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He Found Me

May 15, 8:30 pm

22 East 37th Street

It had been eight days since the confrontation with Father Moritz. Kelly believed Moritz wrote the letters and that the good father had a hidden secret. Maxine, however, wasn't certain. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that an old priest could be so tormenting and wicked. Even after the Durkin girl's suicide, she believed Moritz's explanation.

Regardless, Maxine was very much on the edge as the hunt for Marcus Blackwood continued. She hoped he fled the state and his subsequent capture during a routine vehicle inspection or a search warrant for a parking violation as long as he stopped killing and was far from the Heights.

Maxine made a left-hand turn into her driveway. She was tired from her friend's baby shower, the setup, and the cleanup. However, she still had enough energy to meet Kelly Boulevard Badge and Cigars, his new favorite haunt.

She followed her headlights as they reflected from her neighbor's house's pale blue composite siding and massive bay window. As the light beams straightened and she saw her front porch and door, she slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to an immediate stop.

An envelope was between the white aluminum Florette and the glass pane of her storm door.

Her recognition was immediate, causing her heartbeat to race. Its shape was square and white, and she could see the raised wax seal. She gasped as the motion sensor kicked in the floodlight above the porch.

Her foot still depressed the brake to the floorboard as she gasped.

He found me. God, please help me.

She slammed the gear lever into reverse, then back into the park. She was confused and overwhelmed by what her following action should be.

They trained her to function in these situations. She knew to keep a clear line of sight and let the light guide her visible path.

What if he's waiting inside? He could kill me.

She listened to her BMW engine idle, switching from high to low. And with each cycle, the headlights dimmed and then shone bright.

Her heart raced as the panic surged through her body, bringing with it a foreboding sense of pain and darkness. Her eyes widened as she felt a chill run down her spine, unable to move.

Be smart, Max. Call Kelly and stay frosty. That's what he'd say. Stay frosty and maintain situational awareness.

She finally parked the car, threw off her seatbelt, and drew her off-duty .9mm Glock from her hip. Her right hand shook her pistol grip as she postured her wrist over the steering wheel. With her left, she switched on the high beams and took her phone from beneath her thigh.

Careful to keep a clear line of sight on the driveway and front yard, she held her phone to eye level and swiped the screen open. She clicked on his profile picture and put the cell to her ear.

Answer, for God's sake...Come on. Pick up the phone.

On the fourth ring, Kelly's answering machine began playing. She hung up and tried again, only to be greeted by another automated voice message.

Max hung up the phone and tossed it on the passenger seat. Tears welled up in Max's eyes, causing everything to become blurry. She wiped her cheek and listened to the hum of her idling car and the street's quiet. And she was no longer afraid. The sudden need to protect herself consumed her, leaving only her and the letter. She crossed her hands on the steering wheel and leaned.

With her chin on her wrists, she stared at the Florette decoration on the white aluminum storm door.

As she sat back, she picked up her phone again, swiped her cell screen, and thumbed until she came to Speed Dial.

Please pick up Kelly.

She watched the screen turn the phone icon green and enable the speaker. It rang three times before the connection went through, and she heard his voice.

"Hi, baby," said Kelly. "What's the sit-rep? I'm still at my aunt and uncle's house having dinner. Do you want to come over?"

Maxine hesitated, her mind filled with awkward and unsettling feelings of intrusion. She refused their dinner invitation because she was at a tea party with her mom and sisters. And although she and Kelly were going to the Boulevard afterward, she needed his help now.

"Excuse me, Aunt Aisling, for one second. I need to take this." She picked up on the sounds of shouting in the background, resembling playful teasing. Then she heard him push back his chair, his footsteps fading as he walked into another room.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I need your help."

"Do me a favor," said Kelly. "I need you to pull across the street under one of the overhead lamps. Put your dome lights on and keep the car running."

"Okay," she said. Frustration seeped into her voice, causing it to quiver and break.

"Hold on," he said. "I'm staying on the phone with you until I get there. I'm already in my truck."

Sitting back in the driver's seat, she gripped the .9mm and scanned her rear and side view mirrors. This job had already brought her nightmares, terror, and darkness, but the constant lurking presence of a lunatic serial killer pushed her to the brink of a breakdown.

Max clenched her teeth, determined to hold back the tears as she spoke into the phone. She strained to catch even the faintest sound of Kelly's movements. As his seat adjusted, Max could hear the faint hum of the heater coming to life, accompanied by the sound of him clearing his throat. She'd need to be patient but wanted him to say something to soothe her nerves.

"Max, hey," said Kelly. "Stay with me, boot."

Max's heart was exploding. The combination of X-4 almost killing her, Jeremy and Gary's anger, and her father's contempt overwhelmed her, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

As Kelly turned the corner, the faint sound of crying reached his ears. The moment he pressed the accelerator, the Range Rover Defender roared to life, courtesy of its 2.6-liter, four-cylinder turbo engine.

"Hey, Stop it.," said Kelly. "You can handle this.."

Though his words were harsh and direct, she understood them for what they were. She needed to calm down, and he wanted to instill confidence.

"I'm two minutes out, Max. Stay frosty. I've got your back no matter what it takes."

As Kelly pulled behind her, his headlights dimmed, casting a warm glow that provided a slight sense of security. She put her pistol in her hip holster and kicked open the door. Her fingers trembled as she wiped her tear-stained face and walked toward him. The moment he stepped out of his truck, she rushed and pulled him close, her arms encircling his neck.

Kelly took her in, wrapping her in a tight embrace, one around her waist and the other around her back. He hushed, kissed her cheek, and felt her hair against his face and chin.

"I can't believe this," she said. She took her face from his shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"This piece of shit will never hurt you again. That much, I promise you." 

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