21. Revenge

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Dear Peter,

If you ask anyone who knew her, they'd say that I'm just like my Nana. My parents were and still are amazing in raising me, don't get me wrong, but she was always someone special in my life.

She taught me to love and be gentle with people's hearts. So when she died, I vowed to never hurt anyone. To forgive.

We can't always avoid hurting someone when it means destroying ourselves.

I wish I had learned that sooner.


Zoya disappeared. 

She was gone for seven hauntingly and agonizingly long days. 

After her world fell apart, she had to find a new one to live in. David didn't leave a letter or a voice-mail or any message of any sort. For the first time in my life, I was angry. I usually tried to stay away from this emotion. All it brings is irrationality and hatred and those things never suited me. But now? Now, I was furious. Zoya bled from her own heart just to make room for his, and he took advantage of the love that he never deserved in the first place.

It wasn't until a week after the wedding that I heard a knock at the door. After opening it, I let out a breath that it felt like I'd been holding in for a week. It was Zoya, a backpack strapped to her shoulders and a cup of coffee in her hand. Her eyes, which were now tearing up, lacked life and were supported by heavy bags. Her lips were pale and trying their best to form something close to a smile. 

I threw my arms around her neck, letting out tears that I hadn't known were coming. She shared the same sentiment and we cried together, letting us take in each other's presence.

I led her to the couch and gave her time to settle in before speaking.

"Where did you go? I was worried about you."

It was true. My nights were also restless. I would stay awake, wondering if she was safe and hoping that she wouldn't do anything irrational. You and Charlie would visit often, also concerned about her whereabouts.

"I was with my mom," she said, a spark of happiness igniting in her eyes and fading too quickly.

I shook my head in confusion. Her mom had been at the wedding, but I didn't know what to make of it. I remained silent, letting her explain.

"She found me outside the manor. She apologized, Lucy, and she promised that she would take care of me," her voice was shaky as she brought her hands up to wipe away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

It was a blessing. She came through for Zoya in the toughest time of her life, and that's the moment where I realized that I had nothing to be worried about. She had been in good hands.

"She kept her promise and we just spent time together, catching up on the last four years of my life."

I took her hands in mine, "That's wonderful. So everything is okay between you two now?" The real question I wanted to ask was what about her father? She hadn't mentioned him, so I figured that that was a different case.

Zoya shook her head and sighed, "Not everything. But she was there for me when I needed her the most. That's gotta count for something, right?"

She was unsure; should she forgive her mother for abandoning her? Deep down, a part of her knew that she should, but it wasn't easy to just forget what she had done.

I nodded, squeezing her hands. "It definitely does."


I knew that the days following Zoya's return weren't going to be easy, but a part of me thought that she would at least be doing okay.

She was far from okay.

She was a ghost. She sat on the couch, sometimes staring right past the T.V. screen, a cup of tea growing cold in her hands. She would disappear into another world, one in which maybe David hadn't betrayed her. I would come home from class to find her in the same position, not wanting to live anymore.

After David left her at the altar, chaos ensued. Ali, Charlie, you--the three of you in particular were furious, running out behind him, but he was too fast. He was good at disappearing--almost as good as he was at breaking hearts. 

When there was no sign of him, people began to quietly leave, offering their condolences, which made matters worse. They were supposed to be congratulating Zoya, not expressing sympathy for her. 

She sat at the altar for way too long after asking everyone to leave, except for me. I stayed beside her, not knowing what to say or do. It was difficult to tell someone who just lost their heart that everything would be alright. You'd be lying to them. In reality, nothing would be the same ever again. 

After days spent watching her not move and not eat and swim in her self-loathing, I had had enough. I was with her, an arm wrapped around her shoulder as we watched T.V. when there was a knock at the door. She looked at me, confused, not knowing that we were expecting company.

I opened the door to a restless Charlie and was taken aback by his demeanor. Why did it seem like he hadn't slept in days either? You stood next to him, the same concern etched across your features. I never realized that you two cared for Zoya so much until that day. 

"Where is she?" Charlie whispered, eyes frantically scanning the room. I nodded to the couch behind us, and he made his way in. 

I looked up to face you. 

You shoved your hands into your pockets, diverting your gaze uncomfortably. You were never good at this stuff. Finally, you met my eyes and licked your lips before speaking. 

"How are you?" 

It wasn't a casual question where you just wanted me to say 'good,' and ask you the same thing. Your words were more meaningful than that. You wanted to know how I was holding up. Trying to take care of Zoya was taking a huge toll on me. Watching her wither away was like losing a part of myself. 

"I'm better now," I admitted. Seeing you was refreshing. We tried meeting up on one of the days that Zoya was gone, but I was so distracted that it was hard to focus on the stupid project. 

You didn't believe me, but decided not to say so. I stepped aside so that you could make your way in.

In front of us sat Zoya and Charlie. His arms were wrapped around her as she cried quietly into his chest. The pain in his eyes was disheartening and it made it obvious that he felt the way that all of us did. 


The worst part is that before the wedding, Charlie was the one who promised her that nothing would go wrong. He said that there was no way that David would change his mind. His face was riddled with guilt; he had unknowingly lied to her.

You went and sat on the other side of Zoya, tentatively placing a hand on her shoulder. She acknowledged the gesture with a weak smile. 

There was silence, followed by Charlie abruptly straightening up. Not taking his arms away from where they were wrapped around her, he shook his head in anger, his face hard. 

"That's it," he muttered through gritted teeth, carefully de-tangling himself from her, "Let's go."

Confused, Zoya stood up, trying her best to compose herself. 

"Where?" I asked, trying to analyze the look that Charlie shared with you. You somehow knew what he was thinking.

