8/24/17 (Afternoon/Evening)

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Dear Diary,

Anthony had called the police prior to me writing my last entry, but I was so scared. I didn't want to be killed before they got there and have nobody know what happened, especially if they killed Anthony too.

But what happened was so intense... I was shaking, scared for my life and Anthony's...

You know, in the process, I asked myself where the brave girl from the Jewelry Store heist was. The one who saved Anthony and Jasmine's lives. She wasn't there.

Here's what happened.

They broke the bedroom door. There were no gunshots, so I had assumed no guns. I had assumed wrong.

The man had a knife primarily, but a gun as a backup. Anthony held me close, but the man grabbed me away. He held a knife to me, threatening Anthony. I couldn't hear him over my loud heartbeat.

I don't know how long I was there, but I know the knife was slowly inching closer to me. Anthony was keeping the man talking, I think. When the police finally arrived, the man used me as a shield, keeping the knife near me.

I shut my eyes. I thought I was going to die. I don't know if I was crying or not. Anthony later told me that we were both crying.

I don't remember anything but my heartbeat and a knife.

Soon, I heard loud gunshots. My ears were ringing. The body behind me seemed to melt off me. I blacked out.

The next thing I remember is Anthony's face. He had tears rolling down his face. He seemed to be leaning over me. He was talking, but I couldn't hear him. I was paralyzed for a moment. I couldn't move, but I could look around. On my other side, I saw a paramedic. I couldn't hear the paramedic's speech either.

When I could finally hear, I found out Anthony was whispering in worry. The paramedic was trying to get me to answer questions. I answered them as best I could. I looked back to Anthony, who had taken my hand. I could move now. I squeezed his hand gently.

I felt a pain in my side. It was a burning pain. I guess I had gotten hurt. I looked to Anthony for answers. He whispered that a bullet had grazed my side. I nodded some and the paramedic and Anthony helped me to my feet. I immediately put myself in Anthony's arms.

I told him I was sorry he had to deal with this.
I told him that I would be the strong one again.
I told him I was sorry I had turned weak.

He simply shook his head.

He told me that I can't be strong all of the time. He told me that it's his turn for today. I cuddled into his warm body and he picked me up, carrying me downstairs and setting me down at the dining table in the kitchen. Anthony sat next to me and held my hand. The police entered again, this time sitting across from us at the table.

They asked me if this had happened before. I told them yes, that the house had been vandalized the night before last. I hadn't found it until the morning. It hasn't looked like they had came in, just broke the door and window. Today was much more aggressive.

Anthony took over then. He remembers more than I do.

He said the men had came in downstairs and been throwing stuff toward the window upstairs. We had taken cover and put objects in front of the door. A man had broke through fifteen minutes before the officers had arrived. The man had immediately grabbed me. Anthony said he tried to keep the man talking without getting me stabbed. The man was about to loot our stuff with me in his possession when the officers arrived on scene. The officers knew the rest.

I can't believe this happened... I have to tell Andi that I am never traveling again. Never. If she fires me... I'll find another job, hopefully.

For now, I have to rest.

Tobilyn J.

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