Weakness of a Stone

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Several Weeks Later

It's been several weeks since Blitzkrieg's first flight. He's come a long way in his training since then. With Gwen's help, Jemma has been able to study Carnage and Blitzkrieg's powers more thoroughly. Gwen still doesn't know Castle is Venom. As far as she knows, he was wearing some kind of tactical suit that S.H.I.E.L.D. made for him when he and Carnage went to extract Blitz, and Venom is another Symbiote bonded to an anonymous host that Jemma is also recording data on.

Currently, Gwen is getting ready for a date. She makes sure her hair looks nice and puts her signature green jacket on top of a white shirt and a black skirt. It's been a long time since her first date with Maddox and they haven't had time to go on another one with their "side projects". Fortunately, Maddox was able to find a couple people to cover for him.

Across Town

Carnage: Moon Gooner, you made it!

Moon Knight: Yep. We're looking for Tombstone?

Carnage: That's what the big dog says. He says no killing Tombstone when we find him.

Moon Knight: We'd be doing him a favor. I haven't seen Castle this pissed since I came back to life. Wasn't pretty then, won't be pretty now.

Carnage: It'll be worse this time. I'm lookin' forward to it.

Moon Knight: You're a sick individual, Red. Don't ever change.

Jemma: Must I remind you that you two are there to get a DNA sample of Tombstone so we can make a weakness for him.

It's as if her voice alone triggers something in the red Symbiote. He immediately responds in another horrible, overdramatic English accent.

Carnage: Relax Jemmahh. We know waht we're dooing!

Moon Knight: This is gonna be a long night. Let's get moving.

He says, leaping off their vantage point and rushing to another one that's closer to Tombstone's hideout. Once he gets up on the roof of Tombstone's warehouse, he looks in through the skylight. While looking in, he notices Carnage isn't behind him anymore.

Moon Knight: Where are you at, Red?

Carnage: Inside. Duh.

Moon Knight: Won't they notice you?

Carnage: No one ever notices me, Moon Gooner. Jemmah can explain.

He says, doing a special accent just for her name. Jemma audibly sighs over the comms, then speaks.

Jemma: Carnage and Maddox are Mutants. While Maddox's abilities make it impossible for him to miss, Carnage's make him the perfect predator. His body naturally camouflages itself from any and all things. Nothing can see, smell, or hear him coming. His Symbiote amplifies his abilities even further. It's honestly a wonder Maddox can keep track of him.

Moon Knight: Gotcha.

As he looks down, he sees one of Tombstone's men start flying in the air. It looks like he's trying to scream, but no sound comes out. A puddle of blood forms under him before he's dropped to the ground unceremoniously.

Moon Knight: Trying to have all the fun, Red?

Carnage: If you want some, come get it. It's like an all-you-can-stab buffet down here.

Moon Knight smirks beneath his mask as he watches Carnage live up to his name.

With Gwen

There's a knock on her door. She opens the door with a smile, but it fades slightly when she sees who it is. It's instead replaced by a look of shock.

Gwen: Dad? What're you doing here?

Captain Stacy: What, a dad can't surprise his daughter?

Gwen: Surprise is definitely the word I'd use.

She says as nervously scratches the back of her head.

Captain Stacy: Why are you all dressed up? You going on a date or something?

Gwen: Actually, I am. He should be here any second.

Captain Stacy: Mind if I come in?

Gwen: N-No, come on in.

She says, stepping aside to let her father in. He walks inside and looks around her apartment.

Captain Stacy: How long have you been dating this guy?

Gwen: Not too long. Only a few weeks.

Captain Stacy: Meet him at work?

Gwen: School, actually. He's getting me a new job.

Captain Stacy. Uh-huh. Is that why you're with him?

Gwen: Dad! No, I'm not with him to get a new job!

Captain Stacy, smiling: Okay, okay. Just making sure. So, what does this guy do?

As the two talk, Gwen grabs a couple glasses and fills them with ice and water. Except for hers, which she fills with wine. She hands her dad one of the glasses and continues setting the apartment up for her date. Little did they know, Maddox is walking through the doorway as they speak.

