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On my way to my house, I realized that I forgot about my paperbag that accidently fell on the floor after Sunoo suddenly held me and pinned me against the wall. I am really scared to face him and wanted to run away from him so bad that I forgot to bring my paperbag.

It has my dress in it, the dress that my mother bought for me before she left me with her new husband.

I can't lose it.

I quickly ran towards the cafe, gasping for breathing and immediately stopped from running when I saw Jungwon was still there, standing in the hallways without facing someone behind him. His face seemed really mad. It really scared me because it's the first time I saw him getting mad...

I was about to walk passed him, acting as if I didn't see him, but my eyes slowly landed on someone that I really know who was standing behind him while tears were escaping from her eyes.

Lee Hana...

Why... why did she do it?

"Honey, I'm really sorry," Hana said to him in sobbing, and Jungwon quickly cut her off,

"Don't call me honey. I'm not your boyfriend anymore." He said and was about going away, but Hana suddenly hugged him from behind, bursting into tears on his back.

"Honey? Boyfriend?"

This can't be happening...

Lee Hana is the one he liked? That's why he rejected every confession he got? It's because of my best friend? Lee Hana...

Lee Hana, I thought you didn't know him. You are lying to me...

Tears rolled down my cheeks, causing me to cry on the spot while looking at both of them. I can't hold it anymore. Why must it be her? Why must it be Lee Hana?

The world must be laughing at me now.

I wiped off my tears when Jungwon recognized me. He looked really shocked to see me, so I quickly ran away from them before bursting into tears again. I don't want him to see my tears. I don't want him to know about my feeling for him. My heart felt like it was tearing apart – it was really painful as I cried harder in the small hallways.

I can't express how I felt right now. It really tore me apart—I don't believe this is happening to me.

Lee Hana, how does it feel to see me fangirling over Jungwon every day when the truth is you are the one he has liked for a long time? How does it feel? I felt really stupid.

She often saw me writing a letter for Jungwon and watching his video at the cafe...

What if she told him about me? What if Jungwon started to hate me?

At that time, someone suddenly grabbed my hand and brought me to a safe place. So, people won't see us.

"You know me, right?" He asked me seriously. It's Jungwon. I can immediately recognize his voice although I don't look at him—I sniffed quite often, nodding my head as if to respond to him.


I have been dreaming of being with you for a long time, and now you finally recognized me. We looked at each other, standing in the same place. Yes, I am happy, but I don't want it to happen in this way. I don't want it to happen because of someone else.

"Out of all the men in this world, why must it be you who likes my best friend? Why, Jungwon?"I'm begging you. Don't tell anyone about what you saw before. Don't spread it and just shut your mouth if you want me to live happily."I looked straight in his eyes as he grabbed my shoulder causing my heart to beat faster-

"I'm not. That type of person..."I replied to him, shaking because I am really nervous. I hope he doesn't hear my heart beating...

" Thank you."He said and left me.

He didn't even recognize me as his classmate.

He came to me because of Lee Hana...

Am I really nothing for him?

I burst into tears again. It is really sad to think about it.

" Why did you cry? Is it really scary for you?"His voice startled me again. I thought he was already leaving me-

" It's not scary. It hurts... it hurts me."I replied to him and cried again. He let out a sighed, taking a step closer to me and slowly held out his hand to me making me go blank with his action. Hold my hand if you want to feel better."He said, waiting for me to hold it.

" I'm not a bad man."He continued.

I want to hold it... But at the same time, my mind doesn't allow me to do it—I pouted my lips, wiped off my tears, still looking at his hand and refused to hold his hand before walking away from him, leaving him in the hallways alone.


Jungwon POV

Seeing her leave me without holding my hand as I told her to, made me surprised with her action. It's the first time a girl refused to hold my hand, and it's honestly kinda embarassing-

"What's wrong with her?"I looked at her until she was finally gone from my vision and was about to go away, but my foot suddenly stepped on something causing it to let out a cracking sound.

I took a glance at the ground and realized it was her hairpin, so I slowly took it and put it on my jacket.

"She is really clumsy."


I arrived at the building and was shocked when I saw my members were gathering at the practice room, talking about something interesting as they laughed a lot, and when they saw me, they quickly put a poker face and avoided each other's gaze,

they looked really stupid.

"What are you talking about?"I asked them and Niki suddenly let out a laugh after he looked at Sunoo. I let out a heavy sigh, finally understanding the moment -

"Do you tell them about me?"I asked Sunoo and all of them started to laugh. Jay came to me, wrapping his arm around me and sat on the floor. Meanwhile, everyone was curious to hear my story. Tell us. The whole story."Heeseung said and the rest nodded their heads.

" What story? They are just bad memories."I replied to him coldly." Why don't you tell us about her?"Jake asked me." It is because I want to forget her. I don't want to ruin my day by mentioning her name."I replied to him.

" She ended our relationship for no reason. She has never appreciated my efforts to her when the truth was, I did everything to make her happy. I protect her feelings from getting hurt, so I treat other girls in a cold way. I texted her, called her many times although I was really busy, but she never did it to me back. She ignored me when she was busy, and sometimes she didn't even meet me and was worried about me. It felt as if I was in one-sided when she was the one who approached me first."

" One day, we finally got to meet after a long time, and I'm really excited to see her as I bought a dress for her and also a teddy bear for her, but do you know what she did?"

" She took the teddy bear and threw it on the ground after she said she wanted to break up with me. It really made my life turn into a whole mess—heartbreak. I never expected it would be that hurt and deep."

" I keep asking myself. What did I do? Am I not perfect for her? Am I not good enough to win her heart? It really made me sad."

" But, my stupid heart is still liking her... although I tried to move on from her for many times. I don't know what I do anymore."I said to them and let out a heavy sigh. I don't feel good at all, and it more likely made me more mad whenever I keep thinking of her.

I don't hate her. It just...

I can't bear the pain in my heart.

" Move on. There is someone better than her who is waiting for you for a long time."Sunoo said to me making me look at him confused, processing what he was going to say.

" I can-"

" You can't force yourself to stop liking someone. But you can tell yourself that you deserve better."He continued.

Yes... it's kinda right... but

How long does it take to heal the pain, then?

" Don't be like this, Jungwon-ah. We will help you."Jake wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him

before patting my back like a baby.

" Sunoo, tell me more about myself, Im Soo Ah." Sunghoon changed the topic and the rest of the members nodded their heads, waiting for Sunoo to speak.

Im Soo Ah?

That girl again?

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