8/28/17 (Evening)

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Dearest Diary,

Anthony still hasn't come back.

I went to go see Jasmine in the hospital. I walked in with my head bowed, already trying not to cry. I examined her quickly.

She had one broken ankle, one sprained ankle, a broken arm, a shattered kneecap, a sprained shoulder, a cracked shoulder blade, and a major concussion with head trauma.

No, I didn't get all that from looking at her. It's what the doctor had told me earlier.

I examined her to see how she was doing. She still looked just as gorgeous as she usually does... She looked to be asleep...

Oh, Jasmine...

I sat next to her, tears falling down my face. Here's what I told her:

So, here we are... The boy we love has come between us... And I don't even know you, personally... I've never even met you until now...

Sisters before Misters, right...? Heh...

I... I am so sorry, Jasmine... I shouldn't have done it... I shouldn't have... I'm glad you didn't die that day in the jewelry store...

I know Anthony would've protected you like he's protected me... I know he would've died for you that day... Taken a bullet for you...

But you need him... You really need him... I mean, look whats happened now that you two have been apart... He got lonely and thought he loved me... And you've ended up in the hospital...

I know Anthony will choose you, Jasmine... You two are just perfect together... I am so sorry I ever interfered...

I am so sorry I ever sent that letter...

I regret everything...

But we can't change it now... But I am going to make this right...

Anthony is all yours, Jasmine. Do not hold back. [I grabbed her hand, tears still dripping off my face]

Do not hold back from the man you love, because he is yours. He only decided to see me because you two were fighting. He thought he lost you and he needed the comfort.

He thought he lost you. I'm absolutely sure that's why he came to me.

Otherwise, we wouldn't be here now. You would be with him, and life would be different.

As soon as this is all over, Jasmine, I'm going to disappear. I'm going to move somewhere else, find a real job.

And Jasmine, please... Protect him with your life... Because he's precious...

[I begin crying, laying my head down on the edge on the bed as I sit beside Jasmine and cry out of shame, guilt and love.]

After I was finished crying, I kissed her forehead and left. I went back to my hotel room and took another shower. I cried some more in the shower. After that, I closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and laid down on the bed. I fell asleep almost instantly.

I was mentally exhausted, especially from crying.

When I woke up, I began writing.

Now, it's time to plan my disappearance. Tell Andi I'm moving and get this in the works. I have money I saved up after collage for unforeseen circumstances such as these.

I've solved my problems. Now it's time for Anthony's life to go back to normal and my life to start anew.

Tobilyn Jaymond.

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