30. P.S.

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Here's the project I was working on.

I think you might want to see it.

~ * ~

L I S T E N      C L O S E L Y

or else you might miss it.

Have you heard the story of Pan? 

P E T E R      P A N ?

This one's a little different.

A boy flies through the night,

fleeing from age and time;

H O W    D O E S    H E    F L Y ?

I think the  C L O U D S  carry him, 

the  W I N D  steers,

the  S T A R S  light the way.

O N C E   U P O N   A   T I M E, 

Peter lost his way. Tinker left him behind; she left him for another boy who wore a hat like his.

So where is he now?

He's lost and doesn't know it. 

Maybe he's looking for his heart?

Who knows.

No one sees him.

He wanders the streets at times, 

whistling a tune silenced by the night

He kicks the rocks at his feet,

every now and then stubbing his bare toes.

One night,

he begins to grow.

His legs are longer, his hair falls over his forehead, and his hands are 

R E D .

The boy who wasn't supposed to grow up

G R E W    U P .

She sets out seeking inspiration.

Surrounding her are lights,

which fall in love with the way she smiles.

The flowers crave for her scent,

ears for her laughter.

She's heard stories of the magical place,

N E V E R L A N D ,

but she's never been.

One night,

she hears it.

The whistles, dancing with the silence of the stars.

The moon remains an ornament in the sky,

not revealing its secrets.

It witnesses all,

but tells none.

Her feet begin to move, 

one in front of the other.

She's sprinting;

she's  B R E A T H L E S S .

Flowers fall from a bouquet in her hands,

falling to pieces in the puddles below her feet.

It's dark, but she sees her.

Another girl. 

She's running, too, right beside her.

What is she doing?


She's chasing something.

They smile at each other.

The whistling grows louder.

In front of the two girls, 

a silver band shines bright, 

piercing through the unforgiving night.

It's rolling away from them. 

The other girl gasps as it hits another pair of shoes,

and it comes to a stop.

The boy has too many curls on his head.

She wants to count them, 

one, two, three,

but there's no time.

He bends down to pick it up, 

his face but a shadow of the darkness.

The other girl skids to a stop, stumbling over her own feet, movements out of control, chest heaving.

The girl watches as the boy walks towards the other girl.

He slips the ring onto her slim finger.

They smile, hands intertwined.


Black, long, terrifying talons

take him.

They wrap around his chest, his waist, legs, arms,

The other girl screams.

The whistling is louder.

The boy is  G O N E 

into the same darkness

that he came from.

The other girl wants to cry, 

but she can't.

She sits and stares as the ring.

The girl wants to stop and help her,

but she can't.

There's no 

T I M E .

So she keeps running.

Until the whistling stops.

She sees Peter,

tall, muscular, black hands, smileless.


She shouts,

and he turns to face her.

His eyes are golden?

They're golden, 

speckled with  J E W E L S .

She knows he's lost;

she needs to help him.

She takes his hand;

his lips remain sealed,

as he follows her, silently.

Among the darkness, 

there is light.

It's getting dimmer, 

and dimmer, 


d i m m e r .

His heart is pounding.

It's  H O M E .

It's Neverland.

He faces her,

begging her to come.

The same darkness that took the other boy

Is behind them,

talons inching closer and closer and closer.

She pushes him away from the darkness,

Go. I'm right behind you.

Peter trusts her.

Why wouldn't he?

So he lets the light engulf him,

and turns to look for the girl.

She isn't there.

His heart screams in agony.

She's  g o n e .

She let the darkness take her,

because in Neverland,

they could not be together.

There was only



O n e .

(a/n) Hmmm, something a little different.

so I just wanna take a second to thank the people who read this book, vote, and give me feedback; you guys are the best of the best. 

It means a lot to me.

There's one chapter left, and after that an epilogue.

I can't believe it's almost over :(

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