letter iv

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"and you talk about traveling, where we're goin' and where we've been"

September 16, 1964

Dear Alex,

I finally was able to train in the Danger Room today! It was pretty fun. All those shooting exercises with Hank paid off. You all were amazing. Charles was in another room of course, but he was leading the team partially through headsets and partly through telepathy. Hank was in full beast mode, and Sean was flying around. And then you, Alex. You have such an awesome mutation. I know you hate it, but seriously. It's very impressive.

By the way, if you couldn't tell, our mall hangout went well. Wow, that was last month. Time flies. We've gone on more "hangouts." Hank now officially calls them dates. I think Sean and Charles are saying that too. They're funny. You get annoyed when they say that, and I think that's adorable.

I think the people who see us think we are a bit strange. Not that they are wrong. I mean, an Asian girl with black elbow-length gloves laughing next to this tall, blonde guy. Who is very cute by the way. Also who wears black leather and jeans way too much.

Anyways, Charles has started talking more about this mutant school. He even said we can go out and travel and find mutant teenagers and kids. You, Alex, are very excited about traveling. I think that you are the type of person who doesn't like to be holed up in a house all the time. Which is interesting because you used to be completely isolated before Charles recruited you.

I think that traveling will be fun. I mean, I hope that the kids don't get scared away by us. I'm guessing that Charles will go to their homes more than we will. He's nicer and more paternal. Well, sort of.

On the subject of traveling, today we had a conversation about all the places we've been to. You said you've only been around New York (and that one time in Cuba) and how much you wish you could travel the US and even the world. We were in my room yet again. However, instead of that swivel chair you love so much, you laid down next to me on my bed. I wasn't embarrassed or anything. We're practically siblings now. And I'm not friendzoning you or anything. Just saying that we're really close right now. Especially after all those hangouts and spending time with each other a lot. All of it really hasn't made my crush for you diminish. I just hope you think of me the same way.

I told you how I've only been to Connecticut twice to visit family, Canada when I was a baby, and then California once for vacation. You made me tell you EVERYTHING about those (pretty short) trips. I told you about my family, the food we ate, the people we met, our funny stories, everything. It felt good to just talk and have someone listen. And you always know when to laugh at the right times. It makes me feel important, something I haven't felt in awhile. Thank you for that.

Charles said that we could start working on missions for the government (if they let us). Not huge things like Cuba but little jobs. That would be fun. I'd be up for it.

Cuba sounded interesting.

Was it? No one has told me much about the whole ordeal; I only heard about it from the news. Maybe one day I'll make you tell me everything about the X-Men. About your past and such.

Actually, rephrase that.

Just about the X-Men and what it was like at Cuba. Not your past.

You touched the middle of my arm today, the part without any glove or clothing, again during lunch, and I learned more about your folks. They seem sweet. I mean, not the best of parents, but who really does have amazing and perfect parents.

Maybe I can meet yours one day.

Oh! Another thing: you have started talked about dating. Very vaguely. Mostly about what it would be like if you were dating someone dating at the moment. Maybe even me. (The last idea was a VERY vague hint. It baffles me. You and me? Dating?)

The whole idea of dating anyone, but especially you, is making me blush. A lot.

Love, Neva Liu

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