Chapter 1

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She leaned back in her seat, resting her left arm on the open window of her car while the other hand was holding the steering wheel. It was still raining; the clouds were heavy and gloomy, and the wind was hustling so strong that trees and tall grasses danced along with them. She kept her pace steady when fog started to cover the roads, feeling like driving through a cloud.

The thought of her leaving at her father's place was a good idea, to prove him wrong about the things he's blaming for. His voice was still even running in her head all this time. She tried to erase it but couldn't.

"You're such a disappointment Hiraya!"

Those words cut deeper than a sword that a daughter could take from her father just because she couldn't achieve all the things she was expected to achieve. What a shame. It is a pressure that she can't barely take.

She gripped the steering wheel as a tear welled in her eyes, replaying those thoughts like a broken machine. She was about to step the pedal hard when a phone call abruptly stopped her from doing so.

"I'm driving," she bluntly said as soon as she answered the call. She's trying to keep her normal voice despite being on the verge of crying. Not trying to show Amari that she was breaking down again.

"I know, I'm behind you"

She instantly wiped her eyes away and glanced at her side mirror, her brows furrowed the moment she saw her. A motorcycle then drove past her at the speed of light. Amari looked back at her and even waved her hand, ignoring the fact that she may run into an accident because of her reckless behavior.

"This bitch" Hiraya whispered.

Amari may be used to doing stupid and reckless things while on her motorcycle, but she could give Hiraya a heart attack, especially since the road was blocked by a thick fog. She immediately ended the call and threw her phone away in the back seat as she tried to catch Amari's speed.

Astrid Maeve Ogaya or Amari is her cousin, her closest cousin out of all the cousins she has. She was everything she ever needed, and she couldn't ask for more. Amari knew all too well about her and understood her in every aspect and that's why she couldn't afford for something bad to happen to her, but she was quite the reckless type of girl you know, she loves going out and having outdoor activities while Hiraya was the complete opposite of Amari's behavior; she was the type of person who is gentle, emotional and thoughtful like a flower that just blooms by the spring.

Different thoughts filled her head too much. Not realizing she was already at her destination, Amari's blare of her motorcycle brought her back to her senses. She parked her car in front of a tall, dark metal gate, which was now in critical condition. The rust escalated rapidly like wildfire.

"It doesn't look bad," Amari commented, who had just gotten off of her motorcycle holding her helmet while taking a step toward Hiraya, who was now searching for the keys to unlock the padlock. While waiting for her to find the right key, Amari tried to initiate a conversation regarding her father.

"Hey, does Uncle know you bought a house here?"

"No, and I don't plan on telling him"

Amari kept her mouth shut, not trying to put fuel on a fire when she noticed how Hiraya's face changed so quickly. When the gates finally opened both of them walked toward a long pathway, there were wildflowers in different colors which made the path look dreamy, vines that hugged the brick wall that surrounded the whole place, and tall grasses along the way, a moment too soon a sight of a house followed, a bungalow house with a white porch. As they reached the end of the pathway, a spacious ground welcomed them with an old fountain in the middle. The stoic face of Hiraya immediately altered a curve on her lips and beamed with joy.

"This is beautiful," she commented as her gaze explored the place in a trance with the beauty of the place. The things she could do in this place were endless. Her imagination started to get underway with her creativity.

She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, getting the sense of a new life to begin figuring things out on her own. She felt a warm arm wrapped around hers. Amari then rested her head on her shoulders while her other hand was caressing her back.

"I'm so proud of you," she whispered.

Those words were the only thing she was seeking and longing to hear from the mouth of her father. But the thought of it felt so impossible to happen. She had given up after long years of begging for attention from her father.

"Do you want to check out inside?"

Hiraya looked Amari in the eyes, followed by a smile painted on her face. They both went inside the house and both mesmerized by its beauty, despite being covered with old pieces of stuff and dust around the house. You can still see its potential to become a lovely home to live in with nature, animals, and a lover. The style of the house was still intact especially its original materials that have made of, it felt like good memories had been stored in this house, yet they are still many things that were left by the previous owner, the carpet was still there, the piano still stood sturdy, an antique vase with its unique design that was not yet faded to its obsolete state, a table still standing, and a drawer filled with letters that's been long left for quite some time.

"How on earth did you find this place, anyway? It's so authentic and nostalgic, it felt like home" Amari said as she looked around the house, touching a few corners of it, she walked past the table and headed to the piano gently, she lifted her hand and gently pressed a few keys from it. A soft, gentle sound echoed throughout the house.

