8/20/17 (Nighttime)

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Dear Diary,

Excuse the wet pages again.

I walked up to the post office, but I had to take a break when I got up there because of my hip. It was farther than I thought... I ate dinner in a nearby restaurant after I dropped off my letter then set back out for my temporary home.

I don't call it home because it's not. People say home is we're the heart is. My heart didn't come with me on the plane. It stayed back with Anthony. Besides, I'm just not comfortable in this house as opposed to mine in NYC. Then again, anywhere could be a home with Anthony in it.

I'm going to begin taking pictures tomorrow. I'm going to take many pictures each day so I can avoid being here for longer than I must be.

Anthony is waiting for me... My love...

I've been so depressed since I had to move away... I don't feel safe without him just down the street... Or down the hall... I'm getting paranoid in this quiet, lonely, old house. I'm going crazy.

Anthony, I love you... I hope I come home safe to you... I have a bad feeling about this place.... The whole town seems empty, like a ghost town. All the houses look older than old and the businesses don't seem to be doing well.

I guess it would be a nice place to live if it was under different circumstances...

I hope Anthony receives my letter soon... Anthony Ramos Martinez. I love you.

Tobilyn J.

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