Letter Ten

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Dear Lucy,

Hi Luce! I think I'm getting better at writing these letters, whaddya think? Happy's been nagging me nonstop about when you'll be home, and I keep telling him that Lucy's gonna be home soon. I mean, you are gonna be home soon, right? Of course ya are! Cause you're Lucy! You can be scarier than even Erza sometimes!

God, I can actually imagine you kicking me in the face with your special Lucy kick for that.

Anyways, I've been thinking for a few weeks now about you. Well I'm always thinking about ya even when you're here. But I've been thinking about why my heart hurts. At first I thought I was sick or something so I went to Wendy. But she told me it was nothing, and that I was fine! So I went to Mira for help. Y'know her and her couple thingy so you should already know that she told me it was because I love you.

That's why I wanted to write to ya today. Lucy, am I in love with you?  I don't know. Igneel never taught me about that, not about this kind at least. I wanted to ask Alzack but he and Bisca and Asuka are in the west lookin for you. I know I love Igneel and I knw I love everyone in the guild, even those bastards Gajeel and Gray. Don't tell anyone I said that. But what I feel for you is different.

For some reason I feel jumpy, and I always wanna touch ya. Not in a bad way, I promise! Well, sometimes I have those dreams... But not only that but I wanna make you happy too! And I want you to be happy with me! And then when you come back you can live with Happy and me! And we can be like Bisca and Alzack and have lots of kids!

Yeah, i think I figured it out now. Thank you Lucy. I miss ya Luce!

Love, Natsu.

P.S. I love you!

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