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Peck Memorial                                                                                                                              April 24

Maxine's neck was in a brace and covered with gauze and bandages. Maxine had an oxygen tube in her nose connected to a pulse-ox, which beeped green every few seconds.

When Kelly entered the room, the nurses still prepped her for comfort.

"This is for the pain," the nurse said. "You're going to feel a little sting and then a cool rush. That's totally normal."

As she put the syringe into the red biohazard container, she adjusted the oxygen flow behind the bed.

The second nurse held a cup of ice chips. She poured them from a pitcher and walked to the other side of the bed. She stroked Max's forehead.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," she said. "Until the swelling goes down in your trachea and esophagus, we will have to use the I-V to feed you and keep you hydrated." The nurse took some chips from the cup. "But when you get thirsty, you can take three or four chips at a time, let them melt, and try to swallow."

The first nurse looked at Kelly, who locked in on Maxine. He stared at the tubes and the wounds. His eyes drooped as his eyebrows narrowed. His lip quivered before he cleared his throat and repositioned his head.

"So, Maxine, is this handsome officer your bodyguard?" she asked. Max smiled and nodded no.

The nurse looked back at Kelly with raised eyebrows.

"Ooh, you're the boyfriend, aren't you?" That was the first time someone other than Kelly, Max, or Keegs had used that description.

"She's the love of my life," he said. "But she's never going undercover again. Never—never—ever. And I mean never again, exclamation point the end."

Telling someone for the first time that you loved them amid her near-death experience was unconventional. However, the sight of Max and the immense guilt that consumed him for letting her go compelled Kelly to vow never to conceal his emotions again.

Max's eyes lit up, and her smile went from cheek to cheek. She held out her hand toward him as he walked to her bed and took it.

At that moment, the nurses hurried with their tasks, packed up the cart, and started to the door.

"Maxine," said the nurse. "I have a surprise here for you. The administration has given Corporal Kelly full access to stay the night with you as your Security Detail," she laughed. "You two behave. And no patty fingers, if you please, Corporal. She's got to heal."


Kelly sat at her bedside until she drifted off to sleep. And he refused to let go of her hand. He didn't take a blanket and had only a pillow on the cushioned bench.

But he didn't sleep. His heart raced whenever he heard a strange sound, beep, or gurgle from Max, driving him to her bedside to hold her hand.

At regular intervals of two hours, the nurses would come to check on her, and he'd stand to greet them, making sure not to interrupt. But when they left, he would go to her side and, as gently as he could, take her hand. He cried but didn't weep and fought the urge to make any noise that would unsettle Max in any way.

But the tears fell from his eyes throughout the night.

After the four o'clock vital check and another round of pain meds, Maxine opened her eyes. Seeing him made her smile. And when the nurses left the room, he rushed to her side.

"Kelly," she moaned. Maxine's face winced as her cheeks drew back, and she sighed.

"Please, don't talk. You're fine," he said. His heart was pounding, and he intertwined his fingers with hers. With his other hand grazing her cheek and forehead, she felt safe and comforted. She closed her eyes and nestled against his touch.

"Thank God, Max, you're safe. And tomorrow, I'm going to kick the living shit out of Don Juan Bongiovanni and that godfather piece of shit lieutenant."

She nodded, hoping that he was joking. She wanted to say so much to him, but she knew her injury limited her to one or two words at a time. And even then, the pain would be unbearable.

She flexed her fingers, which still stung from the amount of pressure she used to fight X-4. She wanted to take her cell phone and text him what was happening in her mind. And she started thinking about the questions she wanted answers to.

Even though it would hurt, she motioned for her cell phone by flexing her thumb and pinky while folding her middle fingers against her palm. When she put her hand to her ear, she mouthed the words cell phone.

Kelly hopped up and looked for her pocketbook. He opened the personal effects cabinet and found it in a plastic bag.

He took her cell, walked over, and gave it to her. She swiped at the screen and winced.

Her fingers were slow and clumsy, moving over the small keyboard. She had to hit backspace more than she spelled out her message.

MM Do you really love me?

Kelly read the text and smiled.

"Yes. With my entire being, I love you."

She texted again with more of the same. This message was longer.

MM When did you know for sure?

"After the fight in Chaney's office. Most women, in fact, all of them, would have walked away and asked to get as far away from me as possible. But you defended me, and I felt like we got closer. And last night, when you texted me not to forget you? I was yours. That's when I fell in love with you."

She put out her hand once again, and Kelly took it in his. She pulled him close enough so she could touch his cheeks and ears. Despite her bruised and swollen face, Max was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She stared him in the eye and searched across the deep hazel and green flares illuminated by the lights in the room.

She pulled him forward and kissed him on the lips. Then, pressing her cheek against his ear, she whispered.

"I love you too."

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