Chapter Twenty-One: A Proposition

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Quote of the Chapter

"She was brave and strong and broken all at once."


Song of the Chapter

  Whatever it takes
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do whatever it takes
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains
Whatever it takes
You take me to the top, I'm ready for
Whatever it takes
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes  

Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons


Cast of the Chapter



Rose's Point of View

"Thank you for the dinner, Seth."

He was kind enough to buy me dinner and get me out of that place. He smiled and adjusted his violin case as we walked to my apartment building. "You're welcome," he said, his smile fading a bit. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know your boyfriend was there. I saw how you looked at him tonight and felt guilty for inviting you. It was a big night for me and I just wanted you to be there, you know, share that moment with me. I guess I'm still hoping."

My heart broke for him. He was generous, kind, patient and so full of hope and love- for me. I felt like I was holding him back. I swallowed and said, "Seth, you're too good to me. I don't agree to go on dates with you because I don't want to lead you on and give you false hope. I love my boyfriend. I love Dimitri and he loves me. We've been encountering some hardships, but I believe it only strengthens our love, not weakening it. I don't want to hurt you."

He gave me a sad smile and said, "Like I said, I'm hoping. Maybe one day you'll give me a chance and see me as something a little more special than just a friend. I know you love him and I can't exactly say I don't mind because the truth is, I do mind. I can't do much about it, but hope. I don't want to hurt you either. As long as you're happy." He looked at me intently and continued, "I really like you, Rose. I really do."

Every fiber and cell in my body ached for him. He was holding onto me the same way Dimitri and I were holding onto each other. None of us planned on letting go anytime soon. I let out a shaky breath and said, "Seth, I really want you to let go of me. I'm not letting go of him."

"I know. Please don't push me away," he said and stopped right in front of my apartment building. I sighed and admired his steady way of showing affection. I gave him a small smile and said, "Alright, Seth. Goodnight and see you at school tomorrow."

Faster than anything, he pulled me into a hug and said, "Friendly hug." He pulled away with his boyish grin on his face. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Seth." I was grateful that he was trying his best to be a friend to me. I was sure that he was not going to cross my boundaries and make things worse. We parted ways and I was more than happy to be back at a place I called home. I took a shower and realized that my competition was coming closer. I was excited and also frightened at the same time.

The buzzing from my phone distracted me from my thoughts. I looked at the screen and my heart ached a little.

"Yes, Dimitri?"

"Rose, I'm sorry about tonight."

Something in me snapped. I believed it was the anger and hurt I had tried to suppress the whole night.

"You know, Dimitri, there's a rectangular figure in the pocket of your slacks called an 'iPhone'. Press the round button, enter your password, tap the icon with the phone on it, look for my name on your contact list and once again, press the round icon with the phone on it. It's green," I replied sarcastically. I couldn't help it.

I heard Dimitri sigh over the phone and he was silent for a few seconds.

"I'm not going to give you my reason for not calling you right now, because all you're gonna do is label my reasons as excuses. I'm sorry for not calling you and ditching you. I didn't mean it."

I immediately regretted what I said. He did apologize and who was I to judge him when I didn't know the situation he was in. I sighed and closed my eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"I love you, Rose. Good night," he said and hung up.

I really needed to keep my mouth under control sometimes. We were in this together. I definitely need to talk to him. Why do I always let my anger speak for me? I say the wrong things and make things worse.

Self-control, where are you?


Have you ever felt like laying in bed all day and sulk over your problems? I was feeling like that. The second I picked up my phone and read the notifications, it was all about Olena Belikov dropping hints of marriage between her only son and the Titus Corp. heiress. She didn't announce the engagement, but heck, it was enough to make me wonder what kinds of rumor the kids at school were yapping about. Conclusion: I felt sick.

Letting out a sigh, I sat up and dragged my butt to the bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed, not bothering to tie my hair into a ponytail. I opened the door carelessly and nearly died at the sight before my eyes.

"Dimitri?!" I exclaimed, having the heart attack of my life. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I'm your boyfriend. I'm here to take you to school," he replied, but not before rolling his eyes at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and locked the door. I really expected him to not give me a lift today after what happened last night.

He sighed and snatched my backpack from me and said, "Adults talk and work things out, not ignore their faults and problems. Come on, we can talk in my car. I'm sure you don't want another detention."

He knew me too darn well. I silently followed him and got into the passenger seat, which I must admit, I had gotten used to.

"So what's gonna happen?" I asked, looking out the window.

"Nothing. Nothing is going to change what we have going on here. I have talked to Matilda and she is going to try to arrange some kind of agreement with her parents. I am not marrying her, Rose. She wants out and so do I. And what were you doing with Seth?"

I whipped my head to him with my mouth hung open. "What does Seth have to do with us? You were talking about your engagement to Matilda and you just jumped to Seth?" I said, shaking my head. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"

He kept his eyes on the road, but asked, "What were you doing with him?" I scowled and crossed my arms over my chest.

"If you really must know, he took me to a wonderful, super delicious and unforgettable dinner. Plus, he paid for it too."

I knew it was unnecessary to add that much detail, but I really couldn't help it. The car abruptly came to a halt and I almost needed plastic surgery for my face. "Adult, my foot," I muttered, sending a glare in Dimitri's direction.

