Chapter Four: Officially on the List

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Quote of the Chapter

"I didn't choose you. I just took one look at you, and then-there was just no turning back."


Song of the Chapter

Unavailable at the moment




Dimitri's Point of View

Her big brown eyes stared at me with recognition. Looking quite alarmed and a little upset, she pushed herself up and did not spare me anything more than just a quick glance. The whole student body watched our every move. Rose walked around me as if I didn't existed. She was not fond of me. She was a tough one, Adrian's words, not mine.

I went back to my table that consisted of Mason, Eddie, Adrian, and Christian. Eddie raised his eyebrow at me. "I guess your silence charm doesn't work on her," he said, Mason, Adrian, and Christian chuckled. I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm not trying to charm her."

As I sat down, my eyes wondered to the brunette sitting on the other side of the canteen with her best friend. She threw her head back and laughed at something her best friend said. Her eyes sparkled with life, that so rarely showed. Then I watched as Rose took out something from her backpack. I focused on the object and smiled when I realized what it was.

The letters..........

She talked to her best friend as she opened one of the letters. 


Rose's Point of View

"This one is my favorite. Read the poem," I said, handling the letter to Lissa. She took it and read it. I loved it so much that I memorized the poem. 4 weeks of receiving letters, I've grown to love its writer. The letter was not the romantic type, but it was interesting to read. It was like reading someone's diary.

  A rose is a rose every day, every night

You too are the same, except different in my sightYou are like a rose, such a beautiful creationBut a rose in disguise, meant to blume for every nation

So show your beauty, for I know what you areYou are a rose in disguise, and very, very wise

A rose is a rose is a rose.....   

"I am dying to find out who your secret writer-hashtag admirer is. Definitely a he," Lissa said, and handed me the letter. I folded it back and put it back neatly into my backpack. I never told my parents about the letters. I did not want them to take my little source of happiness away. The letters distracted me from my horrible life. I couldn't wait to make my dream come true. 

Lissa noticed my silence and asked, "Hey, is everything okay at home? I mean, I know that you have financial problems with your parents, get what I mean."

I nodded. Sure, Lissa knew all about the money problems, and about my parents being drunk. But she did not know about the beatings that I receive so frequently. I was just thanking heaven that my parents have not punched me in the face yet.

"Yeah, still the same," I answered, not so keen on the subject.

Lissa looked at me and said, "If you need money, tell me. I can help you." I smiled at her. That was why I loved her so much. I have declined her offer of help so many times. She was a great friend. My stomach rumbled as a sign of hunger. Lissa frowned and asked, "Rose, why didn't you get any lunch?"

I gave her a small smile and said, "Don't worry, Lissa." She shook her head and grabbed my wrist. She pulled me from my seat. I protested.

"Lissa, I'm alright! You're making a scene," I whispered harshly to her. My cheeks were tinted with red. Everybody was watching us. She turned sharply to me and whispered, "I'm not going to let my best friend starve to death!"

I sighed and said, "I'll be fine. It's okay."

She shook her head and ordered some food. The man in white clothing slid a tray with a plate of hamburger, and a cup of water. Lissa handed the tray to me and I unwillingly took it. She dug into her purse and sighed. She looked at the man and said, "I don't have any small changes. I'll be back." He nodded.

I suppressed a scowl. I was grateful for her kindness. Lissa walked out of the canteen and I stood there being the center of attention. I did not have enough money to pay for my own lunch.

Oh Lissa!

I felt awkward as ever standing there. Then, I felt a presence coming up behind me. I turned around and went speechless. There stood the school's most popular mysterious boy: Dimitri Belikov. He pulled out a few dollar bills and gave it to the man. 

Did he just pay for my lunch? 

He looked at me and said, "Sit down and eat." 

I stood flabbergasted by his action. Out of all the people he could have payed lunch for, he payed for mine. I sworn to stay away from him, and yet here he was telling me to 'sit down and eat'. To be very honest, I had a minor crush on him when I was kindergarten. It was silly and stupid. I grew up and learned about his society and mine. That was the end of my crush on him. Although, since he was a little kid, his good looks still remained to this very day.

I took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, but I'll pay you back tomorrow." He did not say a word more, let alone look at me. Feeling frustrated with his personality, I walked back to my table and totally lost my appetite. Lissa came back looking at me questioningly.

"What just happened?" She asked, the second her butt touched her seat.

I looked at her and said, "Dimitri Belikov payed for my lunch." Which caused the 'cool girls' to glare daggers at me. As much as I wanted to be visible to those around me; This was the wrong type of attention. This was the type of attention that got me into trouble. The kind of trouble that would lead the 'cool girls' to terrorize me. I was not looking forward to that. I was officially on their 'Let's-Bully-the-Kids-that-Socialize-With-the-Hot-Boys list'.

"You don't look too happy about it," she stated. I picked up the hamburger and bit into it. Mmmmm........

I swallowed and said, "Apparently, Barbie's doppelganger Elsie Tyler is not pleased with the incident. I think I'll have to skip school for a month or 2." As tempting as I made it sound, I knew my parents would have me at my neck if they found out.

Lissa rolled her eyes and muttered, "That witch......" 

I ate the hamburger thinking about what just happened. What just happened shouldn't have happened. My eyes wondered around the canteen and they happened to land on a pair of light brown eyes across the room. The pair of light brown eyes belonged to...........*drum rolls, please..........Dimitri Belikov.

Chapter 4-Edited! 

Thanks for rereading!

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