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~|~ Dedication ~|~

This book is dedicated to all those amazing Miraculous Authors who have probably stopped writing their Wattpad stories along the lines to ask themselves: what the hell am I writing?



Ladybug, heroine of Paris, jumped onto her soft, pink bed the second she transformed back into Marinette Dupain-Cheng— her true self— after another day of akuma attacks.

Ladybug was exhausted and confused: she had been juggling both parts of her two lives whole day, making sure that Chat Noir wasn't too suspicious about Marinette, well...herself.

Tikki, Ladybug's Kwami, appeared from her bag in worry. It was so difficult for the poor girl to balance out her super-heroine life, along with her normal one. She did not even have enough time to draw out her amazing designs anymore.

"Are you okay, Marinette?" Tikki asked, floating above her head.

Marinette sighed, "I don't know, Tikki, today's akuma just wore me out a bit."

"Is it because of Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel was the akumatized victim that day (Chloe's fault, as usual) who had a crush on Marinette and was a very good artist. He turned into the Evillistrator, making a deal that if she went on a date with him, he would no longer bother Chloe. Marinette would never have thought someone would ever like her in that way.

"I guess so."

Tikki flew to the side of the bed which Marinette wasn't occupying. The super-heroine gently stroked the side of the kwami's head before Tikki slowly eased off into a deep sleep.

"Good night, Tikki," Marinette whispered, slowly closing her eyes.

Little did she know that, two minutes later, a sly kitty decided to slip a green letter through her trap door.


Chat Noir did not know what to feel that night: excitement? Worry? Jealousy? No, no...he could not afford jealousy— even though he could almost afford everything since his father, Gabriel Agreste, owned a designing company in which he models for.

After the Evillistrator incident, Chat made sure that two things were sorted out before he transformed back into his true self: Nathaniel's anger towards Chloe and Marinette's safety.

He assured the artist that it was Chloe's nature to ridicule people publicly and that Marinette was only helping Ladybug in trying to change him back to himself again. Nathaniel explained that he still had a crush on Marinette, but he would like to try again with her to see if they could eventually end up friends and maybe even more. That's when Chat had that feeling of... No, he refused to believe it. Nathaniel was a good guy and Marinette deserved someone like him.

Chat did not expect Marinette to be so...exciting. When he saw her at school as Adrien, she would stumble on her own feet and stutter a whole series of words that did not make sense to him. When he met her as Chat, she acted so calm and even a bit flirtatious. He would never have thought that the baker's daughter would have another, completely different side to her.

Chat Noir jumped over rooftops and chimneys, searching through the wide expanse of street lights and landmarks for 12 Gollieb Street. He left her by herself on the bridge so that he could run after Evillistrator without even saying a proper goodbye.

Chat wanted to let Marinette know that Nathaniel was okay and to apologise for leaving her like that. He did not want her thinking he was a bad kitty who left his people to defend for themselves (even though he so obviously saved her from that glass box on that boat).

He passed the 'Rue des Francs Bourgeois', a famous post office in Paris. Outside the building there were three, green letters that sat on a plastic table. Chat hesitated, using his baton as a break. He picked up one of the letters— maybe the person who left it there forgot to put it in the post box.

He held the first letter and was surprised to find that it was not even used yet. Inside held a black pen and two, small pieces of paper that fit perfectly in the envelope. The second green envelope on the table was identical to the first, but the third was different (third times the charm) because it was used, but already opened— in fact, it was never closed. Chat looked inside the envelope and took out a piece of paper that had one simple sentence written on it:

Write the words we should
never have left unsaid.

Chat stared at the three envelopes in confusion. Who was the person that left the papers there? Was the writer expecting a stranger to take it or was it meant for any specific person? The third letter had no details on the cover, nor did it say who was for. No postal stamp or owner name... It was meant for a stranger; anyone who passed by and thought how weird it is for three letters to sit outside a postal office without being delivered.

Chat Noir's ring beeped and he realised that he only had a few minutes left. But he wanted to check up on Marinette and assure her that Nathaniel and Chloe was okay. Although...he now had two unused envelopes in his hands and he didn't want to leave Marinette curious for the rest of her life.

"Write the words we should never have left unsaid," Chat read aloud before scribbling something on a blank piece of paper from the first envelope.

Unfortunately, at the end of the letter Chat made a mistake and signed the paper: from Adrien Agreste. He face-palmed himself and took out a second piece of paper from the same envelope. Some words are best left unsaid, he thought to himself, God, you're such an idiot! You were so close to blowing your cover.

He rewrote the letter, this time signing it: from Chat Noir. He closed the letter, left the pen on the table and tore up the first piece of paper, throwing it in the trash. Chat kept the other two envelopes as well for safe keeping. Whoever the mysterious owner was, he or she sure did the superhero a great favour.

Chat ran over the rooftops once again, found Marinette's address and slipped the envelope through the trap door on the balcony. He pushed his ear to the opening and heard silent breaths inside thanks to his cat-like hearing, relieved that she was safe and fast asleep at home.

Marinette sounded so at ease and well rested. She was probably tucked up in her bed with comfortable pillows around her... He realised that listening to Marinette's silent snores was kind of a stalker move and vowed never to do it again. His ring started to beep for the third time— Chat had a matter of seconds left before transforming back into Adrien Agreste.

"Good night, Marinette," he whispered to the trap door before catapulting himself into the night.


1 ~~ Scribbles

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