letter x

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FOREWORD: ok! so in this chapter (wHEW ITS A LOONG ONE), i tried to be more historically correct because i felt like this book was lacking some of that stuff. because of this, i added some racial issues against neva and river since i imagine that during the vietnam war, there probably was racist people who disliked asians a lot. i hope i did not offend anyone or anything! also be ready for more sadness ahahahahaha...enjoy!!

this one is gonna hurt


"Neva! Hurry up!" Alex called from downstairs.

"Geez Alex, we're hurrying we're hurrying!" Neva laughed and finally finished fixing River's scarf.

"We're hurrying we're hurrying!" River echoed to Alex. Neva laughed more.

"Are you ready for New York City, Riv?" Neva asked the four year old girl. River nodded her head enthusiastically.

"VERY!" she said, excited. Neva held out her gloved hand, and River took it.

"Alright, let's go!" They walked downstairs together, and saw the three men waiting. Alex grinned.

"There they are. Finally!" he said, sarcastic. Hank rolled his eyes but smiled. Charles looked like he had actually tried to clean up himself. He was standing, a sight still foreign to Neva.

"You should get some patience, Summers," Neva murmured. Alex laughed and grabbed her other hand.

"Mhm. That is a term I do not seem to know, Ms. English Teacher."

"Alright lovebirds," Hank interrupted. "Let's go to the city before it's too late."

"I call shotgun," Charles said with a smile as they walked towards the garage. They all rolled their eyes.

"Charles!" Alex whined. "You always have the front seat automatically!" It was true, Charles always had the front seat because of his wheelchair. Even though he could walk now, they still always gave him the passenger seat out of habit.

"Off we go to New York! Woo!" Neva said when they were in the car.

"Road trip! Yay!" Alex said after.

"Yay driving," Hank said, a bit less enthusiastic.

"Aw c'mon bozo, you love driving," Alex laughed. Hank shook his head, but his smile gave himself away. The car started and the mutants began the drive to New York City.

It had been Alex's idea to go to NYC for a day trip. It was near Christmas anyways, so the skyscrapers already were decorated with lights and Christmas-y items. River had commented once in the kitchen how she had only been to the city once when she was a baby, so that was the inspiration. Charles was at first very hesitant against the idea. He didn't like to go out anymore, which troubled the rest of the adults. But finally, after much persuasion, he gave in. Neva was very excited, as it sort of was a tradition to go to the city before Sean left. She always loved to see the city in gleaming Christmas lights and glowing snow.

Neva leaned her head on Alex's shoulder, River sitting on her right. He put his head on hers and kissed her hair slightly. Neva smiled happily. Christmas always made things better. Always.

New York City looked amazing. River widened her eyes at all the splendid wonders around her: the golden shops, the tall Christmas trees adorned with red ornaments, the various people wrapped in furs and scarfs. Charles took her hand and made sure she didn't run off. They looked at the various windows and buildings around them. Hank stood by the two, hands in his pockets, smiling. Neva and Alex walked a little ways behind, holding hands and keeping warm. They saw a couple anti-mutant signs (not surprisingly), but otherwise, the day was perfect.

They reached the Rockefeller Center and looked down at the ice skaters who glided past.

"Can we go?" River asked, motioning towards the ice. Hank looked at Alex, who shrugged a bit. Neva grinned. She hadn't been ice skating in years.

"If it's ok with Charles, then it's ok by me," Alex said cheerfully. They all looked at Charles, who looked down at his standing legs and sighed.

"I suppose it would be worth a try," he said. The four cheered, earning some strangers' glances.

"I can help, Mr. Charles. C'mon!" River pulled Charles along towards the entrance, Hank laughing behind them. Neva and Alex followed, excited.

Ice skating was the most fun Neva had in a long time. River helped Charles ice skate since his legs still weren't the strongest. The surprisingly mature four-year old would giggle at him falling but then help him up again. Hank actually was pretty good at ice skating; Alex kept grumbling that he was showing off. Neva was decent and so was Alex. They stayed close together, holding hands and laughing whenever one of them almost fell.

