June 23rd

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Dear David,
Did I ever tell you that I have tried to kill myself in the past? I was just like you. I felt hopeless in my situation, worthless and tired of all the pain. Obviously, since I'm writing to you from Earth, I had failed at my previous attempts. About 5 months ago, I had a plan about how I would kill myself and I intended to do it when everyone left the house , but I made the stupid mistake of trying to say goodbye to a friend and he told someone about my plans. I ended up hospitalized for a week. But now, I'm thankful for my friend's actions. Now that I've lost you to suicide, I can imagine how scared he felt. I don't want my family to feel the pain that I'm feeling over your loss. Things are getting a lot better for me. I'm no longer living with my abusive father or my neglecting mother. I'm with foster parents who don't hurt me physically. I have a friend that's very special to me and I'm a part of a church that really loves me. I see a counselor to help me accept and learn to cope with the sexual abuse and trauma I went through and another counselor to help me through my everyday feelings. I also have a psychiatrist who helps me by giving me medicine to help me sleep and boost my serotonin levels. I've learned that depression isn't just a feeling, it's a real medical condition. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain, and maybe if you knew that, you could've went to see a special doctor and it would've helped you like it's helping me. I can tell you that things really do get better. They're never as bad as they seem in the moment. David, if you just hung on to life and fought a little harder, you wouldn't have had to stay with your abusive family and be stuck in your sleepless nights or destructive feelings, but I guess... Not everyone is lucky as I am.
I'm sorry David. I miss you.
Much love,

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