"A friend of Mom that we used to visit told me about this house that had long been abandoned by the owner after she passed away."

Amari's head turned so quickly as her eyes were wide open, filled with fear. "Oh, my god! You bought this house owned by a dead owner? Her spirit might still be here!---This is a haunted house Hiraya!" she warned in a very anxious state, moving her eyes back and forth in a distressed manner.

"Don't be ridiculous. She didn't die here!" Hiraya fought back as she rolled her eyes at her.

She walked towards the window and opened it widely. The wind flew, gaining the access to circulate into the house. Amari was still anxious about the fact the owner had died. She was about to protest once more when Hiraya's phone started to ring, stopping her from doing so. Before she could answer the phone, she took a quick glance at Amari before she headed out of the house. Amari was left feeling uneasy as her eyes roamed around the house, trying to feel something eerie.

But something caught her attention when her fear was immediately compelled to curiosity and decided to look inside the drawer which was filled with old letters. Most of the letters are still unopened, seems like it's been left for years intentionally ignoring the letters. Just then, the incoming footsteps were approaching her. Amari closed back the drawer and faced Hiraya.

"There's a lot of unopened letters here. Would you throw it?"

Hiraya's face turned into confusion as she walked in Amari's direction, looking at the letter on the floor that must have been slipped through the drawers. She took the letter on the floor and investigated it.

"Maybe? I don't have any business with these," she said with uncertainty in her tone while flipping the envelope back to back, then she noticed to whom it should be delivered.

"Deanne?" she called out the name of a woman who should have received it. Amari immediately came beside Hiraya to witness the name she mentioned in the letter.

"Do you think she's the owner? Or the daughter of the owner?" Amari asked, while locking her gaze at the letter.

"I don't think so, but I'll ask Aunt Clara about this. There are tons of letters stored in here."

Out of curiosity about the letters, Ash opened the drawer once again and checked the letters one by one, only to see that each letter was intended for Deanne and most of them were still unopened.

"I'll just keep them and wait for Aunt Clara's decision on this"

"She's the one who told you about this house, right?" Ash clarified.

"That's right and speaking of her, she's on her way here"

Amari followed Hiraya's gaze out on the window to see a woman in her 50s bringing a basket of fruits and flowers headed towards the door. A smile was painted on Hiraya's face and went straight to the porch to welcome her.

"Aunt Clara thank you for bringing me this" Hiraya blushed as she hugged her tightly like it had been a long time since they had seen each other, it took a few seconds before Hiraya released her embrace from Clara, then placed the basket on the table at the porch.

"Amari, I am Hiraya's cousin. Nice to meet Aunt Clara" She handed her hands to hers and Clara accepted it in pleasure, giving each other a sweet smile.

"Nice to meet you dear, so how was the house" Clara replied in a soft low tone of her voice. Hiraya then came between them and held her to walk inside the house.

"The place was beautiful, Aunt Clara. It just needs a few renovations and it will bring back its beauty," she exclaimed in excitement to bring the house back to its jollified state and create great memories of the future.

"I'm glad you love it"

"Uhmm... Aunt Clara, there isn't any ghost right here, right?" Amari intervened as she looked at Clara in the eyes. Clara laughed at the face of Amari, whose brows were furrowed and eyes filled with anxiety. Hiaraya can't help but smack Amari's shoulder lightly with her ridiculous question.

"Oh no, you do not have to worry about it"

"Oh, thank God." a relief escaped from her as her shoulders relaxed. "By the way, I won't be long. I still have to take Isla to the dentist," Amari continued as she put on her jacket and took her helmet that she placed on the table.

"Let me walk you back," Hiraya insisted as she released her hold from Clara's arms, but Amari stopped her immediately, blocking her way toward the door.

"You stay here. I can handle it. Just make sure this place is clean when I come back next time, then I'll bring Isla with the boys here."

"Of course, drive safely. Give my sweet regards to Isla. I'm sure she missed me already," Hiraya giggled as she held Amari's hands.

"Sure! Call me if you need anything. I'll be here quickly, fast as a bolt of lightning," Amari jokingly said.

Amari took her step out of the door and Hiraya watched her on the way to her motorcycle. Making sure she arrived there safely. When she finally left, her attention was brought back to Clara's presence, who was now checking the letter in the drawer.

"Aunt Clara, may I know who Deanne is ?"

Clara turned her head to Hiraya with mystified eyes filled with emotions that Hiraya couldn't identify. Despite being puzzled by her emotions, she knew for sure that memory, whether good or bad, had slipped through Clara's mind....

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