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Ximenia Carvalho


17:10 Hours

"Central to all units on Tac-two. As per Watch Command, we are enacting the immediate implementation of all FTO partnerships without delay. Unaccompanied patrol officers can ride alone or with another unit, 16:40 hours."

Maxine waited for Kelly as he met the investigators, who arrived less than thirty minutes after the broadcast had aired. Just out of their SUVs, the photographers hurried to set up their equipment and start documenting the area by photo. CSI taped the scene off, and the tedium of standing around and waiting for Bongiovanni, who was in court, meant more time next to the corpse.

Guldbrandsen and Keegs walked from the SUV, their boots crunching on gravel. They were the third unit to arrive, following Martinez slash the handsome Jeremy Hwang and Fletcher slash the possessive Gary Fessenden. Guldbrandsen looked around and took in the gruesome sight of the lifeless body.

He showed nothing. No hint of a flinch as the pungent smells filled his nostrils, nor any attempt to divert his eyes from the unsettling sight. All he did was raise his eyebrows, purse his lips, and smile with little conviction.

"I assigned Jeremy Hwang to our side of the shed," said Kelly. "He's got access control from there. And I put Fessenden at its far side for media control."

"What about Martinez and Fletcher?" asked Guldbrandsen.

"Martinez has perimeter watch, and I sent Fletcher back on patrol. He can ride with Marcello if that's okay?"

Guldbrandsen didn't respond. He shook his head and grunted a split second later.

"That's fine. You can take care of that, right?"

Kelly nodded and watched Guldbrandsen navigate the chuck holes and divots in the sand and stone until he reached the SUV.


Kelly, Keegs, and Maxine huddled together, just a stone's throw away from the lifeless body. As Keegs and Kelly shared their tobacco, the rustling leaves caught Max's attention, causing her to gaze upwards at the treetops.

You were there the first time. Where are you now?

She looked and waited until she saw him. The sunset illuminated his glistening body as he flew overhead, highlighting every immaculate and sculpted feature. His motionless wingspan accompanied the soundless landing on a tree branch overlooking the body.

Alpha corvus. You're the one.

Maxine took a few steps closer to the towering oak tree, which had become the gathering spot for the crow and his companions. And with a harsh caw followed by three distinct grating and rattling coos, they came, filling the air with their cacophony.

"A murder of crows."

"Wait, what'd you say?" asked Kelly as he turned toward the tree. Maxine pointed to the branch as six more black-winged Corvus found their landing spot around their alpha.

Keegs shrugged and returned to the body, distracting him since his arrival.

"That's a murder of crows," said Max. "An old wives' tale says that whoever hears them caw three times means death is coming."

"But she's already dead," Kelly replied.

"No. The alpha just cried out to bring the murder to him."

Kelly looked back at the tree, seeing the crows flying, dipping, and swooping about the alpha.

"That means," he said. "Someone else is going to die."

Maxine nodded, her curiosity piqued, as she turned her attention back to the body.

"If you believe sixth-century folklore, then yes," she said.


Kelly moved toward Keegs, and the two looked over the DB's surroundings before Kelly moved toward the fence.

Maxine was so lost in thought by the Alpha Corvus and his caws that she didn't realize she'd wandered from the body. Just then, Maxine watched two black unmarked SUVs glide into view from the right side of the shed.

As Sergeant Guldbrandsen went to greet them, she returned her attention to the DB, noticing she'd strayed and watching Keegan kneeling at the head of the deceased body, his head bowed.

"Kelly," he bellowed over the body.

Kelly kicked through the sand, rocks, and broken bricks. The smell seemed more pungent the more the sunset, but it didn't bother him enough to show any signs of discomfort.

Keegs stood with his back to Maxine and Guldbrandsen.

"Did you call for M-C Gangs?" said Keegs.

Kelly nodded and pointed to the SUVs.

"I think that's who that might be. But I'm worried that someone called in the FEDS."

"Ah, Jesus. Then this asshole-rodeo goes to the next level."

Keegan turned from the body and surveyed the desolate remains of a once thriving yet maleficent lumber yard. His jaw clenched around the tobacco as he spat with force.

"I'm gonna reach out to 4-stroke," he said. "Let me see if I can head this off or at least get a gauge of the sit-rep in gangland."

Kelly knew that when Little Jefe found out, retribution would be immediate. That's why his gaze remained fixated on the shiny SUVs. He hoped that inside one of the trucks, he would find Major Case Gang detectives eager for answers.

As Keegs and Kelly turned from the body, Keegs noticed Jeremy Hwang flirting with Maxine, who'd matriculated closer to the shed than Ximena Carvalho's corpse.

Although Max seemed disinterested and engaged in a half-hearted conversation, Kelly wasn't having it.

