letter xxv

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"don't you fret, i hardly feel the pain. a little fall of rain, can hardly hurt me know. you're here, that's all i need to know. and you will keep me safe, and you will keep me close, and rain will make the flowers grow."


February 12, 1973

Dear Alex,

Today was River's birthday! It was so much fun! We baked a cake together, then we ate it, then we went swimming (because you know it's her favourite), and then we watched a couple movies, which was super nice. I forgot how much I liked movies.

River was very happy, which made us all happy. We've known her for 3 years now! Time flies! I wish you could've been here to celebrate. Oh well. I think you'll be back soon. Although I've been telling myself that for years now.

Well, I hope you are doing well. I just got a wave of sleepiness from all that cooking and swimming. I'll write more about River later! (if I have time) I just wanted to document this day for if you ever come back.

Love, Neva Liu


February 13, 1973

"Neva! Neva!" Hank yelled throughout the house. Neva ran out of her room half asleep with her hair tousled. She rubbed her eyes and continued putting her jacket on.

"What?!" she yelled back. Hank finished running up the stairs in a flurry. He looked like a mess but a somewhat happy mess.

"Army...River...Summers...back..." The scientist tripped over his words, and his heavy breathing muddled everything he said. Neva tried to unscramble his words.

Wait, she thought. Did he just say...Summers? Her heart sped up as did her breathing. She felt her brain start to work out the possibilities. Hank was still panting as she started to run.

Neva pushed past him (he smiled to himself) and ran down the long hallway, feet going as fast as she could. Everything whirled around her, she couldn't feel her legs; all she could think of was her burning heart and Alex Summers. She slid down the stairs...

And right into his arms.

Alex hugged her tightly, not wanting to ever let go. He wanted the moment to last forever and ever. She did too. Neva hugged him, and the rush of emotions from the past three years caused her to start sobbing. They both were crying, but Neva more. Her tears stained his uniform, but he didn't care. Alex whispered sweet nothings into her ear, and she realised how much she had missed the sound of his voice. The pair was finally together.

After a couple minutes, Neva stopped crying as hard and he loosened his hug to take a good look at her. They held hands, just grinning at each other. They both had changed: they looked more tired, more weary. Neva started laughing.

"What? Do I have something in my hair?" Alex asked, a little panicked. She shook her head and laughed again.

"No, no. I'm just..." she struggled for words, "really really happy you're alive and back." He grinned more.

"Me too." There was a pause. "I have so much to tell you."

"Same with me," she said, smiling at the thought of Logan. Neva grabbed his arm. "C'mon. You can put your stuff in my room."

In about an hour and a half, Alex finished putting all of his possessions away whilst saying hi to everyone, giving away lots of hugs, and telling a bunch of short stories from the army. River was VERY happy. She couldn't stop dragging Alex around to show him all the presents she had gotten the day before. Neva just laughed through it all. Honestly, Neva couldn't contain herself. She had missed him. So much. So so so much. And finally, he was back.

"It's good to have you home, Alex," Charles smiled. Alex grinned back.

"Thanks, prof. It's good to be back home," he said, holding onto Neva's hand. "'Nam was bad. I'm happy I'm back." He hugged Neva again, and she grinned. Charles shook his head, but smiled more. Alex always made everyone smile uncontrollably.

"So!" Neva said, as they all walked into the kitchen to eat some dinner. Hank and River rummaged around for something to cook, and Charles helped as best as he could. Neva jumped onto the counter, something she hadn't done in a long time. Alex laughed and hugged her waist.

"Mm?" he said.

"I was thinking," she smiled, "that maybe I could help you with your history stuff once we get the school back up and running! Charles and I've been talking about it and all." Alex frowned a bit. "Something wrong?"

"It's nothing," he shook his head. "I just thought...you know...maybe we could travel around? Before the school starts and all."

"Travel?" she asked, confused. "Didn't you just get back from Vietnam-"

"Yeah, but I want to travel with you!" he interrupted. Neva bit her lip.

"We have Riv though," she said. "What would we do about her?"

"I mean," Alex looked down, "I thought it could just be me and you, you know?" Neva took her hands off his shoulders.


"Traveling the world. You and me," he repeated. Neva gently pushed him off and started pacing.

