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March 20th, 1942

Dear Maddox,

I got your letter, clearly. I miss you more than you can imagine. I miss all of you. But it's okay, as long as I know you are alright. Please be careful. Tell Bucky that goes for him too in case he decides to be nosy and read this over your shoulder or something. I'm sending him his letter right after I send yours. As for Steve, thanks for telling me. I'll write to him soon to find out more for myself, and trust me, he'll be getting an earful for not telling me anything.

Brooklyn has been so quiet, and, well, boring without you guys here causing trouble everywhere you go. But  I understand that you're fighting for us and I'm so proud of you. Of course I've yet to hear from Steve, but when I write to him, I'll let you know what he says. I really hope you're doing well over there and you succeed.

Ugh, why did this war have to take you away from me? The longer we're apart, the more the days seem to go on. Minutes feel like weeks and hours feel like years. So far, you've only been gone a week, but I'm already dreading the more to come. I had plans with Lydia the other night, but the minute I got your letter, all I wanted was to see you.

I spent hours searching through our photos from the past few years. So far, my personal favorite is the one Bucky took of us on Christmas. So I thought I should send it to you for you to keep.

Please write as soon as you can just so I know you're alive and safe. You have been in my heart, as well...always have been, and always will be.

I love you forevermore,

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