As Keegan looked at Kelly, he saw his eyes widen and his face contorted into a snarl.

"They don't follow orders well," said Keegs, "do they? You got this one, habla, ese."

As Keegs made his way toward Jeremy Hwang and Maxine, he smiled and glared at Hwang with gritted teeth, a frown, and a nodding of his head. As he passed, he turned and waited for Kelly's response.

"Hey, dickweed," said Kelly. Keegs burst into laughter, unable to resist repeating Kelly's clever nickname for Jeremy Hwang.

"You've got five seconds. And I mean five freaking seconds to stop staring at her ass and get back to your post at the speed of Mach Jesus," said Kelly.

Maxine looked over her shoulder, unable to suppress her smile and laughter. She couldn't help it, even though she knew it hurt Jeremy's feelings.

Martinez hurried over, hearing the shouting. As she grasped Hwang's arm, she motioned for him to come along, shooting a smug grin at Kelly.

"Lighten up, Corporal," she said. "Can't blame the boy. I told you that your Pillow Princess here has a sweet, sweet ass. Mmm."

Kelly's jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. To his surprise, Maxine took a step toward Martinez. Her confident stance sent a simple message: she would not take any shit.

"Ma'am," she said.

As she walked closer to Martinez, she noticed the faint scent of her perfume. Kelly followed, and in the distance, Keegs stopped and turned to watch.

"Permission to speak freely?"

"Oh, here we go," said Martinez. She nodded, giving her consent.

"With respect," said Maxine. "I think you should know that I don't give this ass out freely to anyone." Her attitude was blunt and straightforward, leaving no doubt about her intentions. "And if I do, it will only be to a guy, you know, a guy with a penis."

Unable to control his amusement, Kelly let out a loud howl of laughter. His efforts to catch his breath proved futile as he grasped his stomach. His cheeks hurt from laughing, Maxine's wit dominating Martinez's.

"Sorry," Max continued, "but I don't switch hit, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't stare at my sweet princess ass."

Then Keegs let loose. He laughed so hard that he coughed and spat his tobacco from his mouth. He pumped his fist in the air and slapped his thighs while bending over.

"Holy shit, Max," he shouted. "Your sweet princess switch-hitting ass is my hero!"

Martinez shoved Hwang out of her way, her face red. With clenched fists, she stepped toward Maxine. Kelly put his arm across Max's chest, straightening it back on an angle.

"Kelly, is your cherry talking back to me? You need to sort her out and teach her respect," she snapped.

"Well," said Kelly. "She has a point, you know, sexual harassment and all." Kelly pinched his nose and tried to hold back the laughter. "Plus, it's not like it's a well-kept secret. Even your husband knows. So why don't you go do your job and get shit-stain here back on his post."

"Yeah, okay," she muttered. As she turned away, she looked back at Maxine, her eyes narrowed in a glare. "Just remember this, Officer McMenamin: be careful about which side you choose."

Max looked at Hwang, the tension between them palpable as he tried to decipher her intentions. His lips pressed together, and his eyebrows furrowed, creating a sharp line toward his nose.

As he and Martinez walked away, her mind swelled. All she could hear were the echoes of her defensive arguments unrelated to Kelly, and the only side she chose was hers.

And Max also knew that another round of pissed-off texts were coming. And she was right. It wasn't two minutes before her phone vibrated, buzz after buzz.

JH: Did you say anything about us?

JH, How could you take his side after he treated me like shit?

JH, Why did you laugh at that asshole?

JH, What's your freaking problem lately?

She closed her eyes and shook her head out of annoyance. She was tired of Jeremy and his crybaby antics.

"Stay here, Max, with the body," said Kelly. He started toward the detective but stopped. "Are you okay?"

She smiled and put her phone away.

Maxine nodded but strained her ears for the call of the Alpha Corvus, yet all she heard was silence. On this, her first FTO day, she realized that the drama and locker room contempt were prevalent among many. However, she was under scrutiny this time, as if caught in the crosshairs.

She kneeled down and reached out, trying to catch a strand of Ximena's hair dancing in the wind. Suddenly, the smell didn't bother her as much.

Is there a chance that they are right? Garry Fesenden and Martinez? Could it be possible that Kelly has already influenced and assimilated me in just a few brief hours?

An undeniable magnetism draws me to him; somehow, I've developed intense emotions for him, compelled to discover more. But is this going to be too dangerous?

As her phone buzzed and vibrated, she stood up and distanced herself from the body. She took it from her duty belt, swiped the screen open, and felt the subtle vibration as she entered her pin.

You've got to be kidding me. What a freaking cry, baby.

What did you do? I'm warning you about Kelly.

GF He's no good. You're going to regret this if you don't stop.

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