Gwen: He works for an agency.

Captain Stacy: Agency? What kind of agency? Gwen, you don't want to be involved with government workers.

Maddox: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

The Stacy's turn and look at Maddox. Gwen smiles when she looks at him, but Maddox doesn't smile back. He and Captain Stacy are busy glaring at one another.

Captain Stacy: No. Absolutely not. Gwen, you need to stay as far away from him as possible. In fact, put your hands up, you're under arrest.

He says drawing his pistol out of its holster. Maddox keeps his hands in his pockets, ignoring Venom's demands to strike. Maddox strolls into the room, never breaking eye contact with Captain Stacy as he walks closer.

Maddox: Actually, I'm not. S.H.I.E.L.D. cleared my record. You've got nothing on me.

Captain Stacy: Turn around, put your hands behind your head.

Maddox: Look, I've had a really rough month, alright? Let's not do this, especially not in front of Gwen. You wanna arrest me, it'll have to wait. I got a date.

He says, stepping right up to the barrel of Captain Stacy's pistol. Maddox puts his chest against the gun and looks down at Captain Stacy, who he's a good bit taller than.

Maddox: Lower the gun, Captain. Neither of us want to do this here.

Captain Stacy stays staring at Maddox, clearly deep in thought. He looks away momentarily, then locks eyes with Maddox again. Almost as if he can read his mind, Castle addresses Captain Stacy's concerns.

Maddox: You know what I can do, Captain. She's safe. I promise.

The police captain lowers his weapon and holsters it.

Captain Stacy: I don't like this.

He says, gesturing to both Maddox and Gwen. Gwen is both hurt and confused. Her dad normally likes the guys she brings home, not that there's been very many. Why doesn't he like Maddox? And how come Maddox doesn't like her dad? What's their history?

Captain Stacy: I'll let you two get to your date. And Gwen...

She looks over at her father. He is already at the door way and is looking back at her.

Captain Stacy: He isn't who you think he is.

And that's it. He leaves the apartment, shutting the door behind him and leaving Gwen and Maddox to stand awkwardly.

Gwen: Sooooo...what was all that about?

Maddox: Long story.

Gwen: Nothing's ever simple with you, is it, Maddox Castle?

She asks with a smile. He looks over at her and smirks.

Maddox: Of course not. Simple's boring.

They walk over to each other and embrace. The two share a nice moment of just holding one another.


Carnage has cleared a good portion of Tombstone's men out stealthily. Now, it's time to get Moon Knight in and finish the job. After stabbing someone with his knife, Carnage uses a tendril to throw the man's deceased body through two large wooden crates and before Tombstone. His henchmen all swarm around. As they're distracted, Moon Knight backs up a little bit.

Moon Knight: Be like Swayze, be like Swayze.

He chants to himself before jumping in the air, throwing several crescent blades through the skylight. He follows them down and crashes through the glass causing shards to rain down on Tombstone and his men. Then, he lands down in the center of the thugs, holding a crescent blade in either hand.

Tombstone: Really? Only one of ya?

Moon Knight: You gotta learn how to count, big guy.

After he finishes speaking, Carnage seemingly appears out of nowhere and bounds through the air. He tears right through a few henchmen while in the air with his razor sharp tendrils and his hands, which he turned into blades.

Moon Knight goes straight after Tombstone. He throws his crescent darts at Tombstone, but the big man dodges them. Moon Knight follows by throwing a couple punches at him. Moon Knight's not dumb though. He knows it's not hurting him, but it is allowing him to find openings. He ducks and weaves out of the way of Tombstone's strikes, throwing his own punches to usual weak spots of human beings, but they're not damaging Tombstone in the slightest.

Carnage: Let me try!!!

He shouts a little too excitedly for anyone's liking. The crimson Symbiote lunges at Tombstone and slashes at him with his blades. They do little against the larger adversary, whose suit is the only thing damaged by the cuts and slashes from the psychotic Symbiote.

