Chapter Two: World History

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Quote of the Chapter

"I love handwritten letters. The way the words get jumbled up when the writer's excited. The way the words get neat when the writer is trying not to make a mistake. The way the words get pretty, because the writer's in love. I love handwritten letters."


Song of the Chapter

  Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Don't come back, it won't end well
But I wish you'd tell me too  

Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish


Cast of the Chapter



Rose's Point of View

My hands itched to open the beautiful envelop. For the first time in a million years, I wanted to Missus Norden's class to finish fast. Then my mind wondered to why Lissa wasn't in Medieval Literature. We parted ways because our lockers were far away from each other. It was weird and out of Lissa's character.

Somebody wrote my name in beautiful calligraphy 'Rosemarie H.' on the envelope. I tried very hard to focus on Missus Norden, but I was finding it hard to focus today. 

What is wrong with me?

After the bell rang, I stood up and gave a copy of my first poem to Missus Norden. She smiled and said, "I will read it tonight."

I walked out of her class and walked down the hall getting ready for the next class. As I walked, Lissa joined me. She looked upset. It was my turn to be a good friend to her.

"Hey Lis, is everything alright?" I asked, stopping her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I didn't waste a second. I pulled her out of the school and we sat down on one of the benches. 

"My grandmother died! She raised me until I was 10!" Lissa sobbed on my shoulder. I comforted her for a few minutes. I told her that we could talk some more after school. 

I was almost running trying to get to Calculus before Mister Rodgers. I ran into the classroom and a sigh of relief left me. I sat down in my seat. Calculus was at the bottom of my favorite subjects list. Math was not my strength. I really didn't get it. So this class dragged slower than the other ones. I glanced at the clock wishing that time could go a little faster than this.


"I'll be back in a week, I promise," Lissa said. We hugged each other. Lissa and her whole family had to leave for the funeral and all. In a week everything was going to be back. One week without Lissa wouldn't kill me. She had to leave between the lunch break. The whole day went by fast and now I was out of the school, The Education Prison.

I walked to a bench at the park. I sat down and took out the envelope. I couldn't help it, but smile. It was so beautiful. I flipped it around and carefully opened it. I wondered who it was from. Their calligraphy was exquisite and elegant. I opened the letter and read it.

It read:

I don't know how to write a letter, but please read it so it doesn't go to waste. I have been dared to write letters to you until graduation. It's stupid, I know. I'm not going to tell you my name. So don't look at the bottom of the letter. But since I don't really know how to write a letter. I'll write a poem instead.

A single flow'r he sent me, since we met.

All tenderly his messenger he chose;

Deep hearted, pure, with scented dew still wet-

One perfect rose.

I knew the language of the floweret;

'My fragile leaves,' it said, 'his heart enclose.'

Love long has taken for his amulet

One perfect rose.

Why is it no one ever sent me yet

One perfect limousine, do you suppose?

Ah no, it's always just my luck to get

One perfect rose.

I recognized the poem right away. It was written by Dorothy Parker. Whoever wrote this letter knew how to make me smile. With a light heart, I put the letter back into my backpack and walked to where I worked. I worked at Yazzie's Books. The job was not too bad or too tiring. But after organizing tons of books, your eyes can really be in pain.

I opened the door of Yazzie's Books and was greeted by my co-worker, Amelia Rinaldi. Oh, did I mention that she goes to the same as school as me? She smiled at me and said, "Hey Rose, how was school for you?" Amelia was known as Mia to everyone here.

"It was good, Mia. How about you? I didn't see you today," I said and got behind the cashier register putting the Yazzie's Books apron over my head. Mia carried a stack of the new arrivals onto the table. She looked at me and said, "I was there all day except for the last two periods." 

After I typed in my cashier I.D., I was logged in as Rosemarie H.

I walked out of the counter and helped Mia organize the new arrivals into the shelves and on the new arrival table. Then the bell rang signaling that a customer was here. I walked to the greet the customer. I recognized the customer right away. It was Mason Ashford. What was he doing in a little bookstore like Yazzie's?

I forced a smile onto my face and said, "Hello, I'm Rose. Is there anything specific that you're looking for?" He smiled back me showing his pearl white teeth.

"I'm looking for a book on world history," he said. It felt so weird to have a customer like him. To be extremely honest, people like him would usually look up world history on their phone or computer. I walked to aisle 3 and found the best book on World History that Yazzie's carried.