"He paid for your dinner and that's fine? I'm your boyfriend and you threatened to kill me if I ever paid for your food," he said, demanding for justice. But you see, Seth and Dimitri were on different levels.

I shrugged and replied, "Well, that's different. He's only a friend and he is not going to take me on regular dinner dates. Unless you want him to." A glare burned its way through my head and I knew I hit home. 

Dimitri started driving again and asked, "Did he invite you to watch him play?"

"Of course, he did," I sighed, seeing the school come into my view.

Dimitri opened the door for me and I got out, taking a deep breath. I started to walk in, but he grasped my wrist and said, "Rose, listen."

I turned back to him and asked, "Listen? I'm the one who has to put up with your mother's insults and remarks. She dropped hints of marriage, Dimitri, between you and Matilda. You may choose me, but other people don't know that. They'll look and say things-" I stopped, blinking the tears away. Ignore the words, almost impossible. They hurt. They always hurt.

"And I'm the one who's going against my family. Do you think I like doing that?" He asked, clearly frustrated. His intense brown eyes never left mine and his words rendered me speechless. This relationship was straining both of us. Did I love him with all my heart? Yes, I did. I loved this boy that saved my life from further damage.

I hated that painful tug at my heart and it was intensifying. I swallowed and said the words I didn't really mean. "Then don't."

I pulled my wrist back and stood in front of him, waiting for a reply from him. Silence fell on us and I closed my eyes trying to think clearly again. Not very far into this relationship and it was already falling apart slowly. I didn't want it to. I wanted to prove to myself that I was better than those people who gave me life. I didn't want to be a loser. I wanted to prove that to them.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," I said, regretting my words. I opened my eyes and he was staring right at me. It was that look that shook me to the very core. His soul-searching look. He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to his car.

"Dimitri, where are you taking me?" I asked, glancing back at the school.

He turned to me and answered, "To my mother. We're going to talk to her and get this straightened out." 

"No!" I objected,  not feeling prepared to face his mother at all.

That was when Dimitri grabbed both of my shoulders and said, "She likes this! She likes scaring people. You can't let her do that, Rose. You just can't. She likes control, but I am not going to let her control our relationship. Speak to her the same way you speak to Adrian. Prove to her that she can't control you. Show her that you aren't weak."

I didn't realize that I was breathing heavily until my breathing became smooth again. But the real question was: Did I have that much courage? Could I stand for what I loved and believed in? To go against Dimitri's mother. I looked into Dimitri's brown eyes and felt myself nodding my head.

We got back into his car and detention was long forgotten because something greater was ahead both of us.



"What do you mean?" Olena asked, sipping her tea. She sounded like she was having a tea party during summer more than her son seriously confronting her.

Dimitri was looking out the window, but his cold anger radiated so strongly that I couldn't suppress a shiver.

"I want you to stop everything. Stop controlling my life."

She set her tea cup down and insincerely smiled. "I only want the best for you, Dimitri." I wanted the ground to swallow me just because I was sitting right across from her. She looked at me and said, "Don't you believe me, Rose?"

That was when Dimitri turned around and looked at me intensely. I took a deep breath and said, "I believe that your son is capable of knowing what's best for him. He's not a child anymore." Her demeanor faltered a little as if she didn't expect me to answer her like that. But I had to admit, I felt great slamming the truth to her face like that.

She sat up straighter and calmly asked, "Then tell me, Dimitri, what is best for you?"

"Letting me make my own decisions. Have you forgotten, mama, that you raised a winner?"

"A winner deserves no less. Am I right, Rose?" She asked, looking straight into my eyes. I caught onto her meaning and mentally shook my head.

"Exactly. And I am no less. I am a winner as well. Tell me, have you been physically beaten? Have you ever been so hungry that you can't sleep or walk properly? Have you ever been looked down and treated like you're dirt from the bottom of someone's shoe? If you haven't, you aren't as strong as I am.  So, yes, I am suitable for your son. Just because I don't live in a big mansion or own companies doesn't make me less worthy. There are many kinds of riches. From what I've seen, you have the ability to see only one kind and that just shows me how narrow-minded you are," I said, feeling my past rush up to me. I felt overwhelmed and so misunderstood. Realizing what I've just said, I swallowed and excused myself to the restroom.


I dried my face with the white towel and looked at myself in the mirror. I took slow deep breaths with my arms as supports. Did I regret what I said? No, not one bit. Now she knew who I really was. I was not weak. That girl died the day her parents were locked up.

Every time I blinked my eyes, I kept seeing flashing of myself getting beaten over and over. The feeling of that man using his belt on me whipped me like it was just yesterday. I shook my head and walked out of the restroom.

I sat back down and Olena sighed. 

"Very well. I have a proposition," she immediately looked at me. "I'll give you time and space. Impress me. Prove to me that when you are with my son, you both can be better. Prove to me that when he is with you, he can do better than when he is with Matilda Titus. You have until September. Impress me by then, I might reconsider the engagement. Do we have a deal?"

I looked at her and nodded. "We do," I answered. I didn't expect her to do this at all, but I was going to take a shot. Then, she called a man in and told him to take me to have some refreshments. I guessed she wanted to have a private conversation with Dimitri. As I left the room, I overheard the beginning of their conversation. It was Olena who started.

"She has potential."

I love the song!!!! It's so cool!! Hope you like the chapter. I'm sorry I took so long. But thank you so much for reading and putting up with me.


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