"This is nice," Neva said as they skated around another turn. Alex looked at her and grinned. He squeezed her hand.

"I really love you, Neva Liu," he said. She smiled.

"I love you too, Alex Summers."

Once they finished ice skating, they shopped around the crowded streets. River kept running around, and the four adults would scramble to find the Asian girl. It was the fourth time they had lost her, and Neva was searching around the department store. She finally found the little girl looking at some purple items, grinning. Neva sighed, smiled, and grabbed her hands.

"Come on, Riv. We can't give Hank yet another heart attack," she said.

"Ok," River laughed. The two walked through the store towards the exit. Before they reached the door, they were stopped by a man with a furious expression.

"Good evening," Neva said, putting River behind her slightly. He narrowed his eyes.

"Go back to your own country!" he yelled slightly. Some people in the stores stopped. Neva felt her heart beat faster.

"Sir, we are completely American and are meeting people outside; excuse us." Neva tired to walk around the man, but he walked in front of her.

"That's bullshit," he spat. More people stopped in the store. Neva took in a sharp breath and pulled River behind her fully. She saw some store workers walk towards them in the corner of her eye.

"We don't mean to be rude, just let us pass," she said. He shook his head.

"Damn Vietnamese," he muttered. Neva felt her face flush, and her insides boil.

"Excuse me, but that is very rude and very unnecessary," she said, trying not to shout. "We have just as much a right of living here in America as you do. Just because we are different ethnicity doesn't mean we are lower or less than you. Keep your opinions to yourself. Good day," she ended with a phrase that Charles used to say to rude people. He narrowed his eyes again. Before he could shout some more obscenities, Neva felt someone grab her waist. She turned and looked into Alex's brown eyes. He nodded at her, and she grabbed River's hand again.

"Sir, we are leaving now. Bye!" he said cheerfully. He steered the two Asians out of the store, and they met Hank and Charles outside. Neva hugged Alex tightly as soon as they got out into the cold air. "What an ass," Alex muttered into her ear. She laughed.

"Thanks, Summers," she replied. She let him go and kneeled down to look at River, who looked confused. "You ok, Riv?"

"Neva..." the small girl said softly. "Why do people hate us?" Charles and Hank exchanged glances. Neva smiled slightly. She had wrestled with the same question all through the beginnings of her mutation and realization of ethnicity difference.

"Oh honey," she sighed. "People don't hate us. They just don't realize that we are all the human. They have different thoughts." She stopped. "Don't ever think that someone is less than you, though, Riv. We are all human. Ok?" River nodded and hugged Hank's leg. Neva stood up, and Alex rubbed her back with a smile.

"Good job, Mom," he teased. She rolled her eyes.

"Alright, shall we go home?" Charles suggested. The mutants nodded and walked back to the car.

In the car, River fell asleep in Neva's lap. Neva put her head on Alex's head with a smile. The car ride was uneventful, but at least they had all gotten out of the house.

Alex carried River back up to her bed, and Neva tugged off the girl's shoes. They both went down to the kitchen where Hank was getting some serum for Charles. Neva sighed and jumped onto the counter. It was almost 11:00 PM, and the adults were pretty tired.

"Neva, is there a day where you will never sit on the countertop?" Hank asked with a laugh.

"Nope," Neva replied, popping the "p." They looked over at the sound of glass bottles clinking and saw Charles shifting through the alcohol drawer. Hank sighed slightly and finished pouring the serum into a syringe.

"Done," he said. Charles looked up and saw all of them watching him.


"Nothing," Alex replied. Neva hopped down.

"Ok I'm going to sleep," said Neva. "Night. Merry Five Days Before Christmas!" Charles raised his beer bottle, and Hank smiled as she walked out. Alex followed her to her room, but she closed it before he could get in.

"Neva!" he called. "What the heck?!"

"I'm changing, geez!" she laughed. She heard him grumble but then walk off. Neva rolled her eyes. What a child. She smiled and went to change into some pajamas and take out a piece of lined paper.


