Dear Dante

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Dear Dante,

I finally figured out that you are a freshman, no wonder I didn't meet you until this year. We were in the play festival together, and I almost considered you a friend, but I don't see you anymore. I know your sister, she's in my ethics class, and she is one of the people I wish I could call a friend as well. I see all the similarities between you, but you guys have plenty of differences (other than you being way taller than she is despite being two years younger). Your pale skin brings out the beauty in your icy blue eyes that are always full of energy and laughter, giving you away when your about to tell a joke. I think you're really funny, although some may not.

But you worry too much. Every time you were about to go onstage, you sat on the cold concrete stairs telling us how you thought you might forget your lines and how horrible that would be. And every time, we assured you that you would be perfectly fine, for your worst work was (and is) better than many people's best work. Then you bowed your head claiming to be a perfectionist. But as artists, aren't we all at least a bit of a perfectionist? That's how we thrive. We get energy from the details, put ourselves where many would dare not go, all while paying attention to the little things in order to make the show the best it can be.

I tell you, you play one of the best cheating husbands I've ever seen. (And your only 14) That's shows you've got talent. And what makes it better? You've got a great soul and personality.

So I just wrote this letter to let you know that even I look up to you as an actor (as I know you look up to me). I can already tell that you'll go far if you put your mind too it. 

Just breath a little for me, will ya? You'll be fine. 


L ❤️

To be or not to be? Well, you already are.

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