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September 1st, 1942

Dear Bucky,

Finally got something back from Steve! He's been just fine lately. Who knows, if this experiment is what he told me, you might actually see him soon for yourself. He sent me a letter last week that he's been on tour as—honest-to-God—Captain America! Isn't that just the bee's knees?

And that's not all. I got this not just from his letters but from some of the newspapers around here. It's reached even my neighborhood down here and I caught some in Mistress' shop where I work. Comics, newspapers, movies, our little punk's become quite popular. And he was definitely right about not being so little anymore, you can hardly recognize him.

I still can't help but remember him as our small Steve no matter how much he's changed, just a kid from Brooklyn too stupid and too brave to ever run from a fight. It's all just so crazy.

Anyway, I'm trying to follow your advice and go out with the girls every now and then. It's not easy to try to forget everything when your best friend and boyfriend are fighting for our country and your other best friend is a reckless idiot off now doing who knows what. But I have to stay positive, because what's the point if we can't keep some hope that things will eventually clear up? This can't last forever, and I'm sure I'll see Maddox and you in person soon enough, although it still feels like an eternity since the last time we laughed together.

Remember when our biggest concerns were just making Steve didn't kill himself with all the fights he kept picking or facing those looks people give Maddox and I walking down the street? I actually miss them. Just like I miss you. This is addressed to both of you because I don't have much ink or paper around, so make sure to show Mads, and tell him for me that he's in my heart, always has been since the day we met, and he always will be, and that I love him forevermore.


"Hey, Mads!" Bucky called out loud enough for the entire room to hear after reading the letter in his hand. The ink was a bit faded at the end, bringing truth to Dorothy's words. "Doll's wrote back! She says you'll always be in her heart and that she loves you for evermore!" He then made kissing sounds with a laugh, followed by some of the other soldiers in their unit exchanging chuckles.

Not a second later, a pillow came flying Bucky's way that he quickly dodged. "Shut up, Barnes! If I wasn't stuck using this crutch for another few weeks, I'd kick your ass," Maddox snorted, Bucky only snickering in response.

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