Tombstone grabs Carnage by the head and lifts him off the floor, a sinister smirk crossing his face. Before he can crush Carnage's skull, a crescent dart flies at Tomstone and grazes his shin. His eyes widen and he looks down.

Tombstone: It...cut me...

He says as he stares at the blood running down his leg. Carnage turns his head around to look at Moon Knight.

Carnage: What're those darts made of, Moon Gooner!?

Moon Knight: Adamantium. One of the hardest metals on Earth. Rare too.

Carnage: I gotta get me some!

He shouts before plunging his index fingers into Tombstone's ears. The pain is enough to make Tombstone release him. Carnage wraps a tendril around the crime boss' ankle and slings him through several large boxes.

Moon Knight: We need a blood sample.

Carnage doesn't respond verbally. Instead, a tendril from his back lifts up a glass vial and waves it a little. The crimson plasma inside moves around the container as Carnage smiles wickedly.

Moon Knight: When'd you do that?

Carnage: Oh, Moon Gooner. If you're gonna work with me, you gotta pay better attention to the BIG picture.

Moon Knight: You took the sample while you were asking about Adamantium, didn't you?

Carnage: Bingo! Now, let's get out of here. The great doctor needs the sample!

Khonshu's fist shakes his head. They leave the warehouse and head back to the lab. While they're leaving, Moon Knight decides to make smalltalk.

Moon Knight: You wanna know what's a great movie? Red Dawn. The original, not the shitty remake. Patrick Swayze was phenomenal.

The Date

After a nice dinner, the two lovebirds sit on the couch next to each other. Gwen has asked Maddox all about his assignments as an agent. Unfortunately, almost every answer he gives is "Classified".

Gwen: Seriously!? Black Widow's hair routine is classified too!?

Maddox: I didn't make the rules.

He says with a smile. Gwen stares bewildered for a minute, then pushes his arm.

Gwen: You asshole! You're messing with me, aren't you?

Maddox bursts out laughing, clutching his chest. Gwen playfully hits his arm a few times. Now she doesn't know what to believe.

Gwen: You don't even know her routine, do you?

Maddox: No, how would I?

Gwen: You really expect me to believe you and Black Widow never bumped uglies?

Maddox: Well, you're gonna be disappointed with the answer. We never did.

Gwen: Really? You worked with her for years and never once tapped that?

Maddox: Nope. We worked together but we rarely worked together. She's espionage and spying. I was enforcement, extraction, and counter-terrorist.

Gwen: Can you tell me about any of that?

Maddox: I can do anything. I wouldn't be able to say names or go into too much detail or they'd send a hit squad after me.

Gwen: Really?

Maddox: Oh yeah. They wouldn't get me though.

Gwen: And how do you know that?

Maddox: I trained the boys on their hit squads. They know better than to try me.

Gwen, sipping her wine: In all seriousness, what is with you and my dad? It's like you hate each other.

Maddox: I don't hate anyone. Your dad does hate me though.

Gwen: How come?

Maddox: He disagrees with the family business.

Gwen: What family busine- oh. Right.

As he brings up what the Punisher's famous for, she can't look past the fact he called it a "family business". Before she can judge him for taking part in it, she reminds herself of what Jemma told her about Maddox: "just remember, when he does tell you everything, he sees the world differently."

Gwen: You got caught?

Maddox: I was in the middle of a fight and he got the call. Came and arrested me and the guy I was fighting.

Gwen: I had no idea you've been arrested.

Maddox: It's not exactly something I broadcast. S.H.I.E.L.D. cleared my record. Haven't gotten in trouble since.

Gwen: If I asked you to step away from the family business, would you do it?

He sits silent. The blonde looks at him and can his cold face. He's staring down at the ground, deep in thought.

Gwen: Maddie, I need to know...are you still...engaged...in the family business?

Maddox: I don't want to talk about this right now, Gwen.

Gwen: But I do. You're still hiding things from me.

Maddox: Because I care too much about you to get involved in this part of my life. The S.H.I.E.L.D. side is fine. My normal life, absolutely I want you there. But this...the dark side...I can't put you through it.