December 20, 1970

Dear Alex,

Today was perfect. And I mean it. It's close to Christmas, River was happy, Charles was smiling, Hank was grinning, and you and I went ice skating! As a couple! That is one of the things checked off of my bucket list, I think.

You know, I was being unnecessarily scared in my last letter. I honestly believe that I'm ready to marry you. And after today, when you defended River and I, I kind of just knew that maybe we could work this relationship out. And yes, I know that our futures don't seem to intertwine but...we can change it right?

Ok, this commitment stuff is making me sappy. Great.

On another note, I think that the war is ending soon. Thank god.

Love, Neva Liu


Neva woke up early the next morning; 7:21 AM to be exact. She unwrapped Alex's arm from her waist with a smile (he mumbled something and then rolled over) and pulled on a thin jacket over her pajamas along with her gloves.

Running downstairs, Neva decided to make pancakes or something for the rest of the mutants. She practically skipped to the kitchen and slid next to the refrigerator. She was rummaging around the drawers for some utensils, when she heard someone cough behind her. She pulled out a knife and whirled around.

"Woah woah, love, calm down," Charles said, rubbing his eyes. He was in a striped bathrobe tied over some long pajamas. He also was standing - the serum from last night had yet to wear off. She rolled her eyes.

"Charles, we went over this: don't scare Neva after that one incident in Connecticut!" she groaned. He laughed a bit and went straight for the alcohol drawer again. Neva sighed slightly but continued in her search for a pan and some cooking utensils.

"Right," he said. "That one time with the bed and..."

"We don't talk about it," she interrupted. Charles laughed a bit again and leaned on the counter, taking a swig of beer. "It's a bit early, don't you reckon?" He shrugged.

"It's never too early."

"Uh huh. Prof, you need to be careful with your drinks around Riv, you know." Neva finally found a pan and dragged it over to the stove. Charles waved his hand.

"Don't call me that, Neva. I'm not a teacher anymore." Neva straightened up and looked at the brown haired man.

"I'm sorry, say that again?"

"I said: don't call me professor anymore." He gulped some more beer. Neva furrowed her eyebrows.

"Charles, you will always be Professor X! It's not like you can rebrand yourself from the X-Men or somethin-"

"Well, maybe I want to!" he yelled. She was silenced, the spoon in her hand quivering. His eyes began to water slightly, but he hurriedly brushed the tears away. "I'm not a fcking teacher anymore! This bloody school has gone to waste. Because of my carelessness. I'm not a professor. Not anymore." Charles took another drink and then walked off, swaying a bit. Neva steadied herself on the tabletop in the kitchen, shaken from his profanity and anger.

"Our whole world is crumbling before my eyes..." she whispered under her breath. A loud knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts. She wiped the water from her eyes and took in a deep breath. Perhaps it was one of the teachers or students come back from Vietnam. That would make things a lot better. She smiled to herself a bit and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" Neva opened the door and her smile dropped. There was a young man, around his late 20's, in a green army outfit. A million thoughts raced through Neva's mind as she glanced down at the folded paper in his hand. It was the same paper as the one from when Sean had been drafted. Fear and hurt grabbed at her heart, and Neva wanted to slam the door in the man's face.

"Good morning, ma'am," the man said, a bit timidly. He probably hadn't been expecting an Asian woman to open the door.

She nodded curtly.


"Are you the maid or something?" the man asked. He tried to look around her shoulder. Neva's stomach boiled with slight anger. She controlled her tone.

"N-no. I'm a teacher here," she said. Her voice was unsteady. The soldier widened his eyes in surprise. She cleared her throat. "Are you here for something, sir?"

"Yes, actually. Do you know an Alexander Summers?"

In that moment, Neveah Liu's whole world collapsed.

She froze and dimly heard the soldier's voice asking if she was ok. She felt her grip on the door handle tighten. Her eyes filled with uncontrollable water. This couldn't be happening. Right when she was ready to get married, right when yesterday had been absolutely perfect.

Neva debated about slamming the door and running up the staircase, tacking Alex and making him promise to never go outside ever again.

But then she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. No no no no.

