Time to party

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“Need to see Tako please,” I hear Namiko order a solider. I turn to them, Namiko grins at my appearance. “Greetings,” I bow. “Tako, have a favor to ask you,” Namiko grabs my shoulders. It was rare if someone like her to call a name. “Yes? What is it?” “Remember the disappearance of Chihiko Ida?” Namiko asks. “Marina’s cousin Agent 73-0? Course I do,” I nod. “If we know Koro isn’t a trader and goes back to Inkopolis we need to give him this mission to find him,” Namiko smirks. “I see... okay,” I frown. The last time I saw him was a weird day, but prefer not to say. “Please go inform him, bet he’s dying to get a mission,” Namiko deeply smiles. I nod and went to look for the blue boy. Koro was wandering around our guild so I stop him in his tracks. “Koro~” I smile. “Oh, hey Tako,” Koro nervously chuckles. “This probably the most awkward but already you got a mission,” I inform. “Huh already you say?” Koro chuckles. “Well... more of a test I guess, I don’t know, but...” I trailed off.

“Ah! Forgot! We have a party tonight, and you’re coming right?” I curiously ask. “Yeah scatterbrain, of course I’m coming,” Koro laughs. “Anyway, about your mission... it’s in Inkopolis,” I spurt, Koro was silent for a bit, his golden eyes widen. “Back there? What do I have to do? I’m not killing anyone am I?” He looked at me like I was going crazy. “No no, we don’t intentionally kill people. But we need you to help us find one of our allies, Namiko wanted me to inform you,” i made sure I made eye contact with him. “Oh? Who am I finding?” “Agent 73-0, or his real name, Chihiko Ida,” I explain. “Ida... I’ve heard that before...” he thought deeper. “Do you need a picture of him?” I ask. “Probably, unless you want me to question every single Octoling I see, scatterbrain,” Koro was now getting on my nerves. “Ahahah, cute...” I shake my head at him.

I had him train like crazy and showed a picture of Chihiko. “We want you to be in disguise as a normal octoling, if you ever see him at least follow him. If he’s alone take him here, if he’s with someone don’t stop following him, is that clear?” I felt like I was someone important giving orders when I informed this information to Koro. “Yes sir~” he jokes. “This is serious Koro...” I sigh, wish people were more like him. “Sorry... just trying to enlighten the mood around here,” Koro pouts. “Your mission is right after this party...” “mmkay” we became silent after that.


Most of our soldiers like to throw parties like these for the fun of it and or if we got a victory. But none of our parties were like when we took the Great Zapfish. That was when all of Octo Canyon came, and you can only see happy octoling faces. I take out my contacts lazily and decided to wear my round black glasses. I also change into a black hoodie and converses. I went out of the dorm and searched for Koro. It wasn’t hard, saying as he was lost in the guild. “Mm? Lost already?” I tease. “Duh, it’s like a rats maze in here nerd,” Koro groans. “Thanks for the compliment weirdo... follow me,” rolling my eyes we walk off and to the balcony where we host parties. “This is it,” I murmur. “Hmm, party on rooftops eh?” Koro smiles as he was admiring what was around him.

He then looks at the bar and he could tell they were doing poorly. “That’s not how you make a Raspberry Sgroppino!” Koro then went to the bar. “If you want a real mixologist, here I am,” he sighs and then puts on a show with his flips and tricks to make a ‘perfect’ raspberry sgroppino. “Wow showoff, where did you get your tricks from?” I tease, I also ordered a water. “My father owns a bar, taught me what I know~” he did other people’s orders impressing everyone. Namiko comes on the roof too, “Huh? A show...” She smirks. Namiko narrows her eyes at him, he stares back. “So the big boss is ordering tonight?” Koro smirks. “Why not... I’ll get a Sparkling Grapefruit Sangria with Lilet Rose,” she smirks. “Wow okay,” Koro gets the ingredients and showed off again. He then tosses the drink to Namiko. Everyone was silent when she takes the drink. “Wow, this is actually delicious. It’s one of the best I have,” Namiko beams at Koro, which he blushes a little.

That’s the last I’ve saw him that night.

Well I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Also the next chapter is going to be a big deal! Until next time ~Callie <3

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