Day 13 - letter 2-3 (poetry, passion, pure hope, and relief)

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Knuckles planing to escape with a squirrel was a bit but that's when he received a letter from Sonic. Knuckles was relieved that his best friend wrote to him but he hoped that he didn't wrote it outta grief. But when he red it allowed he was relieved:

To Knuckles:

I received your letter and....I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am really want me to live...all I can say is...I want nothing more than to see you best friend...and wonderful teammate...when I received your letter I couldn't help but think..."the letter makes me believe that I'm not alone." It makes me feel like that your here with I know that I must clear your order to get you out I must figure out what really happened...I am now determine to get you out...besides I hope that one day when I clear your name...I will see you all hope in my be honest...I haven't done anything since the battle ended in a blast...I haven't been the same...everyone in the team separated and yeah that includes Tails as well...but I know that the only friend I have left is you...we have each other now..and I know for a fact that you are innocent...I need to know what really happened...but no one can tell me...even the police thought that I was acting in denial...but I am not wrong or in denial...I will clear your name whether they like it or not. I will get you out I swear to it.

From: Sonic

P.S. I miss ya...and please write again soon.

Knuckles was relieved and surprised since he rode it and was surprised to know Sonic has wrote to him... the female cop who sent the letter to Sonic from Knuckles knew that Knuckles was writing another letter and thought as she chuckled, hmhmhm...if this keeps up...I think these two will fall in love...the last fall man that was cleared had fell in love with that skunk girl ...from the letters they wrote to each other...but....who saids love cant be different...well better give the letter to him straight away.

1 day later:

Sonic was sitting in the living room as he felt so occupied about reading the letter. He never stopped to clear Knuckles name not once...he now works at a cafe that only has tea, cookies and sandwich's and is also a bed and breakfast house. but in his spare time he investigates to clear Knuckles name. about a minute later Sonic received another letter that was from Knuckles which Sonic knew it was. He opened and looked at the letter Sonic red it allowed,

To: Sonic

I'm happy that your out there clearing my name but I couldn't help but noticed that the letter you sent me didn't write any snarky comments or anything that is kinda like the way you always do...but what I discovered much...but I know deep down you do care...I'm so relieved that you didn't kill your self other wise I be heartbroken...I'm sorry about everyone on the team leaving ya...I know how you feel Sonic...I just felt so soar since being in jail...I'm so alone...listen...since everyone won't listen to me about what really happened I'll write you you about what really happened... I was at my house relaxing in the living room when sudden a knock on the door. I opened the door and to my surprise It was Espio's relative Quinn. he said he needed my help That he was robbed and was almost killed! We rushed to Quinn's house. I opened the door a little and everything valuable to him was gone. But when I herd a noise up stairs I ran towards the room. But when I got there I saw a hyena that was responsible for the burglary. He shot me but I dodged it. I punched the hyena haddock enough to knock him out. Then a shot was fired behind me. I turned around and found a grey wolf. One with a gun pointed at me Quinn took the shot. I was terrified
But as I was breathing hard. I was laying on the
Ground and heard a noise from the stairs. I knew right away it was the cops as they told me to Freeze The scene they were in looked like I shot Scan. I was so frightened I had the gun....They put handcuffs around my hand shoulda seen was awful. The wolf and hyena said that I killed him. I tried to explain what really happened but it was no use. They wouldn't listen to me...I'm so scared I think I've been sentence to death...

From: Knuckles.

Sonic was angered at the real culprits but was concerned for Knuckles...he wrote another letter to him knowing that the letters have made him. Sonic said to himself as he smiled, I think I should make him a poem to calm him down.

Then a day later:

Knuckles was feeling scared of what might happened. He was miserable as he felt his body trembling when he received a letter from Sonic as he red it allowed and to his surprised he noticed a poem from Sonics. First he red the letter allowed:

To Knuckles:

I red what really happened and I believe you. I know you wouldn't hurt anyone if they made you mad. It was awful to what happened to Quinn that day. But I won't forgive the culprits for what they did...I will clear your name. The way you describe them...I think I have an idea to lure them into their execution...but I haft to gather clues to prove it was them...but on the other were right...I have changed...I've been working about several months now...but I know your scared...guess I'm running out of time but it's never gonna stop me from clearing your name...I'm gonna pick up the paste more than I have case you get scared I wrote a make you feel better. Whenever you feel my poem and you will feel better.

Sincerely: Sonic.

Knuckles was flattered that Sonic believed him and everything but going through all that trouble to write a poem. Was really sweet. Then Knuckles red the poem allowed:

My friend is brave and true. He's been there for when I feel blue. He turns my dark days to the brightest ones I ever had. He makes me feel glad. But what is really true. Is my friend is you. I know you gave me so much glee. Because your always there for me. I care about you and I always do. I know from the blue we will be true.

Knuckles felt his heart melt on the poem Sonic wrote for him. That's when he decided to write not just the letter but a poem for Sonic. Both never knew that the letters were driving them closer and closer each time they sent them to each other. The female cop smiled knowing that love is halfway there towards them. The female cop whispered, I know this man wouldn't hurt a fly but there's nothing we can do to help's up to Sonic to help the meantime I should just deliver the messages to Sonic.

A day later:

Sonic received another letter hit this time he found a poem along with it he first red the letter:

Dear Sonic:

Thank you so much for the poem. It means a lot to me. That you do have a caring heart and you are a little angel. *Sonic blushes fiercely and shyly as he looked at the word angel* but...not only that...I've been thinking about you most of the time lately...I'm not sure why but...I feel like every time we write letters to each other...we drew closer to each other each time we write to each other. I made you a poem as a gift form me to you. I hope you like it.

Love: Knuckles.

Sonic took out the poem and as he red it allowed his heart pounded on each time he reads it word for word:

Sweet angel of mine. You are so Devine. Your fur shimmers like the ocean blue. I see the brilliant qualities in you. Your voice is soothing as the wind. I know you commit no sin. You shine so bright than the sun. You never rest until your goal is done. Your eyes shine as bright as the stars above. For I have known now I am falling in love. For my love so true my love is actually for you.

Sonic felt his heart pounded at the word love and said, this...this is...wonderful.. he sobbed in joy knowing that he loves the poem Knuckles send him. Sonic said as he smiled, don't worry Knuckles...I will get you out of there. *sniff.* then he made another letter for Knuckles but this one was special.

One day later:

Knuckles returned to his cell as he sat down. But that's when he got another letter from Sonic. But this one was different he red it as he felt his heart pound.

Dear Knuckles:

I...I don't know what to say...your was beautiful. I never knew you felt that way about so amazing. To be honest...I..I love you...very very very much...I always have ever since the day you saved me from death...on that day I grew feelings for first I thought it was normal but...after 2 days I been thinking about you so very much...I couldn't get you off of my mind...I felt so shy even though I hide it or never show it I always felt my heart melting when I'm with you...but when I heard about what happened my life ended. When we started writing to each other my life was back and my feelings for you grew closer and closer. So what I meant to say is...I love you too...Knuckles the echidna. And I will see you soon.

Love: Knuckles.

Knuckles blushed as he sees how much he really meant to Sonic. Knuckles said as he smiled, Sonic...I...I love you too... the squirrel said as he smirked, have a secret admirer now? Knuckles turned to him and said, first off he's my secret crush and second off I truly love him No matter how childish he is he's my love. The squirrel said as he walks to him, look...I figure out a plan to escape but it won't be easy... Knuckles nodded and said, I hope so...I haft to see Sonic...and I won't let this prison keep me from seeing him. He looks outside the bars as he said, *an image of Sonic smiling* I'll see you soon Sonic...I promise.

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