"But for how long?" she said. "And someone needs to take care of Riv. We can't just leave her with these bozos." She waved her hand at Hank and Charles. They were watching the argument in silent surprise.

"They can take care of her, ok?" Alex said, starting to sound a bit frustrated. "And she's old enough to know about the world. She doesn't need a nanny." Neva shook her head.

"I'm not just a nanny," she said, frowning. "She's like my little sister. I-I can't leave her."

"Neva, you have to one day," he said. Neva shook her head again and walked out of the kitchen. She didn't want to leave River, her one constant in life. She also didn't want to start yelling at Alex on his first day back. "Neva, where are you going?" he called.

"My room," Neva said back, picking at her gloves. She heard Alex run after her and grab onto her arms, turning her around.

"Neva," he said. She looked down at the wooden panels. "What's wrong with traveling?"

"I-I just want to stay," she replied. "I don't want to leave. I've already lost enough, ok? I don't want to lose Riv too."

"You won't! It's one trip!" he said. Neva pulled herself out from his grasp.

"You don't know that," she said, memories of all she had lost starting to fill her head. Neva felt tears prick her eyes. "You don't know that! We lost the school! We lost you! We lost Sean!" She was crying now for the second time that day. This time, though, her heart ached with an overwhelming sadness.

"Don't mention him!" Alex said loudly. "And you didn't lose me! I'm right here!"

"No!" she said, water falling from her eyes. "You're going to leave again!"

"Did you see that in my future?" he said.


"Neva, fine," Alex said. "Fine! If it's my 'destiny' to leave, then maybe I will! You seem too attached to River now. Are you even the same person?"

"I still love you!" she cried. "I do! Don't leave, me please!"

"Do you? Do you really?" he shouted, red energy suddenly flying out of his hands. Alex stopped, realising how much the situation had escalated.

Then he heard her gasp.

"N-Neva, oh no, oh no, Neva, no," he stammered frantically. Alex ran over to catch her as she fell.

"I-I'm sorry," Neva whispered. Red began to seep out where her hand was on her stomach. Alex was now the one crying.

"No, I'm sorry, Neva, please, don't go," he said, voice cracking.

"I would've traveled with you," she said, starting to cry also. They were now both on the ground, Alex trying to prop her up to stop the bleeding.

"S-stay with me, ok? Neva Liu, don't you dare let go," he said, trying to sound strong. He could vaguely hear River, Hank, and Charles rushing around him.

"I c-can't promise you t-that," Neva said, struggling to smile. Her voice was pained. Alex blinked away his tears.

"I'm so sorry, Neva, I'm so sorry," he cried.

"Don't be, Alex," she said softly. "It's ok."

"I-I was going to propose," he said, still crying.

"You were?" she asked. "Y-you really were?" He nodded. Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal ring. More tears streamed down Neva's face as she saw it.

"Yeah, I was," he said. "Wait...w-we can still do this." 


"No, Neva...let me do this." Alex picked her up bridal style, and Neva pushed back the waves of pain. He propped her up against one of the columns near the doorway, making sure the bleeding wasn't too bad. It was, but he tried to ignore that.

"A-Alex," Neva said, choking on tears and pain. He shakily got down on one knee, holding the ring out to her.

"Neva Liu, you have been the sunshine in-in my life for as long as I can remember," he said, voice cracking again. "This proposal is long overdue."

"Yeah, it is," she laughed. He smiled through the tears.

"You make me so happy, and you are so-so beautiful and strong. I've never met anyone like you. I-I want to be devoted to you forever, even if we'll only be engaged," he continued, heart sinking at the thought of her leaving forever. "N-Neva, will you m-marry me?" She grinned while her left hand slowly stained red.

"Of course," Neva responded. Alex put the ring on her finger carefully. He heard Hank crying behind them. "I love it," she said, gazing at the ring.

"I hoped you would," Alex said, shaking. He leaned in to kiss her one more time.

"I love you, Alex Summers," she whispered.

"I love you too, Neva Summers," he whispered back. They kissed, and Neva felt a million memories in her mind. She focused on the happy ones, ones of Christmases past and ones of laughter in lonely halls.

Then it all went black.



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