We Gots A Married!

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A/N: This is that ring chapter I mentioned XD

Chapter 4

"What are all your rings for Mommy?" Marcia asks as Kirstie takes her rings off, placing them on the counter before she goes to fish the bath toys out of the bath. Marcia stands there watching the rings in her pink owl hooded towel.
       Without looking away from the bath and her task at hand Kirstie beings to answer, "Well you see the green ring?"
       "It's green and silver," Marcia corrects her.
       "Sorry, green and silver, well that is a ring that my mom gave me, it's got an emerald, since that's my birthstone."
       "What's a birthstone?" she asks.
       "Well," Kirstie starts, then pauses as she thinks of the best way to explain it to a five year old. "There are 12 months in the year and there are 12 birthstones," she points to herself as she turns to face Marcia, "I'm born in May so that makes my birthstone an emerald, and everyone else who was born in May too. And Daddy is born in April, so Daddy has a different birthstone from me, his is a diamond."
         Marcia nods slowly with a small concentrated frown, "What is Oxtober's birthstone?"
        "For people born in October, like you, your birthstone is an opal."
     "What's a o-paul?"
     Kirstie smiles at her mispronunciation, "An opal is the stone that's a little blueish in my big ring," she points over Marcia's shoulder.
      Marcia picks up the fat ring in her small hands, studying it closely, "I like this birthstone," she says with a growing smile.
      "Did you know that your daddy picked that ring for you to give me on our very first mother's day?"
       "Daddy picks pretty rings," she laughs.
       Kirstie's smile grows, "He sure does," she holds out her hand for Marcia to give her the ring, then she puts it back on, Marcia also hands her mom the green ring. "Daddy also picked the shiny white stone one." Kirstie watches Marcia carefully pick that one up, it was by far her most expensive ring, "That's a diamond, that's the ring daddy gave me when he asked me to marry him."
       "A dia-mond is daddy's birthstone!" Marcia squeals, as she starts to jump up and down, so Kirstie quickly snatches the ring and puts it back on with the matching wedding band she reaches for.
      "That is daddy's birthstone, well done sweetheart."
      "Two more," Marcia says and spins around picking up a goldish teardrop shaped ring, "What's this one?"
       Kirstie shrugs, "I just bought that one cause it was pretty."
       "Oh," Marcia frowns, a little disappointed with the lack of story. "Last one," she speaks as she picks up the last ring with three stones in it, one garnet and two amethyst.
       "This one is a bit like my opal ring because I got it just this year for our first mother's day with the triplets, so daddy picked this one out too."
       "Daddy is a verrrrry good ring picker," she nods. Then she frowns, "But Triples are borned on the same day."
        Kirstie shakes her head, "Aurelia was born on the very last day of January so her birthstone is this red one, a garnet. Then Bella and Giselle were born on the very first day of February so their birthstones are the other two, Amethyst's," she explains.
       Marcia sighs, face palming herself, "This is confusing."
        Nodding, Kirstie speaks, "I know it is, don't worry too much about okay," she slides the last ring back on her hand and glances over them all as Marcia runs from the room. "Hey no, running! Go and put your jammies on!"


Kirstie pushes the pram with Marcia holding the handle of the pram like she'd been taught to always do when they were walking.Jake kept running ahead, and Kirstie had to keep telling him to come back and hold onto his side of the pram. He was the youngest in his family, so he'd never been taught this 'trick' if his family had even used it, it had been recommend to her and Avi by Shelly, Avi's mom.
        They'd been taking Jake home for two weeks now and Kirstie had noticed that almost every day he had a piece of paper that he'd drawn on in hand, and the flashes she often saw were very good for a five year old. She knew for a fact that Marcia couldn't draw like that,Marcia was better at other things, like writing, she'd seen them both write and Marcia was definitely better at that.
      "We got married today!" Marcia suddenly says, snapping Kirstie from her thoughts.
     "Sorry what?" she asks, looking down at her oldest daughter.
      "We gots a married," Jake grins,waltzing over to Marcia's side of the pram where they link hands, which was always cute in a little kid kind of way, but what the hell did they mean they got married?
       "Yeah and we gonna go on the moonhoney at the weekend, to the fun day," Marcia chatters.
       Kirstie had almost forgotten about the fun day this weekend, Marcia was very excited about it, especially since she'd managed to get her dad to volunteer for the dunk tank. Her, Avi and the other three were still semi-famous, they got recognised every now and then. Andso the organisers of the fun day thought having the principal, a couple of teachers and a local celebrity lined up for the day would be a good idea. Kirstie was just glad she hadn't been asked first, Avi just so happened to pick Marcia and Jake up that day, she had really lucked out.
        The fun day seemed like it was going to be great, they were raising money for the school. There was going to be rides and games and lots of food. Kirstie also knew she'd promised to bake a few things for the bake sale. That was her contribution, Avi's was the dunk tank, hers was better. She was going to bake cookies and mini-muffins and a big cake and she was looking forward to it. She hadn't had a good baking day in so long. Sure she always made sure to bake something so that Marcia would have a treat in her lunchbox, but it wasn't the same, she couldn't explain it, but it just wasn't.
       She suddenly remembers that she was supposed to be asking Marcia and Jake about why they got 'married.' "Hey back on track," she says as she notices they're talking about something entirely different now. "This wedding, where did it happen?"
       "On the playground," Marcia answers.
      "When?" Kirstie asks.
     "Lunch time," Jake says.
      "Why?" Kirstie asks slowly.
      "Cause I love Jake."
     "Oh and I love Marrshar," he grins a toothy grin.
      "And we the only boy and girlfriends so we had to," Marcia shrugs.
      Kirstie nods somewhat knowingly,she knew they didn't have too, but to explain that to them would be complicated, this was that weird age where boys and girls all decide they can't be friends with the opposite sex and to the rest of the class it looked like Marcia and Jake hadn't gotten the memo. In some ways it was bullying, but the kids weren't doing this to be malicious so there was no need to go in and talk to their teacher, yet...

A/N: *cue smirk* Next chapter will be the fun day!

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