letter xxi

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"there's things that you can't see, you're way to close to me"


February 1, 1973

Dear Alex,

I heard that soldiers had already been released. Charles said that he looked on Cerebro and even saw mutant soldiers already out in the world. He couldn't seem to remember finding you though; then again, he was mostly looking for students not soldiers.

I wonder if you have already been released. Maybe. If so, you should be home soon. I'm not sure though. Maybe you were out of money and needed a job or something.

Anyways, I hope you are ok and not like in my dream that I had a few months ago. It keeps coming back to me, and I wish it wouldn't.

Hank has been really good about helping me not go into a giant hole of despair. He's been great too. He has been building more X-Men gear, and it all looks amazing. I can't wait for you to see the new plane and suit modifications.

I'm sorry these letters are getting shorter and shorter. Sometimes I feel really guilty, but then again, you (hopefully) won't read them.

Come home soon to me.

Love, Neva Liu


Neva heard a small rustle from outside of the kitchen and looked up to see Hank coming in. She smiled and continued to cook. Tonight was soup night, one of River's favourites.

"Hey Hank," Neva said, stirring the pot. "Where's Riv?"

"Outside in the lake," he laughed.

"Isn't it a little cold?" she smiled more. He shrugged and took off his glasses to clean them.

"You know she loves water, even if we tell her not to swim. Also it's ok - Charles is out there with her."

"He's not swimming though. Maybe I should go check on her..." Neva wiped her hands on her apron, but Hank shook his head with a small smile.

"She's fine, Neva," he said. Neva sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Are you ok?"

"Just been thinking," she said.

"That's dangerous," he grinned. She rolled her eyes.

"Uh huh. And yeah. I don't know." Neva leaned on the countertop, and Hank did the same across from her. "I've just been wondering about Clara, whoever she was, and also about Alex." She paused and looked down. "Wherever he is." Hank bit his lip.

"I'm sure he'll come home soon. I mean, he's Alex Summers. He'll be ok."

"Yeah. I don't know what I'm worrying about." Neva laughed lightly, took a deep breath, and went back to stirring.

"Soup smells good," he commented.


"Neva," said Hank, staring at the tiles on the floor. "We're all worried about Alex. But...he'll be ok. I know it." He looked back up and gave her a smile.

"Thanks Hank." Neva smiled back.

"And about that Clara," he pushed up his glasses and took out a small cut newspaper article about an English wedding, handing it to her. She dried off her hands on a towel and looked at it. "I found this in Charles' office, and it mentioned a Clara, so maybe it'll help."

Neva's eyes scanned the paper, shock in her mind. Then she stopped and thought about it all: What if Charles didn't want her to see the article? What if it was too close to his heart? What if...

Hank interrupted her thoughts by clearing his throat and straightened.

"Alright, I'm going to go make sure Charles is being a good babysitter. We'll be inside in a few minutes."

"Ok," said Neva, distracted. Hank smiled to himself and walked back outside. Once outside, he almost fainted.

"River! What are you doing up in that tree?! Charles!"

"Hi Uncle Hank!"

"Uh...she got up there with no encouragement by me, I swear!"

"Neva's gonna kill us..."

"I'm going to do what?"

"Neva, darling-"

"River! What are you doing up there?!"



also i kinda just got the urge to write hank a fic oh no-

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