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Suggested by @LilyxxxEvans


That looks rather wrong actually, don't you think? Let me try again.

Mr Weasley,

(That's better) What on earth happened?

Well I know what happened. But... Why? Why you? I mean obviously I'd prefer it if none of the students - from any year - were killed, cursed or injured. You though... You've always been one of those students whose actions affect everyone.

Yourself and Mr Weasley's defiance against that awful toad - I mean Professor - inspired many a student. The pair of you could bring a smile to anyone's face.

You know, the only students I taught who knew as much about pranking and the castle as you two did... They were a group who called themselves "The Marauders". You knew them. Well... You knew two of them.

He may not have seemed the type, but Professor Lupin was one of them. So was Sirius - a bit more obvious. And then there was the tragic cases. James Potter, yes, Harry's father, and Peter Pettigrew. Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail.

I don't know why I'm telling you that. They're all up there with you anyway - excluding Pettigrew.

Look at me... Writing a letter to an ex-student and talking about other ex-students. I'm growing old, yet still somehow outlived you and them.

That seems so wrong - it is so wrong.

So many lives were taken, including those who were some of the only ones who'd be able to help others recover. It's like taking away the only people who can see a positive outcome no matter what. It takes a while to recover from any war or conflict.

So many people were lost... But no one could have foreseen that one of them would be you.

A great number of people miss you, Mr Weasley. Even those you didn't know.

You were - and always will be - respected.

- Minerva McGonagall.

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