Era: 1912

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A letter from one of the passenger - a little boy - who sank along with with the Titanic.


Dear Any-one,

I feel so lonely roaming these halls at night
The darkness of the water is an unbearable sight
Mom where are you? You said you'd come back
But I guess I lost you, you fell through the crack

The silence is numbing, it's tearing me apart
I can't begin to describe it. Where do I even start?
It feels like you're constantly falling down a hole
Only to fall face down on an ice packed bowl

Don't get me started at all the frightening sounds
The screams and cries of all those that drowned
I try to block them out, but with my little blue hands
There's only so much agony I could physically withstand

Night fall is the time that I certainly fear the most
It's when everyone comes out, screaming coast to coast
All the agonized, brutalized souls come out to scream
Their horrifying shouts can freeze your bloodstream

I try to hide, but there's nowhere for me to go
I'm stuck here alone; in this live horror show
Can someone please hurry and set me free
I can't take the pain; it's too much for me

My tears get swallowed with the ocean waves
As they trap us inside; forever their slaves
No matter how much I cry; I guess there's no way out
I'll just join them again; when they start to shout

Mom, if you're reading this, don't come for me
I finally realized that this is where I should be

Your Jeremy

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