I handed it to him and said, "This is the best one that we have. We have this one-hardcover and the other one that's paperback." As I was explaining, his eyes were on me and not on the books. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. Mason Ashford was one of Dimitri Belikov's friends. He was no good. He fooled around everything. 

He smiled at me and said, "I'll take two hardcovers." I took the two books and walked to the cashier register. He paid for the books and he didn't leave. I gave him a small smile and asked, "Is there anything else that you need?"

He nodded and asked, "Are you single?" I found that question a little personal and weird, especially it coming from him.

"Yes, I am very single and I plan on staying that way," I said. He looked amused. He sent me a wink and walked out of the store. 

"Wow, that was something....." Mia said, sticking her head out of a book shelf. I let out a short laugh and said, "Yeah, that was something."


"I really miss her, Rose. So, anything new happened at school after I left?" Lissa asked, No matter how sad she was or how the world was going to end in 5 seconds, she needed to be caught up with everything that happened to me. That was just Lissa. 

I smiled and said, "Someone wrote me a letter and put it under my desk like they knew I was going to sit there. It was beautifully written in calligraphy."

"Really?! Do you know who wrote it? Oh my gosh! A secret admirer!" Lissa said excitedly through the phone. I had to put the phone away from my ear. I put it back when Lissa was done from squealing.

"No, I don't know who wrote it, but it's awesome. This person even wrote Dorothy Parker's One Perfect Rose poem too," I said. I quickly snapped a picture of the letter and sent it to Lissa.

"Oh my gosh, that is soooo romantic! Anyway, I was wondering what happened to you in the morning? You were in a really bad mood," Lissa mentioned. I closed my eyes and massaged my head with my hands. I was still at Yazzie's waiting for the clock to hit 8 and go home. Our manager was a thin old man named Carlin Freeman. But he spent most of his time sleeping in the office than out working front at the store. 

"She wanted money from me, Lis. I didn't have any. I'm just so tired and I really don't want to go back home," I said, totally feeling 10 feet under. 

"You know I will give you money. How much do you need?" Lissa offered help, but I didn't want to do that to our friendship. She was not my bank that I can just withdraw anytime.

"No, Lissa. I don't want your money," I said.

"But I have a lot and I want to share," she said and laughed.

I laughed and said, "Nice try, but nah.....I'll find money myself. Thanks."

Then I heard Carlin's office door opening, I quickly hung up on Lissa and put my phone away into my backpack. When a very groggy Carlin walked into the store, Mia and I put on our best smiles. 

"Good evening, Mister Freeman," we said.

He nodded and his eyes scanned all around the store. Everything was neat and well organized. No faults or mistakes. He nodded again in approval and said, "You may leave early." Mia and I did not waste any time in getting our stuffs and going out the door. The cold fresh air of the night hit my face, I sucked in a deep breath.

"Bye, I'll see you in Music tomorrow," Mia said and walked towards her home. 

"Bye, Mia!"

I walked through the park, passed my school, and then to my home. I opened the door and there sat dad on the couch with a bottle in his hand. I rolled my eyes and said, "Dad, you need to get some rest." My voice hard and cold. 

He groaned and said, "Money. Rose, I need money." I sighed and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I slammed my door shut and dropped myself on my bed. I sighed again and sat up. I changed into comfortable clothes and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen planning to cook some dinner. I was so hungry and tired. I filled a pot with water and put it on the stove. After waiting until the water was boiling, I moved towards the pot. I wrapped a thick cloth around the handle and picked it up from the stove. Dad walked in and aggressively grabbed my arm making the boiling hot water spill all over my arms. With a loud pain gasp, I dropped the pot and all the hot water spilled all over the floor, including on Dad.

He got angry and swung his rough hands towards my face. The impact of his hand against my cheek knocked me down onto the floor. Tears ran down my face as I stared up at Dad. He was so cruel and awful. I wished I was not his child. I'd rather be an orphan than a child with loveless parents. It was the same.

His eyes gazed at me with fury burning in them. "You worthless witch!" He shouted and walked out of the kitchen. I sobbed and looked at my arms. They were all red and swollen. Some part of my arms even had blisters. Every time I tried to move my fingers or hand, it stung really bad. It was tear-worthy stung. Then someone knocked on the front door.


Missus Motley......... 

An edited version of chapter 2. More details and more scenes. I hope you liked it. There will be some changes in the story so DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE LIKE THE ORIGINAL LETTERS TO ROSE. I'm always trying to make my stories better and better. 

Thank you for rereading! 

Merry Christmas to you all!

God bless you.


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