Santa Fe and a Lullaby - 03

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Y/N walked out of the theatre, taking in a breath of the cold, summer-night air.

She un-cuffed her sleeves and adjusted the hat that was placed upon her head, while humming the song Medda sang that night. Near the end of the performance, she thought she saw Jack and the new boys but they left before she could be sure.

Heading towards the Lodging house, Y/N saw a middle aged man and women, holding hands with two small children. She stopped humming. Her bottom lip went in between her teeth as she watched them enter a housing building.

"So that's what they call a family: Mudder, fadder, daughter, son. Guess everything you heard about it's true," She began kicking stones along the pavement, hands shoved deep into her pockets. "So you ain't got any family, well, who said you needed one? Ain'tcha glad nobody's waiting up for you?"

She walked over to a wooden bench and sat down. "When I dream on my own, I'm alone, but I ain't lonely! For a dreamer, night's the only time of day," she sighed. "When the city's finally sleeping, when my thoughts begin to stray. And I'm on the train that bound for Santa Fe."

Yes, Santa Fe. A city out west in New Mexico. Her brother, Jack, would always tell stories about it to her and Michael. Well, that was before Michael and himself were taken to the refuge and Y/N ran and found the Newsboys Lodging house. She took her cap off and ran a dirty hand through her hair.

"And I'm free! Like the wind!" She stood up once more and ran down the cobbled street. "Like I'm gonna live forever. It's a feeling time can never take away. All I need's a few more dollars and I'm outta here to stay dreams come true. Yes they do. In Santa Fe" she finished softly as her eyes caught a small boy.

Y/N squinted her eyes, the oil street lights being dim and she couldn't quite make the face out.

"Tumbler?" Y/N whispered out. The boy who was sat in between two bins looked up.
"Hey, Ballad!" He called back, the same cheeky smile he always wore making its way across his face.
"Whatcha doin' 'ere?"

"Well, umm.. I was out wis' Skittery, but this man had a candy stall and, umm.. I kinda wanted some," he explained and Y/N rolled her eyes.

"But the man caught me and I had to run! And then I lost Skittery." A frown appeared on his face.
"Aw, Tum. C'mon I'll take ya back home." She took the little boys hand.
"Y/N, what's Santa Fe?" The boy looked up at her. Her breath caught up in her throat. It wasn't some deep secret, Jack always talked about it, to himself. Yes. But they always heard it.

What she didn't want to do was lie.

"It's a place out west, mine and Jack's parents are out there looking for a place. As soon as they does, we're leaving 'hattan." She bit her lip.

Tumbler's hand left hers and he wrapped himself around her legs.

"No! Don't leave! Me and Skittery need ya!" He cried. The girl's heart shattered at this and she immediately regretted telling him.

"Hey Tum," she spoke softly, kneeling down to his level. "It's not gonna happen anytime soon. Anyways, as soon as we leave, you'll forget about us." She tucked his curly hair back into his cap and held his face in her hands. "Now c'mon, Kloppman will be wondering where we are."

Y/N softly pushed Tumbler through the door of the Lodging house. As soon as they got into the front room, all the boys, who were either playing poker or drinking, went stopped and went silent.

A chorus of their names and 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN' and curse words erupted from the boys. Skittery ran up quickly, jumping over spare chairs. "Wher- wh- WHERE DID BOTH OF YOU GO?" he argued. His face slowly turned red.

"I went to Medda's and I caught this little guy by the bins. You lost him again," She hissed back and poked his chest, ear in oo's from the boys.

"Anyway, it's late! All the kiddos upstairs, now." She called. Many huffs and complaints echoed but they followed the order. Snipeshooter tried to hide behind Bumlets, but the teen knowing better stepped aside and let Y/N drag Snipe by the ear upstairs.

As the last of the boys tucked themselves in, Y/N was about to leave the room when a small hand grabbed hers, "Y/N, can youse sing us a lullaby?"

One of the two five year olds asked.
"Sure," she smiled, sitting down on the floor.

She cleared her throat and began, "Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top. When the wind blows the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks," she stroked Kaz's hair as she was sat beside his bed. "The cradle will fall. And down will come Baby, Cradle and all." Her eyelids felt heavy and eventually she fell asleep with her back pressed against the wall.

The older boys came upstairs and saw all the younger ones sleeping, and Y/N was asleep by Kaz and Tumbler's bed. "I'll take her," the tall, dark haired boy whispered to Jack who had only come in seconds earlier. Skittery picked her up with his arms cupped under her legs and back. She stirred lightly but didn't wake. He took her over to the corner and put her in her bunk, draping the duvet over her after taking her boots off.

He kissed her forehead and bid her goodnight, smiling to himself as he saw a smile grow on her face in her sleep.


Edited: 13 September 2020
Words: 973

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