Gwen: Why not?

Maddox: Because you can't handle it, Gwen. You won't understand. No matter how hard you try, even if it's deep down, the rational part of you will always think that what I'm doin' is wrong.

Gwen: I can handle anything.

Maddox: No. You can't. I have done things you will never understand because you'll never feel like I feel. There are only two people that truly understand what I've been through and it's Carnage and my dad.

She can see that he's really hurting. Gwen knows he just wants the conversation to end, but she just can't drop it. She needs to know.

Gwen: How many?

Maddox: What?

Gwen: You said you've done things. You've said you've killed before. How many?

Maddox: Gwen, stop.

Gwen: Answer me, please! How many men have you killed!?

The son of the Punisher stands up suddenly. Fire fills his eyes and his knuckles turn pale. He shouts with a voice as booming as the one he used when talking to Blitzkrieg.

Maddox: Those weren't men I killed! Those were animals! Monsters! The worst of the worst, Gwen! Every single one DESERVED what was comin' for 'em, so I gave it to 'em. I took 'em out. I solved the problems the law couldn't, I made the streets a little safer, I made it possible for people like you and Harry and MJ to sleep at night.

She has never seen him so fired up. He truly does see the world differently. Maybe it's a world she doesn't want to be part of. Maybe he needs her to pull him back to reality. Maybe she's the one who is blind and he's the only one who actually knows how the world works.

Maddox: I may not get to lay my head on my pillow and get a good night sleep, but that's the price I pay. At the end of the day, I am keeping others from having to make this choice. I'm keeping people from being ME!!!

He says, tears filling his eyes as he says the last sentence. Gwen stands up quickly and hugs him. She holds him tightly as he nearly breaks again.

Gwen: You're right, okay. You're right. I'll never understand...but I can try to. I need you to let me in, Maddie.

Maddox:.....I can't.....you'll run and I'll lose everything....

Gwen: You won't lose me, Maddie.

Maddox: Gwen...people like me...we don't get the girl. We're always left to wander alone...

Gwen: That's a stupid rule...I think it's time you be the exception.

She says with a smirk. Maddox pulls back and looks down at her. Gwen smiles up at him, then stands on her toes, and pulls his head down. Their lips smash together and the two embrace once more.


Jemma: I can't believe you got this sample.

Moon Knight: I can't believe Patrick Swayze agreed to make Ghost. Worst movie of his ever.

Jemma: Are you obsessed with him or something?

Moon Knight: No, not obsessed. I prefer the term "enamored".

Jemma: Anyway, we'll be able to use this to potentially de-power him for good.

Moon Knight: A simpler solution would be an adamantium bullet.

Jemma: That is incredibly rare. As far as our intel knows, the last of it has been used up by the Weapon X program. What they made, we're not entirely sure. We're still looking into that one. Anyway, as I was saying, this sample should give us what we need to de-power that crime boss for good.

As she speaks excitedly, the doors audibly hiss open. Maddox walks in. He has his hands in his leather jacket pockets and looks down at the blood sample.

Maddox: You can make it to where I can hurt him?

Jemma: Yes, I believe so.

Maddox, nodding: Good. Let me know if you need more samples. If anyone needs me, you know how to find me.

He says, turning around and heading out the door. Just before he makes it out the doorway, Jemma speaks in a teasing voice.

Jemma: Going to see Gwen?

Maddox: Already saw her. I'm goin' to meet someone else.

Jemma: You're seeing someone else?

Maddox: It's not like that. I'm goin' to see my dad.

Carnage: Can I come?

The man in black stands silent for a moment. He turns around to look at Carnage, then smirks and nods his head.

Maddox: Come on.

Carnage: YIPPEE!!!

He cheers, hopping off of one of the lab tables and running over to Maddox. Castle starts leaving with his best friend next to him, then stops.

Maddox: You too, Spectre.

Moon Knight: Yes!

He says quietly, doing a small fist pump. Moon Knight joins Castle and Carnage. The trio leave together and all go to meet Maddox's father: the Punisher.

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