Arthur #2

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Hi Fred.

I'm back again.

I've tried to write this a few times, in different ways, but none of them are right.

When we found George with his ear missing, and thought that it was something worse... I think part of me died a little. The fact that such a horrible fate could be bestowed upon such a happy and lively person seemed so unjust.

He was then put through worse.

Your leaving ruined us all. There's no way to cushion the pain of a death. For your mother and I, it's heartbreaking. For George... it's beyond that.

Quite honestly though, I'm now at the stage where I'm not feeling pain. Instead, it's been replaced with regret.

Regret that the amount of children I have means that I perhaps didn't pay enough attention to you. Regret that I was too caught up in work, to provide an income, to spare you a second chance. Regret that I was more invested in muggle devices than my own son.

They say that pain heals with time.

Regret, however, only heals with rectifying mistakes.

I can't rectify mine.

I'm sorry.

Oh Merlin, I hope you're okay Fred. The scary part of all of this is not knowing whether you're in Heaven, Hell, or if either place even exists. I don't want you to be gone.

And I know that if you were to read this, you wouldn't think it's from me, because the dad you knew was happy with his family. Content with life.

Sometimes, happiness is the best shield to hide behind.

I will write again.

Love from Dad. Xxx


I am currently taking requests. 6/6/16.

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