was with Jess and Kylie would inevitably be the one to get burnt.

But all it took was that one glance from Elijah behind an oblivious Jess's back to erase Jax's warning from her memory.


Authors Note:

So I really don't know how I feel about this chapter but I had a little bit of writers' block recently with this chapter, I hope it's okay and you guys enjoyed it! Some recent feedback I got was that Jess didn't feature enough and you guys wanted to see more of her so she features in this chapter somewhat and I hope this satisfies you guys who want more Jess (:

Let me know what you think of Jax?! Is Jax right to keep his sisters' secret? And what's going to happen when the two spend time at a hotel, do you think Jess will work it out? :o

Again I'm happy to hear your guys feedback as always!

Please comment and vote and thank you so much for helping me reach 400 votes and 2.3K reads, I love you all!

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