"David's house," You completed his thought and Charlie grabbed his jacket and Zoya's hand, determined, urging us to follow as he led her out of the apartment. 

I didn't think that it was a good idea. Wouldn't seeing him only make matters worse?

"Peter," I grabbed your arm as you began walking towards the door, "This isn't smart."

You took my hand off of your arm and instead of dropping it like I thought you would, you placed it in your own. Your warm fingers wrapped around mine in a touch that made me shiver. It was a sweet gesture; it was so out of character for you. 

"Do you trust me?" You asked, eyebrows raised.

I didn't have to give it much thought. For some stupid reason, I trusted you more than I wanted to admit. I nodded and we followed Charlie and Zoya out of the door. 

It wasn't until we were finally parked outside David's house that someone finally spoke up. 

"Why are we here?" Zoya croaked between sniffles from where she sat with me in the backseat. The house itself probably brought memory after memory, judging from the pain that was evident in her expression and voice. 

Charlie turned from the driver's seat, the tips of his ears red with anger and his fingers curling around the steering wheel so tightly that I thought it might actually snap under his grip. You looked composed, but I saw your anger flaring once you laid your eyes on the house.

"He can't just leave you like that," Charlie stated, unbuckling his belt, "You need answers."

Zoya shook her head rapidly, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I can't see him," she whispered, eyes focused on her feet.

"Zoya," Charlie sighed, "You don't have to forgive him. You need closure."

At that, she nodded, even though I knew that she still wasn't sure.

You and Charlie stepped out of the car, opening our doors for us.

"Lucy?" Zoya turned to me before stepping out, "I want to be the bigger person. I want to forgive him. It's what you would do."

Shocked at her words, I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. 

"This isn't about being the bigger person," I mumbled into her hair, "He put you through hell. Do what you think is right."

Zoya's eyes met mine and they were full of shock. I was the person who always forgave people, but how did that always end for me? In hurt. I would be the one to get hurt every single time. And then there were some things that could be forgiven, but never forgotten. I'd learned that the hard way.

We followed you and Charlie to the door. Curling his hand into a fist, he knocked on the door three times before letting it fall back to his side.

He kept his fingers curled into the fist.

You stiffened up when the sound of footsteps filled our ears. It was within seconds that I saw the anger swarm your features. 

That's when I realized it. This wasn't just about Zoya. You felt her heartbreak on a level that Charlie and I couldn't understand even if we tried. Miranda betrayed you in a similar way to how David betrayed Zoya.

This was personal.

Zoya and I remained behind you two, anxious in anticipation.

Finally, the door opened. On the other side stood David in a robe, his baby blue eyes narrowing as he loudly chewed on the apple in his hand. I felt Zoya squeeze my hand.

He tilted his head to the side in thought. It wasn't fair that he was perfectly fine when Zoya was a heartbroken mess.

"Do I know you...?" He slowly questioned, his eyes darting back and forth between you two. I saw your hands curl into fists the same way that Charlie's were and right when I thought that you were going to punch him, Charlie beat you to it.

He brought back his fist and hit David's cheek with so much force that I thought I heard a crack. Groaning, David fell to the ground in pain. 

"What the..." he mumbled, his face still cupped in his hand. A look of fear and regret flashed across his eyes when Zoya finally stepped inside from where she was hiding behind Charlie.

You look surprised. I guess Charlie wasn't a violent person.

"That one was for Zoya," Charlie said, his jaw clenched. He then grabbed David's arms and helped him back on his feet, only to punch him again, this time, on the other side of his face. "And that one's for punching me, you son of a bitch."

He brought his fist back, clutching it in what I could have only imagined was pain.

David stumbled backwards in agony, his eyes locked onto Zoya's. When he moved, he revealed a pair of shoes behind him.

Silver stilettos that sat next to a purse. 

Another woman's purse. There were only two explanations: either he had cheating on Zoya, or he'd moved on without blinking an eye.

Zoya followed my gaze, a gasp escaping her lips.

David began to walk towards her, but you put a hand forcefully on his chest, pushing him back. 

"Zoe..." he whispered, wincing in pain, "I'm sorry..." 

Zoya wasn't crying like I thought she'd be. She looked fierce. She was the Zoya that I always knew: strong, not the weak mess that he'd left her as. She walked towards him and removed your hand from his chest. Reluctantly, you stepped away and came to stand by my side.

"You know what, David?" She said, bringing a hand up to his cheek, stroking it with her thumb gently, "I think that sometimes we need to be the bigger person and forgive the people that hurt us."

David smiled--or tried his best to through his busted lip. Zoya looked at the stilettos and purse near her feet.

"Fuck that."

She slapped him across the face, the sound echoing across the house. You and Charlie faced me, both a little shocked and proud. As if that wasn't enough, as David's hands were on his stinging cheek, Zoya lifted up a knee and hit his groin. David buckled over in pain, falling to the ground, not being able to tolerate his injuries.

"Have a happy life, David," Zoya spat, turning around and walking out of the house. The three of us, from where we stood stunned, finally followed her.

"Holy shit," Charlie yelled, running after her, "That was amazing!" He hugged her, lifting her off of her feet and into the air. Laughter bubbled out of her lips as he spun her around and around.

Her laugh was musical. It had been so long since any of us had heard it. 

I looked at you. "Did you know that Charlie was going to do that?"

Laughing, you shook your head, your eyes still on the two of them.

"For as long as I've known him, he hasn't hurt a fly."

They remained in each other's embrace for several minutes.

That was the day that Charlie fixed Zoya's tattered heart.

It was the day that he gave her a piece of his.

(A/N) Getting close to the big reveal, guys!!!

As always, if you enjoyed, please VOTE and leave feedback!! :)

Dedicated to @randomdazzler for leaving me awesome feedback! :)

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