"Neva, are you ok, sweets?" Alex asked into her ear. She turned around in his arms but couldn't shake her head. All she could do was stare into his dark brown eyes, those eyes she had loved for so long over the past years.

The soldier cleared his throat awkwardly. Alex turned towards him, his blonde hair brushing against Neva's forehead.

"Good morning, sir. Do you need anything?" Oh no...

"Do you know an Alexander Summers?" the man asked. A bit of fear flashed across Alex's face.

"You're speaking to him!" he said, feigning cheerfulness. Neva buried her head into his chest and hugged him tightly, not wanting to lose him.

"Oh, this is for you." She imagined the man handing Alex the paper. Alex's arms left her back as he opened it up. She imagined him reading the paper, slowly analyzing it. He sighed softly. Neva focused on his breath.

"Right." Alex's tone had hardened. Neva whirled around and grabbed the paper, her heart breaking as she read the words.

"Sir," she said trying not to trip over her words, "I don't want to be rude, but the draft in 1970, this year, is meant for men born in 1951! Alex was born in '45!" Alex stroked her back softly. The soldier nodded.

"Yes, but Mr. Summers has been enrolled in a special task force. If you read the bottom of the page..." He pointed at the bottom of the paper. She looked at it; it had the same messy signature as Sean's paper had. "I'm sorry." The soldier looked down at the ground. He is still young, Neva thought. He's a beginner.

"It's alright, sir. Thank you. I'll go and get my bags now." Alex detached himself from Neva and began the walk upstairs. Neva stared at the paper in her hand, unmoving. She felt Hank take the paper from her and breathe a deep sigh.

"Go to Alex," he murmured in her ear. "I'll take care of the soldier." She nodded numbly and ran upstairs. She vaguely saw Charles watching her from downstairs.

"Alex!" Neva ran into his arms in her room. He had most of his important belongings in her room.

"Neva," he whispered. They both crumpled onto the floor by the bed. Neva felt hot tears run down her face. "Hey, hey, don't cry, hon."

"How can I not?!" she whispered back, hiccuping. "You're leaving. My boyfriend of six years is leaving me. The one person I can trust everyday." He sighed and kissed her head.

"I know, I know. But I'll be back, ok? I promise." He stood up, and she followed. They swayed a bit in each others' arms in the middle of the room. "Haven't you read my future, Future Girl?" he teased. She managed a small laugh.

"You know I can't see specific details, Havok." He hugged her close.

"I'm going to miss you, Neva," he murmured. "So freaking bad."

"Me too, Summers." Alex took her hand and kissed her forehead again.

"Let's go downstairs." She nodded and let herself be walked down to the soldier.

Hank, Charles, and River were at the door also. They looked up at the couple as they walked down. Neva realized her face was probably tear streaked. River looked a bit confused. She ran over to Neva.

"What's wrong, Auntie Neva?" she asked. Neva picked her up.

"Alex is going to be leaving for a little bit," she said softly. River made a face at Alex. Neva put her down, and River ran over to the blonde. He smiled.

"Will you be back?" said River. He nodded and hugged her.

"Of course, Riv. Why would I leave you?" She giggled a bit and hugged him again. Alex stood up with a deep breath. He hugged Hank and Charles, who both were teary eyed.

Neva followed Alex out to the awaiting car. She was holding his hand tightly, not wanting to let go. The soldier ushered Alex to the backseat and then walked over to the driver's seat. Neva let go of his hand when he went inside. He rolled down the window and smiled at her.

"Hey, I gotta plan," he grinned. She felt herself grin. It was contagious.

"And what is that, Summers?" Alex grabbed her arm through the window and kissed her hard. She felt flashes of memories of them together over the years. He let go.

"I'm going to marry you when I come back, Neveah Liu," he grinned. "And that is a promise." She laughed and grinned back .

"You better not die on the field, Summers; I'm holding you to that promise." She smiled once more and walked away slowly as the car started.

"Bye!" she said. He waved.

"Bye! I love you!" Alex shouted as they drove away. His brown eyes twinkled, and his blonde hair rustled in the wind. Neva waved back.

"I love you too!"

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